Title: Galactic Science: Star and Planet Formation
1Galactic ScienceStar and Planet Formation
- Michael Liu
- Andrea Ghez, Tom Greene, Lynne Hillenbrand,
Jessica Lu, Bruce Macintosh, Stan Metchev, Nevin
Weinberg - Keck SSC meeting, June 2006
2Galactic ScienceKey Science Cases
- Extrasolar Planets (Liu, Macintosh)
- Debris Disks (Metchev, Liu)
- Protostars (Hillenbrand, Greene)
- Galactic Center (Weinberg, Ghez, Lu)
3AO is critical for star/planet formation
There are/will be numerous wide-field surveys of
the sky for finding young stars of various ages
IRAS, Hipparcos, Chandra, Spitzer,
Follow-up observations of the relevant physical
scales are lt1 arcsec angular resolution high
contrast are critical
NGC 1333 34x26Spitzer/IRAC
4Why do we need NGAO?
- Very high-contrast near-IR imagingdirectly image
planets and debris disks - Large sky coveragestudy stars over a very wide
range of masses ages - Multi-band optical and IR wavelengthsdetermine
properties evolution of circumstellar material
5Obligatory star planet formation slide
6Obligatory star planet formation slide
7Resolving the protostellar environment
Use observed integrated-light SEDs high
resolution images to study the evolution of the
youngest stars.
8NGAO optical imaging of protostars
- Simulated I-band (scattered light) image of a
protostar with a massive envelope disk at 1 kpc
NGAO provides highest angular resolution of any
filled-aperture telescope (and complementary to
ALMA for this science).
9Obligatory star planet formation slide
10Debris Disks Extrasolar analogs to the asteroid
Kuiper Belt
Keck NGS H-band
Resolved disks are a goldmine for studying
- structure
- composition
- evolution
- low-mass planets
100s of these known from integrated light, but
only 12 resolved to date (2 by AO).
11Debris disks studies with NGAOsimulated 3-hour
H-band integration of massive Kuiper Belt in the
Pleiades (120 Myr, 130 pc)
Solar system model
High Strehl NGAO
Keck AO today
Undetectable Neptune with 11 resonant dust ring
NGAO could image many (10s-100s) analogs to the
young solar system, study other Kuiper Belts
low-mass planets
12Obligatory star planet formation slide
13Planets around VLM stars brown dwarfs
- Direct imaging and spectroscopy of planets easier
around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. - Study objects with SEDs atmospheres similar to
regular exoplanets, but perhaps with diff
origin. - High contrast LGS IR tiptilt needed.
14NGAO Planet detection sensitivity
- Very high contrast in near-IR enables imaging of
Jovian-mass planets around low-mass stars and
brown dwarfs.
- This can only be done by NGAO. The stars are too
optically faint for ExAO systems (Ilt8-9). - A unique avenue for testing planet formation
models, by using a wide range of stellar host
15NGAO opens a unique realm for high contrast
studies for a broad range of science programs.
16Why do we need NGAO?
- Very high-contrast near-IR imagingdirectly image
planets and debris disks - Large sky coveragestudy stars over a very wide
range of masses ages - Multi-band optical and IR wavelengthsdetermine
properties evolution of circumstellar material
17The End