Chapter 11 Atmosphere composition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 11 Atmosphere composition


Over geologic time, erupting volcanoes changed the atmosphere as they released ... are among the main mechanisms responsible for vertical movement of air masses, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 11 Atmosphere composition

Chapter 11 Atmosphere composition
  • There is little variability in the of the main
    components of the atmosphere, Nitrogen (78 ),
    and Oxygen (21 )
  • The percentages of water vapor and CO2 are the
    most variable of all components of the
    atmosphere. Together, they play a major role in
    regulating the amount of energy (E) absorbed by
    the atmosphere.
  • Water vapor (0 - 4)
  • - source of clouds, rain, snow
  • - Heat transfer from waters changes of state
    (liquid to solid, solid to liquid, liquid to gas)
    set atmosphere in motion creating weather and
  • CO2 (lt 1 ) can modify patterns of heat transfer
    within the atmosphere (see later)
  • Air has mass It is composed of various gases,
    and various solids that are present as very small

The Earths primitive atmosphere
  • Earths original atmosphere was probably composed
    mainly of methane and ammonia.
  • In the 1st billion years after Earths formation,
    there was much more volcanic activity than today.
  • Over geologic time, erupting volcanoes changed
    the atmosphere as they released gases (water
    vapor, chlorine, CO, CO2, hydrogen, nitrogen)
  • The Argon (Ar) in todays atmosphere began to
    accumulate, as radioactive decay of potasium
  • Over millions of years, as the planet cooled
    water vapor condensed and absorbed most of the
    CO2. Then, storm clouds formed and torrential
    rains fell.
  • It is thought that eventually this rain filled
    low basins in Earths surface, ultimately formed
    the early ocean.
  • Oxygen was probably made by the dissociation of
    H2O molecules, and later by photosynthesis of
    primitive cyanobacteria, the oldest known dating
    3.5 billion years old. Like todays
    cyanobacteria, they used solar energy to convert
    CO2 and water into sugar, and released O2 as a
    waste product.
  • - Cyanobacteria increased during Archaea are
    were most abundant during the Proterozoic.

The importance of Oxygen
  • Very important on Earth
  • - Most animals require Oxygen for respiration.
  • - Oxygen in the form of Ozone protects against
    UV radiation from the Sun (only a small fraction
    of the UV radiation that the Sun radiates
    reaches the Earth surface)
  • - UV radiation is damaging to living tissues.
  • Ozone (O3)
  • - Gas formed when high-energy UV splits O2
    molecules. The single O atoms combine with other
    O2 molecules to form O3.
  • - Occurs mainly as a layer 25 km above Earths
  • - Early life, mainly cyanobacteria, released
    large amounts of O2. Some of it became O3, which
    filtered UV radiation, and allowed other life
    forms to survive.
  • It appears that nearly all the oxygen we breathe
    today, and the O2 that all animals have breathed
    in the geologic past, was released into the
    atmosphere by photosynthesis.

Structure of the Atmosphere

Lower Atmospheric layers
  • Troposphere Layer closest to Earths surface
  • - Contains most of atmosphere mass, including
    water vapor.
  • - Most weather, and air pollution occurs here.
  • - Within this layer, T decreases as altitude
  • - Tropopause upper limit of Troposphere
    (gradual T decrease stops).
  • - at 16 km height in tropics
  • - at 9 km height over poles.
  • Stratosphere Mostly concentrated Ozone (O3)
  • - Absorbs more UV radiation than troposphere
  • - Heated Within this layer, T increases as
    altitude increases.
  • - Stratopause upper limit of Stratosphere
  • - 50 km above Earths surface (between 25-50 km
  • - gradual T increase stops

Upper Atmospheric layers
  • Mesosphere
  • - No concentrated O3
  • - Within this layer, temperature decreases with
  • - Mesopause upper limit of mesosphere (gradual
    T decrease stops)
  • Thermosphere
  • - very little air mass. Air molecules very
  • - Within this layer temperature increases with
    elevation, up to 1000 T.
  • - ionosphere upper part of thermosphere, made
    of electrically charged particles and lighter
  • Exosphere
  • - Light gases (He, Hydrogen are here)
  • - Marks transition of atmosphere and
    interplanetary gas (outer space is beyond it).
  • - Hydrogen and He molecules absorb solar
    radiation which increases their movement, and
    they escape the Earths gravitational field.
    Thus, there is a constant seepage of atmospheric
    gases into outer space.

Air temperature vs Altitude
  • Life on Earth flourishes in only a small layer of
    the atmosphere, closest to Earths surface ? The
  • It is unlikely for life as we know it to exist in
    any other layer, partly due to
  • - harsh temperatures (too hot in thermosphere
    and exosphere, too cold in mesosphere)
  • - lower amounts of O2 (highest in troposphere)
  • - absence of ozone (mesosphere, thermosphere,

Suns Energy transfer to Earth
  • All energy in the atmosphere comes from the SUN
  • Suns energy is transferred in 3 ways
  • RADIATION - transfer of E through space by all
    forms of electromagnetic waves
  • - all substances with T above absolute zero
    emit radiation.
  • - The higher the T of the substance, the
    shorter the wavelength it emits.
  • - Only 50 of all incoming solar radiation is
    absorbed directly or indirectly by Earths
    surface (15 is absorbed by the atmosphere)
  • - 35 is reflected (6 by atmosphere, 25 from
    clouds, 4 by Earths surface).

  • (More on Radiation)
  • - Different areas absorb E and heat up at
    different rates
  • - water heats up and cools down slower than
  • - darker objects absorb E faster, so they heat
    up faster.
  • - Solar radiation does not heat up the air
  • - Most solar radiation passing thru the
    atmosphere is of short wavelength, and therefore
    much of it passes thru the atmosphere and is
    absorbed by Earths surface.
  • - The surface radiates energy in longer
    wavelengths, and thus does not pass again thru
    the atmosphere It is absorbed by the atmosphere
    and warms-up the air (by conduction and
  • CONDUCTION Transfer of E that occurs when
    molecules collide.
  • - For conduction to occur among two substances,
    the 2 substances must be in contact.
  • - conduction affects a very thin layer of the
    atmosphere, closest to Earths surface.
  • CONVECTION Transfer of energy by the flow of a
    heated substance.
  • - pockets of air near Earths surface are
    heated, become less dense than surrounding air,
    and rise.
  • - as air rises, it expands and cools down. As it
    cools, it increases in density and sinks. Then
    they heat again and start to rise again
  • - Convection currents are among the main
    mechanisms responsible for vertical movement of
    air masses, which cause different types of

Heat transfer thru the atmosphere -The car in
the parking lot analogy
  • Why does the inside of a closed, parked car heat
    up, while the windows stay cool ?
  • The windows are much like the atmosphere They
    allow incoming radiation to pass through without
    much absorption.
  • The inside of the car, though, is like Earths
    surface It absorbs the incoming energy and
    converts it into heat. This heat, however, cannot
    pass back through the windows, and thus the
    inside of the car warms up.
  • ? Never leave anything alive (plant, animal or
    person) inside a closed car. If is it hot
    outside, it will get hotter inside. If it is not
    hot.. it is still illegal and you should not do
    it anyway regardless of the temperature.

3 ways of transfer of SUN energy through the
Lowest air density
Decreasing air density
Shorter wavelength
Increasing air density
Longer wavelength
Temperature vs Heat
  • Heat- Transfer of energy that occurs because of a
    difference in temperature between 2 substances
    (Total kinetic energy of all the atoms and
    molecules in a substance)
  • Temperature-
  • - refers to intensity (the degree of hotness).
  • Measurement of how rapidly or slowly molecules
    move around (measurement of the average kinetic
    energy of the individual atoms in a substance)
  • - When heat is applied to a substance, its atoms
    move more and faster? its temperature rises
  • - When heat is removed, its atoms move less and
    more slowly ? its temperature drops.
  • Heat flows from higher areas of higher T to
    areas of lower T (Differences in temperature
    determine the direction of heat flow)
  • 3 Temperature scales
  • - Kelvin is the SI unit. At a temperature of
    absolute 0 (0 Kelvin, molecular activity
    theoretically stops).
  • - Celsius is convenient because the difference
    between boiling and freezing points is exactly
  • - F is used because of tradition only.

Nothing can be colder than absolute (0 K)
The Greenhouse effect
  • 50 of solar energy that strikes the top of the
    atmosphere actually reaches Earths surface. Most
    of this energy is re-radiated upwards, at longer
    wavelengths than solar radiation.
  • The atmosphere absorbs the longer wavelengths
    emitted by Earth (terrestrial radiation), but
    does not absorb much of the solar radiation
    (shorter wavelengths) instead, it lets much of
    the solar radiation pass thru to Earths surface.
  • Water vapor and CO2 are the principal absorbing
    gases, but especially water vapor.
  • The lower troposphere has the highest
    concentration of water vapor, and thus becomes
    warm (from terrestrial radiation). Therefore, the
    atmosphere heats up from the bottom up, not from
    the top down. This is the reason that within the
    troposphere, temperature decreases with altitude
    (the farther from the radiator the Earth, the
    lower the T)
  • Gases in the atmosphere warm-up when they absorb
    terrestrial radiation. They then radiate that
    energy away, both upwards (towards other gas
    molecules) and downwards (back towards Earth).
    Since the water vapor is lower upwards, most of
    that energy is radiated downwards. As a result,
  • Earths surface continuously receives heat from
    the atmosphere, as well as from the Sun (this is
    called the Greenhouse Effect). Without the
    atmosphere to absorb some of the heat, Earth
    would be inhospitable (too hot).
  • Gases in the atmosphere act as the glass roof of
    a greenhouse (allow shorter wavelengths in, thus
    warming the objects inside, and then let longer
    wavelengths out)

Dew Point and Condensation
  • Dew Point Temperature to which air must be
    cooled at constant pressure to reach saturation.
  • Saturation Point at which the air holds the
    maximum amount possible of water vapor.
  • Condensation When matter changes state, from
    gas to liquid (water vapor becomes liquid).
  • - condensation does not occur until saturation
    has been reached.
  • - The dew point is often called the condensation

Vertical temperature changes
  • Masses of air moving upward thru the atmosphere
    experience changes in T.
  • DALR (Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate) The rate at
    which air will cool if no heat is added or
    removed. (10 C/1000 m)
  • LCL (Lifted Condensation Level) The height to
    which air rises, and because its T has
    decreased, condensation occurs.
  • - The base of clouds often corresponds to the
  • MALR (Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate) the rate at
    which air cools above the LCL (slower than at
  • - 4 C/1000 m (very warm air)
  • - 9 C/1000 m (in very cold air)

Pressure /T / Density relationship
  • Particles of gas are constantly pulled towards
    the center of the Earth (gravitational forces).
  • Thus, air exerts pressure on everything under it.
  • - Near the bottom of the atmosphere (closest to
    Earth), pressure is highest
  • - Pressure decreases with elevation, because
    there are less air particles exerting pressure.
  • The density of air is proportional to the number
    of particles in a given space.
  • - The lesser the of particles, the lesser the
  • - The upper part of atmosphere exerts pressure
    on lower levels, increasing the density of the
    air at lower levels.
  • - At the top of a mountain, the following
    variables are all less than at lower elevations
    temperature, pressure, and density
  • T and pressure Directly proportional
  • T and density Inversely proportional
  • -Thus, air rises when its T increases, because
  • it becomes less dense.
  • In real situations, temperature is proportional
  • to the ratio of pressure to density, which
  • decreases with increasing altitude. (This is
  • because all 3 variables are changing in
  • in response to altitude)

Temperature inversions
  • Temperature inversion an increase in
    temperature with height in an atmospheric layer.
  • - This is an exception to the general
    relationship between temperature and pressure in
    the troposphere. Thus the relationship is
  • Several possible causes. The most common
  • - When the lower layers of the atmosphere are
    not receiving heat from Earths surface (the
    surface is not heating up but cooling down). Thus
    the surface of the Earth is not re-radiating
    energy into the lower levels of the atmosphere.
    This can happen on cold, clear, winter nights
    when the wind is calm.
  • In many large cities (Mexico City, Bogotá, Los
    Angeles, etc.), temperature inversions can trap
    pollution under the inversion layer (most
    commonly closest to Earth surface and areas of
    densest human habitation)
  • - Air rises only when it is less dense than the
    air around it.
  • - In a temperature inversion, a layer of cooler
    air exists under a layer of warmer air. The
    cooler air is denser so it cannot rise through
    the less dense air to be dispersed.
  • - The cool air, with the pollutants produce at
    the surface (city pollutants) are trapped in the
    area below the less dense air.

  • The unequal heating and cooling of Earths
    surfaces, causes density imbalances (parcels of
    air having higher, or lower density).
  • - Density imbalances create areas of high and
    low pressure.
  • - Cool, denser air, sinks and forces warm, less
    dense air upward.
  • - Air masses are therefore set in motion. The
    movement is generally from areas of high density
    to areas of low density
  • Wind usually measured in miles/h, km/h, or knots
    (most frequently on ships but sometimes on land,
    particularly coastal areas).
  • Friction Affects wind speed, depending on
    contact surfaces
  • - close to Earths surface ? highest frictional
  • - farther up into atmosphete ? lower friction
  • - Solids (land) cause more frictional loss than
  • - Irregular surfaces cause more frictional loss
    than smooth surfaces.
  • Some types of winds
  • - Katabatic winds wind blowing downslope of a
  • - If the katabatic wind gets warmer during its
    downslope journey, it is called a foen. There
    are several types of foens, some capable of
    elevating the air temperature by as much as 30 C
    in just 15 minutes. Foens often cause
    grass/forest fires to spread rapidly.

Relative Humidity
  • Expressed as a percent ()
  • It is the ratio of water vapor in a volume of
    air, relative to how much water vapor that same
    volume of air could actually hold.
  • - If a volume of air is holding as much water as
    it can, then the relative humidity is 100
  • - It the air holds ½ the maximum amount
    possible, then the relative amount is 50
  • - Air is saturated when the ratio of water vapor
    in it is equal to the maximum volume of water it
    can hold (1/1 100 relative humidity). At
    saturation, condensation takes place (change of
    state of water, from vapor to liquid)
  • The maximum amount of water a parcel of air can
    hold depends on the air temperature
  • - Warm air can hold more water vapor (moisture)
    than cold air
  • - Cold air can hold less water vapor, so it gets
    saturated first (at a lower total water volume)
  • Importance of water vapor
  • - The source of all clouds and precipitation
  • - Absorbs heat given off by Earth (re-radiated)
  • - Absorbs heat from Sun

The Ozone layer and its Depletion
  • For nearly 1 billion years, the ozone layer in
    the atmosphere has protected life from
    ultraviolet radiation.
  • In the last 50-100 years, increased use of CFCs
    (chlorofluorocarbons) has reduced the ozone layer
    to dangerous levels, which allow more UV to pass
    thru. Chlorine in CFCs destroys ozone molecules.
  • CFCs are convenient materials used in various
  • - manufacturing of some plastics (foams like
  • - coolants for air conditioning/refrigeration
  • - propellants for aerosol sprays
  • UV causes skin cancer, which has increased
    dramatically is some regions, particularly
    southern and northern hemispheres, and more in
    higher latitudes (north and south). UV also can
    damage DNA and induce mutations.
  • In 1974, 3 scientists (Crutzen, Rowland Molina)
    alerted the world of this problem. At first they
    were not taken very seriously, but in 1995 were
    given the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
  • Beginning in 1987, and increasing number of
    countries have agreed to efforts to reduce and
    eliminate CFC production and use, as part of the
    now called Montreal Protocol. Currently 172
    countries adhere to it.
  • There are several alternatives now in use, in
    place of CFCs. They dont contain Chlorine, and
    therefore dont damage the ozone HFAs
    (hydrofluoroakanes), and HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons

Southern Hemisphere, Spring 2001 (the worst seen
Southern Hemisphere Spring 1998
  • Air buoyancy- Tendency to rise or sink (warm,
    less dense air has higher buoyancy and therefore
    it rises).
  • Condensation nuclei Small particles, actually
    many microscopic (dust, sea salt, etc.), around
    which water condenses when it reaches the air
    masses reach the dew point (and therefore

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