Title: Pennsylvania Innovation Driven by Collaboration
1Pennsylvania Innovation Driven by Collaboration
- Presented by the Pennsylvania Workforce
Investment Board and the South Central
Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board
- A complete overhaul of the Commonwealth's
workforce development system - Dual focus on businesses and jobseekers
- Makes the most of available resources, helps
workers acquire good-paying jobs and establishes
a workforce development culture that's efficient
and responsive to worker and employer training
3(No Transcript)
4Successful Partnerships
- Are Industry Led
- Engage Multiple Partners
- Private Industry All Sizes
- Education
- Organized Labor
- Regional Economic Development Partners
- Department Of Public Welfare
- Department Of Community Economic Development
- Local Workforce Investment Boards
- Department Of Labor Industry
- PA CareerLinks (One Stops)
- Elected Officials
5Successful Partnerships
- Aggregate Resources
- Establish Curriculum Guidelines
- Engage In Regional Alliances
- Develop Career Pathways/Ladders
- Share Best Practices
- Develop Sustainability Plans
- Evaluate Processes
- Strive for High Performance Proficiency
6State Implementations
- Regional meetings with LWIBs, IP organizers,
educational providers, etc. - Sector specific meetings
- PA Industry Partnership Academy
- PA Center for Health Careers
- Encourage cross - industry, cross - region
alliances - Technical assistance
7A General Overview of PAs Incumbent Worker
Training Programs Each program targets a
different need of employers and has a unique set
of guidelines and eligibility criteria.
- Â Industry Partnership Worker Training - Funded
by the PA Department of Labor Industry. - Aggregated, high skill training that is not
covered under the Guaranteed Free Training
program (WEDnetPA). - Addresses the training needs of multiple
employers within an Industry Partnership and
enhances the competitiveness of its member
companies. - Customized Job Training (CJT) - Funded by the PA
Department of Community and Economic Development - Customized, higher level or advanced training
that is not covered under the Guaranteed Free
Training program - Workforce Economic
Development of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA)
8A General Overview of PAs Incumbent Worker
Training Programs
Guaranteed Free Training Funded by the PA
Department of Community and Economic
Development  Basic Skills Business Operations,
Communication Teamwork, Computer Operations,
Manufacturing Fundamentals, Quality Assurance,
etc. Â IT Skills Database Development, Computer
Programming, Website Design, Network
Administration, Information Security,
E-Commerce/Business, Advanced Applied
Manufacturing Technology (CAD, CAM, CNC, PLC),
etc. Pennsylvania Workforce Improvement Network
(PA WIN) - Funded by the PA Department of
Education, Bureau of Adult Basic and Literacy
Education (ABLE) Â Foundation Skills Basic
Employability Skills (interpersonal skills,
self-management, teamwork, etc.) Basic
Workplace Skills (reading, writing, listening,
observing, etc.) Basic Workplace Knowledge
(organizational structure, health safety
concepts, etc.) Â English as a Second Language
9Successes Realized
- Worker Pipeline youth engagement, adult
development - Career Awareness
- Career Pathways/Advancement
- HR Practice Changes
- Business Competitiveness
10Partnerships are the Key to Success
Organizationally, Professionally Personally
- Employee Retention
- Personal/Professional Gains
- Industry Credentialing
- Articulation Agreements
- Interagency Cooperation
- An Educated Workforce is a Competitive Workforce
11Regional Career Education Partnerships for
- Connecting Todays Youth to Careers of Tomorrow
12A Statewide Initiative
- The PA Department of Labor Industry
- And
- The PA Workforce Investment Board
- In support of
- The PA Department of Educations
- High School Reform Agenda
- (Project 720)
- Promote career preparation for students
- Partner with Project 720 high schools to address
key career-related elements of the reform agenda - Work with the Commonwealth on broad strategies
that encourage employers to support PAs vision
for high school reform
14RCEPs are Intermediaries
- Convene key leaders and stakeholders
- Connect community partners and resources
- Measure and evaluate impacts of efforts
- Sustain efforts that strengthen ongoing
15Specifically, RCEPs
- Establish work-based pathways
- Assist schools with implementing Academic
Standards for Career Education and Work - Develop comprehensive, flexible processes for
establishing positive working relationships - Develop in-school career preparation programs
aligned with PAs career clusters and high
priority occupations including STEM
- In two years
- 110,000 students
- 3,200 employers
- 3,000 paid and unpaid internships
- 1,300 educators in the workplace
- 1,800 students in dual enrollments
- 4,400 students enrolled in postsecondary
17- PA Youth in Transition
- (PAYT)
- Re-engaging Dropouts and Youth
- Aging out of Foster Care
18A Statewide Collaboration
- PA Departments of
- Labor Industry
- Education
- Public Welfare
19Purpose of PAYT
- Establish community partnerships to examine the
issues around improving education options and
life outcomes for the large and growing number of
dropouts and youth aging out of foster care
- Reconnect these most vulnerable youth to high
quality educational options earning a high school
diploma or GED leading to postsecondary education
credentials and successful careers
21Nine PAYT Pilots
- Based on the Funders Group Model that addresses
Four Key Elements - Collection and Use of Data
- High Quality Education Options
- Policy Barriers
- Strengthening Community Partnership
22Support and Evaluation
- Technical Assistance from Philadelphia Youth
Network (PYN) - Evaluation of Individual Projects
- Identify successful approaches to create models
for replication across the Commonwealth - Evaluation of Statewide Initiative
23South Central PA Workforce Investment Area
- Eight Counties
- Policy Development
- Fiscal Oversight
- Largest Worker Population
- 16 Industry Partnerships, RCEP, Project 720, Job
Training Fund Equipment Grants, Nursing Shortage
Activities, etc.
24Building a Skilled Workforce
- Active Board Engagement
- Demand-Driven
- Data-Driven
- Sustainability
- High Performance
- Integration-Collaboration
- Communication/Awareness
25Industry PartnershipsGrowth Development by
26Industry PartnershipsGrowth Development by
27Industry Partnership Themes
- Administrative
- Role of the Coordinator
- Governance Structure
- Uniform Standards
- Regionalism
- Labor-Management
- Awareness
- Sustainability
- Leveraging Resources
- Program
- Shifting Paradigms - Relevancy
- Training
- Career Pathways
- Pipeline
- Soft Skill Development
- Diversity
- Technology
- Globalization
- Enhancing Business Models
28Industry Partnerships SCWIB Role Transformation
29Preparing Youth for Tomorrow Workforce
Development Integration
- Educate Dispel the Myths
- Transformation
- Demand-Driven
- Data Driven
- Collaboration
- Awareness
30Preparing Youth for TomorrowEducation
Workforce Collaboration
- Key Stakeholders
- Industry Partnerships, RCEP, K-12, VoTech/CTCs,
US DoL, LWIB, Youth Council, State, etc. - Career Development Pathways
- http//www.pacareerstandards.com/
- Outcomes
- State Local Resource Alignment, Marketing, Best
Practice Sharing - Integration Communication - Collaboration
- Careers Awareness Week
31South Central Workforce Investment
Board(SCWIB)Healthcare Steering Committee
- Structure under SCWIB since 2004
- Acute Care, Long Term Care, Home Health
- Industry Driven- Education providers participate
without voting.
- Strategic Plan instrumental to success
- 3 Initiatives
- Recruitment
- Retention
- Education Capacity
- Health Careers Awareness Week
- State Nurse Initiative Grants
- Allied Health
- Minority Recruitment
- Incumbent Worker Training
- Nurse Residency Training
- Supply Data and Research
- Older Workers Project
36Education Capacity
- Faculty Capacity
- Clinical Capacity
37Contact Information