Title: EDA Mission
1EDA Mission
U.S. Economic Development Administration
- To lead the federal economic development agenda
by promoting innovation and competitiveness,
preparing American regions for growth and success
in the worldwide economy.
2U.S. Economic Development Administration
Investment Programs
- Public Works
- Economic Adjustment
- Planning
- Technical Assistance
- Trade Adjustment Assistance
- Research
3U.S. Economic Development Administration
PhiladelphiaRegional Office
Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia
Maine Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire
New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island
Vermont Virginia West Virginia Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands
Approximately 28 of the Nations Economy
4Funding Applications
U.S. Economic Development Administration
- Rolling Basis
- Public Works
- Economic Adjustment
- Planning
- Local Technical Assistance
Annual Basis National Technical
Assistance Research Trade Adjustment Assistance
Eligible Applicants
Economic Development Districts, States, City
and Local Governments, Indian Tribes, Colleges
and Universities, Nonprofit Organizations
5Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
U.S. Economic Development Administration
- CEDS A long range plan that evaluates
- the state of a region, makes recommendations
- and prioritizes projects
- Proposed projects must be recognized within
- a regions CEDS
- Participate with your regional body typically a
- Planning Commission or Council of Governments
- For examples http//www.nado.org/resources/CEDS/i
6EDA Investment Priorities
- Priority will be given to proposals that
- Enhance regional competitiveness and support
long-term development of the regional economy
for example - Upgrade core business infrastructure including
transportation, communications, and specialized
training program infrastructure. - Reflect and implement a regional strategy that
involves all stakeholders and - Supports regional benchmarking initiatives
- Encourages institutional collaboration
- Reflects strong leadership commitment and
- Encourages a formalized structure to maintain
7Investment Eligibility
U.S. Economic Development Administration
- Primary Measures of Distress
- The most recent 24 month unemployment
- rate exceeds the national rate by at least
- one percent
- Per Capita Income is 80 or less than the
- national level
8U.S. Economic Development Administration
Be market-based and results-driven. Have strong
organizational leadership. Advance
productivity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Look beyond the immediate economic horizon,
anticipate economic changes, and diversify the
local and regional economy. Demonstrate a high
degree of commitment by exhibiting High
levels of local-government or nonprofit matching
funds and private-sector leverage. Clear
and unified leadership and support by local
elected officials. Strong cooperation
between the business sector, relevant regional
partners, and local, state, and federal
9Funding Applications
U.S. Economic Development Administration
- EDA has been allocated 150 million through
the American Recovery and Reinvestment ACT
100 million for Public Works and Facilities
Development or Economic Adjustment
50 million must be used for Economic Adjustment
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