Title: The International Year of Astronomy
1(No Transcript)
2The International Year of Astronomy
To help the citizens of the world rediscover
their place in the Universe through the day- and
night time sky, and thereby engage a personal
sense of wonder and discovery.
A global celebration of astronomy and its
contributions to society and culture, highlighted
by the 400th anniversary of the first use of an
astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei.
3Goals Objectives
- Increase scientific awareness.
- Promote widespread access to new knowledge and
observing experiences. - Empower astronomical communities in developing
countries. - Support and improve formal and informal science
education. - Provide a modern image of science and
scientists. - Facilitate new networks and strengthen existing
ones. - Improve the gender-balanced representation of
scientists at all levels and promote greater
involvement by underrepresented minorities in
scientific and engineering careers. - Facilitate the preservation and protection of
the worlds cultural and natural heritage of dark
skies and historical astronomical sites.
4Organizational Structure
IAU Executive Committee
IAU Executive Committee Working Group
Founding Org.
IYA Secretariat
National Node Chairs
Task Groups
Partners Associates
National Nodes Organizational Nodes
- National
- e.g. Sidewalk Astronomy
- Astronomy Olympiad
- Open Doors
- Star parties
- Public Talks
- Exhibitions
- Stamps
- Regional
- e.g. Astronomy as a Cultural Heritage
- Star parties
- Global
- e.g. 24 Hours of Astronomy
- The Cheapscope
- She is an Astronomer_at_success.com
- The Portal to the Universe
- The Sky seen from Below
6Get Involved
- Contact your National Single Point of Contact
- http//www.astronomy2009.org/content/view/29/41/
- Participate in (or propose the creation of) one
of the Task Groups - http//www.astronomy2009.org/content/view/124/52/
- Submit an Activity
- Name of the Activity
- Short description
- Is it a national (which?), regional (which?) or
global activity? - If it is national E-mail of the National Node
chair (Single Point of Contact) - Date of the Activity
- Contact Person and email address
- Web link to the Activity (if there is one)
- Send to iyasecretary_at_astronomy2009.org
- AAS (Seattle, USA), January 2007
- ESO (Garching, Germany), 34 March 2007
- www.communicatingastronomy.org/iya_eso
- CAP2007 (Athens, Greece), 811 October 2007
- www.communicatingastronomy.org/cap2007
8Europlanet Single Point of Contact
Dr. Jean-Pierre Lebreton Europlanet Outreach
Activities Coordinator European Space Agency -
ESTEC RSSD/ESTEC Postbus 299 2200 AG
Noordwijk Netherlands Tel 31 71 565 3600 Fax
31 71 565 4697 E-mail jean-pierre.lebreton_at_esa.i
9 Info
IYA 2009 Secretariat
Hubble European Space Agency Information
Centre Space Telescope-European Coordinating
Facility ESO Garching Munich
Germany Contact Pedro Russo prusso_at_eso.org
11 Astronomy
Today I am Galileo . . .
Knowledge Creativity Multicultural
Dialogue European and Global Neighboarhoad Climate
Stories behind science/Scientists How Science ins
done Language and Arts components
Science History Language Arts
50 Schools in each participant nation Each school
must collaborate with 3 different coutnries
chosen aleatoryly
Tomorrow I am Darwin
12 Today I am Galileo . . .
Journalists Reports National/ International
(Local 3 nations) Galileo/ Darwin
Appearance in each country (How/when)
How is celebrated in your country
Cosmology in your culture How ideas on
life on Earth / SS / Universe evolved in your
nation Future of Space Expl. and the
participation of your country
History / Science/ Language/ English Teachers
Tomorrow I am Darwin
13 Today I am Galileo . . .
Scientists Reproduce Galileo Observations
and its consequences for a different cosmological
model Build World Sun Map (Altitude, Activity x
climate) Stick Shadow World Map Crescent Moon
Map X-Solar planets monitoring and
modelling Planetary Climate x Different
Stars Habitable zone (life in the
Universe) Sky Map design (Define
Science Teachers / Amateur Astronomers
Tomorrow I am Darwin
14 Today I am Galileo . . .
Artists Colour Images (Acquired / Data base) ?
Salsa J Galileo Observations
Drawing Alien Van Gogh
ICT / Arts Teachers
Enquiries What people in your culture think
about life on the Universe
What people know about the current model of our
Universe Is Earth at the center of the
Universe Is the Sun at the center of the
Universe Are we unique
What people think about the future of space
Tomorrow I am Darwin
15 Your Ideas and Help
is very very important
Today I am Galileo . . .
Material for distribution with pedagogical
content Prizes for all participants
schools Production of pedagogical content for the
resources platforms Itinerary Exhibition
Tomorrow I am Darwin