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Why the trend to be non-denom.? Many want something different, 'new,' more modern, and casual. ... doctrine of the Trinity, establishes a de facto denomination. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Are We Truly Non-Denominational?
The Trend to be
  • In a report on mega-churches, the Hartford
    Seminary Research Institute explained that many
    mega-churches are nondenominational and most
    others often act as such, but that the vast
    majority does belong to a denomination.
    Weekly Standard, June
    19, 2006

Why the trend to be non-denom.?
  • Many want something different, new, more
    modern, and casual.
  • Many seek to be non-traditional and reject the
    denominational church of their youth.
  • Many seek to escape the need for authority,
    doctrine, leadership, and organization.

  • Do we really understand what it
    means to be non-denominational?

What is a Denomination?
  • 1. A large group of religious congregations
    united under a common faith and name and
    organized under a single administrative and legal
  • 2. One of a series of kinds, values, or sizes, as
    in a system of currency or weights Cash
    registers have compartments for bills of
    different denominations
  • 3. A name or designation, especially for a class
    or group. The American Heritage Dictionary

What is a Denomination?
  • 4. a religious organization whose congregations
    are united in their adherence to its beliefs and
    practices - Merriam-Webster Online

A group of churches that has chosen a specific
name to identify themselves.
  • A designated name to separate themselves from
    other religious groups
  • There is nothing wrong with choosing a specific
    name in order to make a distinction from other
    religious groups, provided the name is a name
    given by God in the Scriptures (e.g., Rom. 1616
    1 Cor. 12 1 Tim. 315 etc.).

A Denomination Therefore is
  • A group of churches (two or more) that follow a
    specific tradition, teaching, and practice (which
    is often based on man-made creeds, not the Bible
  • A group of churches under the authority of an
    administrative body.
  • A group of churches united to accomplish a work
    that was meant to be fulfilled by the local
    church or individual Christians.

Where did all of the denominations come from?
  • Only by sowing the right kind of seed (Gods
    word) will Christians be the result (Luke 811
    cf. Rom. 116).
  • Not being content with the teachings of
    Scripture, men went beyond Scripture (1
    Cor. 46 2 John 9) and added to and took away
    from Gods word (Rev. 2218-19).
  • Whenever the wrong seed is used, the teaching
    of men instead of Gods word, a denomination is
    formed (Gal. 67-8).

Galatians 67 (NASB)
  • Do not be deceived, God is not mocked for
    whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.

  • One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (120 AD)
  • Oriental Orthodox Church (451 AD)
  • Roman Catholics (1054 AD)
  • Lutheran Church (1520)
  • The Church of England Established (1535)
  • Presbyterian Church (1550)
  • The Baptist Churches (1607-1611ff.).
  • The Congregational church (1608)
  • Episcopal Church (1609)
  • The Methodist Church (1729).
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  • Seventh Day Adventism (1846).
  • Christian Science (1875)
  • The Jehovahs Witnesses (1884).
  • Pentecostal Churches The Church of God

Denominationalism is the worlds concept of
  • The world defines the worldwide church of Christ
    not as strictly Christians only, but as various
    denominational churches.

Gods People (The Saved)
Ch. Of God
Church of Christ
Chart by Donnie Rader
Whats wrong with Denominationalism?
  • Denominational Christianity is foreign and
    contrary to the New Testament.
  • Denominations are sinful, simply by the fact that
    there is no authority by Christ in His Word for
    them to exist.

Whats wrong with Denominationalism?
  • Denominational Christianity is foreign and
    contrary to the New Testament.
  • Denominations promote division.

1 Corinthians 110 (NASB)
  • Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our
    Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree, and there
    be no divisions among you, but you be made
    complete in the same mind and in the same
    judgment. cf. Gal.

Denominationalism goes against the desire of
  • John 1717, 20-21 (NASB) 17 Sanctify them in
    the truth Thy word is truth 20 "I do not ask in
    behalf of these alone, but for those also who
    believe in Me through their word 21 that they
    may all be one even as Thou, Father, art in Me,
    and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us that
    the world may believe that Thou didst send Me.

Whats wrong with Denominationalism?
  • Denominational Christianity is foreign and
    contrary to the New Testament.
  • Denominations promote division.
  • Denominations lead to the establishment of
    man-made creeds.

What is a Creed?
  • CREED (a confession or rule of faith), is an
    authoritative statement in a precise written or
    oral form that formally and publicly declares the
    beliefs and doctrines of a religious group.

  • Whenever a denomination is formed, men feel the
    need to establish an official consensus or
    agreement in what is believed by
    their members and
    thus has turned to creeds.

The problems with creeds are abundant!
  • They are not inspired (2 Tim 316) and thus are
    imperfect, grossly insufficient, and always
    needing to be revised.
  • Creeds cannot build genuine saving faith, only
    Gods word can (Rom 1017)
  • Creeds often add mans wisdom, traditions, and
    philosophies (Col. 28) and take away from Gods
    word (Rev. 2218-19).

The problems with creeds are abundant!
  • Creeds have been used as divisive instruments,
    teaching people how others are wrong and how they
    are right discouraging Bible study with those who

Whats wrong with Denominationalism?
  • Denominational Christianity is foreign and
    contrary to the New Testament.
  • Denominations promote division.
  • Denominations lead to the establishment of
    man-made creeds.
  • Denominations create followers of men, not
    Disciples of Christ.

1 Corinthians 111-13 (NASB)
  • 11 For I have been informed concerning you, my
    brethren, by Chloe's people, that there are
    quarrels among you. 12 Now I mean this, that each
    one of you is saying, "I am of Paul," and "I of
    Apollos," and "I of Cephas," and "I of Christ."
    13 Has Christ been divided? Paul was not
    crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized
    in the name of Paul?

Whats wrong with Denominationalism?
  • Foreign and contrary to the N.T.
  • Promote division.
  • Lead to the establishment of creeds
  • Create followers of men
  • Destroys the autonomy (self-govern) and
    independence of local churches

Church Autonomy
  • The New Testament teaches that each local church
    must be independent and autonomous from one
  • This is not to say they cannot help each other
    when in need (e.g., Benevolence Acts 1127-30
    2 Cor. 8)

1 Peter 51-3 (NASB)
  • 1Therefore, I exhort the elders (i.e. pastors,
    overseers ML) among you, as your fellow elder
    and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a
    partaker also of the glory that is to be
    revealed, 2 shepherd the flock of God among you,
    exercising oversight not under compulsion, but
    voluntarily, according to the will of God and
    not for sordid gain, but with eagerness 3 nor
    yet as lording it over those allotted to your
    charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
    cf. Acts 2028

Denominational leaders unlawfully extending their
rule over many congregations.
  • EXAMPLE Methodists are governed primarily
    through a series of conferences ranging from the
    General Conference which meets every four years
    and which is described as The one lawmaking
    body, through Jurisdictional, Annual, District,
    Quarterly, and Church Conferences. Methodists
    have bishops elected by the Jurisdictional
    Conference which oversee work in a broad
    geographic area. They appoint District
    Superintendents to assist with the work in each

    from Church History by John D. Cox

Not even the apostles
ruled in this way!
  • 2 Corinthians 124 (NASB) Not
    that we lord it over your faith, but are workers
    with you for your joy for in your faith you are
    standing firm.

  • Denominational churches often
    sacrifice their independence and free will to
    think and stand on their own for the Lord and His

Autonomous churches safeguard against widespread
destruction (e.g., false doctrine)
A stone thrown at this window would only break
one pane. Without each window in sections, just
one stone could destroy it all!
The One Church of Christ is Comprised
of Christians, not Churches.
  • There is only one Body or Church.
  • There are not many bodies as taught by

Denominational Viewof Christ as Head of Many
Many Bodies One Head
John 15!?!
Chart from Andy Alexander
John 155 (NASB)
  • I am the vine, you (My disciples ML) are the
    branches he who abides in Me, and I in him, he
    bears much fruit for apart from Me you can do

Christ is Head of One Body
One Body - Eph. 44 216 36 523 cf. Rom.
124-5 1 Cor. 1212-13, 20
There is one body (Eph. 44) Body Church
(Eph. 122-23 Col. 118) Therefore, ONE CHURCH
John 1016 (NASB)
  • And I have other sheep, which are not of this
    fold I must bring them also, and they shall hear
    My voice and they shall become one flock with
    one shepherd. cf. 1 Pet. 225

Matthew 1618 (NASB)
  • And I also say to you that you are Peter, and
    upon this rock I will build My church and the
    gates of Hades shall not overpower it.

  • There was just ONE church purposed (Eph.
    310-11), prophesied (Dan. 244-45 Heb. 1223,
    28), and promised by God (Mat. 1618).

The One Church of Christ is Comprised
of Christians, not Churches.
  • There is only one Body or Church.
  • Every person who is saved (becomes a Christian)
    is added to His church.

Acts 241, 47b (NKJV)
  • 41 Then those who gladly received his word were
    baptized and that day about three thousand souls
    were added to them. 47 And the Lord added to the
    church daily those who were being saved.

1 Corinthians 1213 (NASB)
  • For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one
    body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or
    free, and we were all made to drink of one
    Spirit. cf. Col. 118 Heb. 1223

The Church is comprised of Christians, not local
churches or denominations.

One Christian
The One Church of Christ is Comprised
of Christians, not Churches.
  • There is only one Body or Church.
  • Every person who is saved (becomes a Christian)
    is added to His church.
  • Individual Christians (who already belong to the
    Lords church), then have a duty to work and
    worship with other Christians, establishing local
    churches of Christ.

  • Christians are authorized by Gods word to
    organize themselves into local churches of
    Christ to collectively
    worship God and carry out the work of the church.

Romans 1616 (NASB)
  • Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the
    churches of Christ greet you.

Are we Behaving as Non-denominational
Christians Should?
  • Do you have a non-denom. mindset?
  • Do you refuse to speak in denominational ways of
    your faith?
  • Do you lead people to Christ or merely to the
    local church of your choice (regarding the
    church like a denom. preference)?
  • Do we expose or condone error of denom.?
  • Dont confuse being non-denominational with being

How Can a Local Church Be Non-Denominational?
  • Indepedence and autonomy are essential, but not
  • Respect Christ as Head over the church by obeying
    His Word.

Ephesians 122-23 (NASB)
  • 22 And He put all things in subjection under His
    feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the
    church, 23 which is His body, the fulness of Him
    who fills all in all. cf. Mat. 2818 Col.
    118 317

How Can a Local Church Be Non-Denominational?
  • Indepedence and autonomy are essential, but not
  • Respect Christ as Head over the church by obeying
    His Word.
  • The Faith is taught (Eph. 45 Jude 3 Acts
    165), not something different.

1 Corinthians 417 (NASB)
  • For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, who
    is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, and
    he will remind you of my ways which are in
    Christ, just as I teach everywhere in every
    church. cf. 1 Cor.
    717 161 1 Pet. 411 Luke 2220

How Can a Local Church Be Non-Denominational?
  • Indepedence and autonomy are essential, but not
  • Respect Christ as Head over the church by obeying
    His Word.
  • The Faith is taught, not something different.
  • Non-denominational does not mean not standing for

  • Members of non-denominational churches often
    consider themselves simply "Christians", and many
    feel at home when visiting any number of other
    denominational churches with compatible beliefs.
    Yet the acceptance of any particular doctrinal
    issue, for example accepting the doctrine of the
    Trinity, establishes a de facto denomination.

    - Wikipedia, the free online

1 Timothy 315 (NASB)
  • but in case I am delayed, I write so that you
    may know how one ought to conduct himself in the
    household of God, which is the church of the
    living God, the pillar and support of the truth.

How Can a Local Church Be Non-Denominational?
  • Indepedence and autonomy are essential, but not
  • Respect Christ as Head over the church by obeying
    His Word.
  • The Faith is taught, not something different.
  • Non-denominational does not mean not standing for
  • Let law be defined by the word of God, not by
    church leaders.

James 412 (NASB)
  • There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One
    who is able to save and to destroy but who are
    you who judge your neighbor?
    cf. John 1248

How Can a Local Church Be Non-Denominational?
  • Indepedence and autonomy are essential, but not
  • Respect Christ as Head over the church.
  • The Faith is taught, not something different.
  • Non-denom. does not mean not standing for
  • Let law be defined by the word of God
  • Practice the word of God just as the first
    century Christians did (Acts 242 cf. 1 Pet.
    123-25 Heb. 412).

How Can a Local Church Be Non-Denominational?
  • By claiming not to be more than a local church.

  • To visit the exhibit halls of ACU during their
    yearly lectures, one would certainly think the
    Lord's church to be a denomination. The booths in
    the exhibit halls advertising various "Church of
    Christ" homes for children, unwed mothers, the
    elderly, Churches of Christ For Scouting, etc.
    will state "This is a work of THE church of
    Christ." "Really?" I ask them, "Which one?" They
    cannot answer, as they believe it is the work of
    THE churches of Christ as a "whole" rather than
    of any local congregation

  • The very wording shows they believe the
    denominational concept that the church of Christ
    is made up of all local congregations uniting
    around this project (like the Southern Baptists
    around the Southern Baptist Convention), thus
    seeking to enact the church universal.
    - Is the
    Church of Christ a Denomination?
    By Wayne Goforth

  • A non-denominational church understands her
    God given purpose
    and respects the
    spiritual mission that the Lord has given her
    (Acts 242 Phil. 415-18 Eph. 416
    Acts 1127-30).

  • Christians Can Truly be
    Non-Denominational When
    They Commit Themselves to being Only Christians
    Who Belong to the
    Church of Christ.
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