Title: Apparel Merchandising
1Apparel Merchandising
2Goals for Appendix 9a
3Goals for Appendix 9a
- Understand Unique Characteristics of fashion
4Goals for Appendix 9a
- Understand Unique Characteristics of fashion
retailing - Discuss the Fashion Life cycle
5Goals for Appendix 9a
- Understand Unique Characteristics of fashion
retailing - Discuss the Fashion Life cycle
- Understand a Stores fashion image
6Goals for Appendix 9a
- Understand Unique Characteristics of fashion
retailing - Discuss the Fashion Life cycle
- Understand a Stores fashion image
- Understand process of fashion adoption
- Aesthetic and emotional appeals are used in
evaluating the object
- Aesthetic and emotional appeals are used in
evaluating the object - Object is accepted by a sizable segment of
- Aesthetic and emotional appeals are used in
evaluating the object - Object is accepted by a sizable segment of
consumers - Fashion often identified specifically to apparel
11Fashion Life Cycle
12Fashion Life Cycle
13Fashion Life Cycle
- Five stage cycle
- Fashion Leadership
14Fashion Life Cycle
- Five stage cycle
- Fashion Leadership
- Increasing social Visibility
15Fashion Life Cycle
- Five stage cycle
- Fashion Leadership
- Increasing social Visibility
- Conformity within and across social groups
16Fashion Life Cycle
- Five stage cycle
- Fashion Leadership
- Increasing social Visibility
- Conformity within and across social groups
- Social Saturation
17Fashion Life Cycle
- Five stage cycle
- Fashion Leadership
- Increasing social Visibility
- Conformity within and across social groups
- Social Saturation
- Decline and obsolescence
18Stores Fashion Image
19Stores Fashion Image
- Association with merchandise at specific stages
of the fashion life cycle
20Stores Fashion Image
- Association with merchandise at specific stages
of the fashion life cycle - High Fashion - first two stages of life cycle
21Stores Fashion Image
- Association with merchandise at specific stages
of the fashion life cycle - High Fashion - first two stages of life cycle
- Mass Fashion - Middle of life cycle
22Stores Fashion Image
- Association with merchandise at specific stages
of the fashion life cycle - High Fashion - first two stages of life cycle
- Mass Fashion - Middle of life cycle
- Differentiation by product (brand), price or
23Stores Fashion Image
- Association with merchandise at specific stages
of the fashion life cycle - High Fashion - first two stages of life cycle
- Mass Fashion - Middle of life cycle
- Differentiation by product (brand), price or
service - Close Out - End stages of life cycle
24Fashion Adoption and Diffusion
25Fashion Adoption and Diffusion
26Fashion Adoption and Diffusion
- Downward flow theory
- Collective Selection theory
27Fashion Adoption and Diffusion
- Downward flow theory
- Collective Selection theory
- Subculture Leadership theory
28Fashion Adoption and Diffusion
- Downward flow theory
- Collective Selection theory
- Subculture Leadership theory
- Communication Models
29Fashion Adoption and Diffusion
- Downward flow theory
- Collective Selection theory
- Subculture Leadership theory
- Communication Models
- Influence of Technology
30Challenges of Fashion Retailing
31Challenges of Fashion Retailing
- Short product life cycles
32Challenges of Fashion Retailing
- Short product life cycles
- Broken (seasonal) product life cycles
33Challenges of Fashion Retailing
- Short product life cycles
- Broken (seasonal) product life cycles
- Symbolism of fashion purchases
34Challenges of Fashion Retailing
- Short product life cycles
- Broken (seasonal) product life cycles
- Symbolism of fashion purchases
- Identification of consumer fashion segments
35Challenges of Fashion Retailing
- Short product life cycles
- Broken (seasonal) product life cycles
- Symbolism of fashion purchases
- Identification of consumer fashion segments
- Developing assortment plans
36Challenges of Fashion Retailing
- Short product life cycles
- Broken (seasonal) product life cycles
- Symbolism of fashion purchases
- Identification of consumer fashion segments
- Developing assortment plans
- Retailer - supplier relationships
- Fashion Merchandise Management is very profitable
area but complex
- Fashion Merchandise Management is very profitable
area but complex - More so than in other areas of retailing the 4
Ps of marketing are critical to fashion
merchandise success