Rice Lake School District Outdoor Classroom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rice Lake School District Outdoor Classroom


... salamander, common garter snake, red bellied snake, snapping turtle, tree frogs ... So with the help of Mr. Majewski and Mr. Zuzek along with a the Barron ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rice Lake School District Outdoor Classroom

Rice Lake School District Outdoor Classroom
Objectives of this Power Point
  • To share with viewers the history of the pond
    area and document how the school has used this

Original Owners
  • 1848 Wisconsin becomes a state the state is the
    first owner.
  • Ezra Cornell bought the property from the state
    in 1866 and donated it to Cornell University in
  • The University sold it to Knapp-Stout Logging
    Company in 1878.
  • Knapp-Stout sold it to John Olson Sten in 1895.
    The land had many owners from 1895 to about 1945
    when Edward Fronk bought it. Edward Fronk created
    the pond and farmed the area. It is believed that
    Fronk built the pond so he could enjoy nature.
  • Jerome and Loreena Palmquist purchased the
    property from Edward Fronk around 1980.

How the school became owners
  • In 1983 Kris Schilling, Middle School Science
    Teacher, received permission from Jerome
    Palmquist to take her students to the pond to
    study nature.
  • Mrs. Schilling had the students carry out several
    projects, one of her favorites was having the
    kids keep personal journals on the pond.

Organisms Sighted by students at the Pond Over
the Years.
  • Mammals
  • deer, raccoon, opossum, skunk, cottontail
    rabbit, muskrat, several species of mice, moles
    and shrews, rats.

  • Amphibians/Reptiles
  • green frog, leopard frog, painted turtle,
    American toad, spotted salamander, common garter
    snake, red bellied snake, snapping turtle, tree

  • Birds
  • Swallow, swamp sparrow, red-winged blackbird,
    yellow-headed blackbird, grackles, crows,
    robins, hummingbirds, nuthatches, various
    woodpeckers including a pileated woodpecker,
    chickadee, hawks, mallards, bluebirds, Canadian
    geese, owls and more.

  • This is a picture of three high school students
    helping five elementary students install bluebird
    houses around the perimeter of the pond for
    Environmental/Community Service Day in the spring
    of 2006. You can see the bluebird house in the
    background. There are about six or seven of these
    houses around the perimeter of the pond. To the
    right is a picture of Mr. Anderson helping
    elementary students find suitable locations for
    the bird houses they just built. Student points
    out bird nest in lower left picture.

Water Critters known to students as
Macroinvertebrates found at the pond.
  • Zooplankton include copepods and water fleas as
    well as others like mosquito larvae. Below is a
    digital picture taken from a digital microscope
    by a high school student of the breathing tube of
    a mosquito larvae found at the pond.

  • At one point in the mid 90s there were as many
    as 25-30 different macroinvertebrates found in
    the pond. Below is a picture of a cattail grub.
    This is larvae that spends the winter in a
    cattail then metamorphosis's into an adult in the
    spring, mates and lays eggs on the new cattail in
    the summer. The eggs hatch into these larvae
    which winter and feed on the cattail and the
    cycle continues. This picture was taken with a
    digital microscope.

  • Here are a couple more digital pictures. On the
    left is a fairy shrimp and on the right is a
    caddis fly larvae both found at the pond.

  • This is a picture of one of many Mr. Graffs many
    summer school classes while collecting
    macroinvertebrates at the pond in 2004.

  • More pictures of collecting macroinvertabrates.

  • This is a list of the various macroinvertabrates
    found at the pond
  • Isopods
  • Scuds
  • 3 species of mayflies
  • Several species of dragonfly and damselfly nymphs
  • Several water bugs including marsh treaders,
    water scorpions, water striders, water boatman,
    giant waterbugs, pygmy backswimmers,
    backswimmers, whirlagig beetles, other beetles,
    caddisflies, mosquito larvae, phantom midges,
    craneflies, true midges, water mites and a couple
    kinds of snails.

Bulldozers in 1992
  • In 1992 Kris Schilling, middle school science
    teacher who had been using the pond area with her
    students, noticed bulldozers filling in the pond
    in preparation for development. She contacted
    the owner Jerome Palmquist and he agreed to sell
    the pond area to the school district for student

1993 Chlorox Grant
  • In May of 1993 Kris was able to obtain a 10,000
    grant from the Chlorox Company Foundation.
  • The pond area, 2.83 acres was purchased for
    school used for 5,000. from Jerome Palmquist in
    late 1993.
  • The other 5,000 was used to make improvements.

Late 1993 Stan Buchanon
  • The problem at the time of purchase was How can
    we make it a pond again?
  • The pond had been bulldozed and was being
    prepared for development and didnt exist. So it
    had to be rebuilt.
  • Stan Buchanon, a board member for the school
    district was able to help with this problem.
  • He was able to work out an agreement with county
    and state officials to have the pond built as a
    wetland mitigation project.
  • About the time the pond was destroyed the
    Department of Transportation had been making
    improvements on county highway B near Silver Lake
    using federal funds. Some wetlands had been
    destroyed while making the road improvements so
    the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
    required them to rebuild wetlands to make up for
    those filled in and damaged during road
    construction. Therefore, Stan Buchanon was able
    to get federal funding to pay for 80 of this
    wetland mitigation project, the county and school
    district paid the rest. The new pond was
    constructed by RUST Environmental for about
    115,000 in the summer of 1994.

1994 Future Plans/Survey
  • Kris Schilling had discussed ideas for the new
    design with her students here is a schematic for
    one idea.

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1994 Pond Construction Complete
  • In 1994 Rust Environmental made plans for
    reconstructing the pond. These include a grade
    plan for elevation, the design for the release
    valve and a planting plan. The planting plan is
    the next slide.

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Pond Usage in the late 90s.
  • The pond became a very important place to learn
    about various topics. During the late 90s many
    classes were making use of the pond. Here are
    some examples.
  • Kindergarten was using the pond to discuss and
    observe the seasons. They took field trips in the
    fall, winter and spring.
  • Some English classes were doing journaling
  • Agriculture classes used the area, several
    science classes utilized the area for things such
    as ecology scavenger hunts, observations, making
    plant improvements, and identifying organisms in
    and around the pond to name a few.
  • Several other classes K-12 used the pond.
  • There were at one time somewhere between 25-35
    different macroinvertabrates observed by high
    school aquatic ecology students.

1999 Easement City/School District
  • The area around the pond was being developed into
    the Royal Heights/Palmquist Addition around 1999
    and so the city made an easement with the school
    district to use the pond as a storm sewer holding
    area. This means the school district allowed the
    city to drain storm sewers into the pond from the
    new development. While this was not popular with
    some people because it caused some major
    ecological changes it was still a good thing
    overall because this reduces the amount of
    pollution going directly into Rice Lake or the
    Red Cedar River.

The Following Years
  • During the time between 1999 and 2004 several
    houses were developed in the area and with each
    big rain storm, sediment and other pollutants
    drained into the pond. This reduced the diversity
    of organisms considerably and plant growth
    increased dramatically changing the ecology of
    the pond.

  • By about 2003 the plants had filled up a large
    area of the pond and did a good job absorbing the
    incoming nutrients. Clean water from the pond
    drained to another sewer on the south end of the
    pond and eventually released into the river.
  • It was getting increasingly difficult to get
    students (especially small elementary kids) close
    enough to the open water to take samples or make
  • Sierra Club and the Rice Lake Mens Club donated
    money to purchase a dock so students could carry
    out their lessons. The dock was purchased in the
    spring of 2004. Thanks ?

  • By 2005 the pond was getting very difficult to
    use with students and it was quite evident that
    some changes needed to be made.
  • The city worked hard to dredge the pond and
    repair the outlet area as well as clean out the
    incoming storm sewer. They said there were many
    rats living in the sewer.
  • The city, as part of the 1999 easement agreement
    is working hard to maintain the pond for both
    educational purposes and to filter storm sewage.

  • The following are pictures of the pond in the
    fall and summer of 2004.

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  • This is a picture of an overgrown trail.

  • Another picture of an overgrown trail

  • This picture shows the over growth of plants with
    new development in the background.

  • The next 2 pictures are of the damaged outfall
    area where clean water from the pond is to drain
    to a storm sewer leading to the river. The drain
    is buried and clogged.

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  • This is a picture of the clogged storm sewer
    draining into the pond.

Dredging in the summer of 2005
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Fall 1995
  • When Kris Schilling received the original grant
    in 1993 there wasnt enough money to finish all
    the plans. The trails were not ever really
    constructed and no bridges or benches were ever
    completed. So with the help of Mr. Majewski and
    Mr. Zuzek along with a the Barron Leadership
    County Committee we were able to obtain a 20,000
    environmental grant from 3M to do bioremediation
    and rehabilitation. Some of this money was used
    for the school forest and some was used to
    develop a trail and add native plants.

  • Here are some pictures of trail construction

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  • The finished trail goes around the entire pond.
    The city made a ramp off Royal Crest road to make
    it handicap accessible.

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  • The ground for the trail was compacted and gravel
    was added which would allow for infiltration. In
    late fall of 2005 several classes from high
    school science and middle school agriculture
    spent several days planting native plants
    recommended by Dragonfly Gardens. An estimated
    2500 plants were put in. Here is a list of the
    plants put in and some pictures of the students
    working on it.
  • Wet species include Porcupine Sedge, Awl Fruit
    Sedge, Hop Sedge, Small Fruited Bullrush,
    Deflexed Bottlerush Sedge, Bebbs Sedge, Path
    Sedge, Torreys Rush, Ironweed, Sweet Black Eyed
    Susan, New England Aster, Flat Top Aster, Blue
    Lobelia, Blue Vervain
  • Mesic species include Big Bluestem, Switch
    Grass, Indian Grass, Orange Coneflower, Anise
    Hyssop, Frost Aster, Grass Leaf Goldenrod

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  • In 1996 students in Mr. Graff's homeroom built
    benches and Mr. Andersons students helped 5th
    graders build and place bluebird houses around
    the pond. This was done on Environmental/Community
    Service Day 2006. Here are some pictures.

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  • We are looking forward to a Tansy release project
    for Environmental/Community Service Day this
    spring. This plant is an exotic nuisance and is
    very invasive. It is taking over the pond area
    and we will be releasing about 15-20 students to
    pull this plants out so the natives arent
    threatened.This will keep the area as diverse as
    possible. Learn more about tansy
  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tansy

  • The learning experiences at the pond or Outdoor
    Classroom would not be possible without all the
    work that Kris Schilling did to acquire the
    property and Stan Buchanon did to acquire the
    funds to rebuild. Many other organizations have
    contributed The Chlorox Company Foundation, 3M,
    Rice Lake Mens Club, City of Rice Lake and
    Sierra Club.
  • This is information I could gather from my files
    but please keep in mind that this area is used my
    many other teachers and organizations.
  • People living in the area use it as a walking
  • Local kids use it to discover nature in the
  • Thanks for your interest in the pond.
  • Dan Graff, Rice Lake High School Biology Teacher.

Zamberk Exchange Students
  • Thank you to our good friends and sister city of
    Zamberk, Czech Republic for sending us such
    wonderful students. I hope you enjoyed this
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