Title: Health
1Health Consumer Protection Directorate General
- Better Training for Safer Food
- 2008
2Training Course on checks in Border Inspection
Rotterdam, 27-30 May 2008
Common issues at a seaport
Drs. Bas van der Linden
3Common issues at a seaportCheck procedures
- pre-notification
- documentary check
- identity check
- physical check
4Common issues at a seaportpre-notification 1
- Commission Regulation (EC)136/2004 art.2
- 1. Before the physical arrival of the consignment
on - Community territory the person responsible for
the load - shall notify the arrival of the products to the
veterinary staff - of the BIP to which the products are to be
submitted, using - the Common Veterinary Entry Document (CVED, as
set out - in Annex III.
5Common issues at a seaportpre-notification 2
- Commission Regulation (EC)136/2004 art.2
- Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 3, the
- information contained in the CVED may, with the
agreement - of the competent authorities concerned by the
consignment, - be made the object of an advanced notification
through - telecommunications or other systems of electronic
data - Transmission. Where this is done, the information
supplied - in electronic form shall be that required by part
1 of the - model CVED.
6Common issues at a seaportpre-notification 3
- In case of non-compliance with art. 2, how to
act? - Directive 97/78/EC art 17.1 seize a consignment
and destroy it or send it back according to
paragraph 2 under a) of art. 17 - Which Member States act in this way?
- Practical problems
- who is responsible for the load in these cases?
- Who will pay for the veterinary checks?
- Or for the costs of destroying a consignment?
7Common issues at a seaportpre-notification 4
- Practical approach
- Make a difference between consignments which are
not - unloaded from their mean of transport and still
are present - in the BIP and the ones that left the BIP. If
present in the - BIP
- Keep records of shipping agents/responsibles
- Create possibilities in national legislation to
give fines - In case of repeated infringes prevent discharge
of consignments, reject consignments or in case
of severe animal health risk destroy consignments
8Common issues at a seaportpre-notification 5
- In the case a consignment left the BIP
- (in the Netherlands)
- The consignment is not unloaded and seal is not
broken send it back to the BIP asap for a
complete and thorough check. If no other
irregularities consignment can be allowed to
enter. ( keep records of these cases, fines etc.) - If the seal is broken send the consignment back
to the BIP if there is no direct risk for PH or
AH. In the BIP the consignment will be rejected.
If there is a risk destroy the consignment asap. - Experiences / practices in other Member States?
9Common issues at a seaportDocumentary check 1
- R 136/2004 Annex I point 1 has to be arranged
together with customs - Original certificate? Stamped signed
- (part of) third country is authorised to export
to EC? See list of countries (harmonised),non-harm
. destination memberstate - Certificate model? Harmonised vs non-harmonised
10Common issues at a seaportDocumentary check 2
- Certificate meets the general principles of
certification, D 2002/99 Annex IV, e.g. date of
issue - Certificate has been fully completed
- It relates to an establishment or vessel
authorised to export to the EC (harm.) or to the
Member State concerned(non-harm) - Official sign and stamp, name and function in
capitals, in different colour
11Common issues at a seaportDocumentary check 3
- Part I of the CVED correctly and completely
filled in? - Information on part I of the CVED is
corresponding with the relevant official document - Question on which moment in the proces has the
official document accompanying the consignment
has to be handed over to the Official
veterinarian? What to do with irregularities?
12Common issues at a seaportIdentity check 1
- Dir. 97/78 art. 2.2.c)
- Identity check means a check by visual
- inspection to ensure that the veterinary
- certificate(s) or veterinary document(s) or
- other document(s) provided for by
- veterinary legislation tally with the product
- itself
13Common issues at a seaportIdentity check 2
- Dir. 97/78 art.4.4.a)
- On each consignment
- Arrival in containers seal-check, esp. when
required by Community legislation, intact and
same sealnumber as on certificate (bulk !) - In other cases for all types of product check of
stamps, official marks and health marks
identifying country and establishment of origin
and are they conform to those on certificate.
Check on specific labelling.
14Common issues at a seaportPhysical check 1
- Criteria laid down in Annex III D 97/78
- Sensory examination
- Simple physical tests
- Laboratory tests residues, pathogens
contaminants, evidence of alteration. Also
mentioned in Reg. 136/2004 Annex II monitoring
plan, at random testing, testing on the bases of
suspicion etc.
15Common issues at a seaportPhysical check 2
- Temperature means of transport, cold chain
- Real weight
- Wrapping materials, markings I-check
- Temp.check requirements in legislation?
- Sampling consignment 1,min 2, max 10. Bulk
min. 5 samples
16Common issues at a seaportPhysical check 3
- Fully unloading means of transport in case of
some irregularities - After P-check official stamp, resealing
containers (sealnumber on CVED) - Measures to take in case of irregularities?
17Common issues at a seaportPhysical check 4
- reduced checks
- Dec. 94/360/EC
- On harmonised products
- On list of approved countries
- On list of approved establishments
- Model certificate
18Common issues at a seaportpersonal imports 1
- Reg. 745/2004 laying down measures with
- regard to imports of p.o.a.o. for personal
- consumption
- MS shall organise controls at non-BIP entry
points - Illegal imports are the biggest risk to introduce
animal diseases - Biggest risk with the (illegal) import of meat
and meat products and milk and milk products
19Common issues at a seaportpersonal imports 2
- Art. 1all meat and meat products and all milk
and milk products are to be presented to a BIP - Unless products originate from Andorra, Norway
and San Marino - Art. 2 exemptions
- Art. 3 information to travellers
- Art. 4 controls and sanctions
- Art. 5 yearly report to the Commission
20Common issues at a seaportpersonal imports 3
- How to organise such controls in a seaport?
- Some figures for Rotterdam
- 31000 ships a year
- Port length 40 km
- Quay length 74 km
- Port area 10.500 ha
- 1. Cooperation with customs !
- 2. Risk analysis
21Common issues at a seaportpersonal imports 4
- Cooperation with customs
- Bilateral agreement
- Training of custom officers
- Regular meetings at different levels
- Reports of controls
- Evaluation
22Common issues at a seaportpersonal imports 5
- Risk analysis
- Regarding origin e.g. Cape Verdian
- Regarding period e.g. Chinese New Year
- Regarding number of passengers e.g. cruise ships
- Regarding other risk factors e.g. ship repair
23Common issues at a seaportTranshipment 1
- Dir. 97/78 art. 9
- Transhipment
- transport of a consignment through a
- (air)port belonging to the EU-territory
- from a third country to another third
- country or to a member state
24Common issues at a seaportTranshipment 2
- To a Member State DEC. 2000/25/EC
- Person responsible for the load has to notify the
official vet. e.g. by using CVED - Notify 1. ETA 2. BIP of destination 3. exact
location of consignment - Consignment leaves within 7 days only notify
- Consignment leaves 7-20 days D-check
- Consignment leaves over 20 days full check
25Common issues at a seaportTranshipment 3
- Dir 97/78 ART 11 gt 9
- In the Netherlands we use the same limits as for
26Common issues at a seaportTranshipment 4
- BIP Rotterdam /- 20.000 transhipment containers
a year - Notify by CVED (electronic format) as
prenotification - Permission by customs under supervision OV
27Common issues at a seaportTranshipment 5
- Special attention for
- Agreement with Russia
- Controls at Short Sea Terminals in case of