Ancient China - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ancient China


Shang are 1st to leave written records ... Forced China to accept Manchu ways (queue) Kangxi. Most famous Qing ruler (60 years) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: ancient | china | manchu


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ancient China

Ancient China
Chinese Civilizations
  • Chinese civilization arose in the plains between
    the Huang He and
  • Yangtze Rivers.
  • China has the most cohesive, fluid
    traditions/culture of any peoples
  • in world history. There are 9 major dynasties in
    Chinese history that
  • span over 3600 years.
  • The major Chinese Dynasties include
  • Shang
  • Zhou
  • Qin
  • Han
  • Tang
  • Song
  • Yuan (Mongols)
  • Ming
  • Qing

Dynastic Cycle
Shang Dynasty
  • 1st Chinese Dynasty, 1532-1027 BCE
  • Another early dynasty was possible
  • Shang are 1st to leave written records
  • Mainly a farming society, but also had great
    Bronze artisans
  • Built cities with huge earthen walls protecting
  • Rich lived inside city walls
  • Peasants lived outside of city walls
  • Family was highly important, with men heading
  • Early Shang religion was polytheistic,
    worshipping nature based gods
  • Shang also worshipped ancestors (showing
    importance of family)
  • Priests communicated with the gods via Oracle
    Bones (1st writing)

Map of Shang Dynasty an Oracle Bone
Zhou Dynasty
  • Dynastic Cycle begins with Zhou (1027-256 BCE)
  • Take over Shang adopts much of their culture
  • Claim Zhou loses Mandate of Heaven
  • Known as the feudal age of Chinese history
  • King gives lands to nobles in exchange for
  • Empire is too big for King to rule
  • Nobles actually ruled local areas leads to many
    wanting to challenge Zhou kings
  • Technological improvements included roads,
    canals, etc.
  • 1st Chinese dynasty to use coins and iron
  • 2 major Chinese belief systems emerge from Zhou
  • Confucianism
  • Daoism
  • Zhou collapsed with many nobles fighting to
    control China

Chinese Religion
  • Confucianism
  • Kongzi (Confucius)
  • Born in 551 BCE
  • Govt official
  • Analects teachings of Confucius
  • Teachings focused on order ethics
  • Respect for family elders are important
  • Respect for past traditions
  • 5 Primary relationships
  • Ruler subject
  • Parent child
  • Husband wife
  • Old young
  • Friend friend

  • Confucianism (cont)
  • Lower in relationship owes respect for upper
    upper must set a good example for lower
  • Filial Piety respect for parents
  • Reciprocity golden rule
  • Civil Service System
  • Used for advancement in govt positions (Han
  • Based on Confucianist ideas
  • Daoism
  • Laozi (Old Master)
  • Rejected formal social structure opposite of
  • Ideas collected in Dao De Jing
  • Renounce worldly ambitions
  • Focused on harmony with nature
  • Yin Yang
  • Yin cool, dark, female, submissive
  • Yang warm, light, male, aggressive

Qin Dynasty
  • Qin Shi Huangdi defeats other nobles from end of
    Zhou to start Qin dynasty
  • Shortest dynasty in Chinese history (221-207 BCE)
  • Shi Huangdi set up an autocratic dynasty
  • Cruel to his people (used fear)
  • Considered to be the 1st true emperor
  • Standardized most things including language
  • Had book burnings (to limit knowledge)
  • China is named after the Qin Dynasty
  • Built (completed) the Great Wall of China to
    defend China from invasion from the north
  • Shi Huangdi built a huge terra cota army to honor
    his tomb

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Han Dynasty
  • Ruled from 207 BCE 220 CE
  • Liu Bang
  • 1st emperor of the Han
  • Established centralized government
  • Had professional employees help with
    administration of empire (bureaucracy)
  • Had to take a test (Civil Service Exam)
  • Test based on Confucianism
  • Scientific advancements included
  • 1st seismograph
  • 1st true paper
  • 1st watermills (grain)
  • Trade flourished with the Silk Road

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Tang Dynasty
  • Dynasty emerges from period of warring states
  • Lasted from 618-907 CE
  • Grand Canal built to connect Huang He Yangtze
  • 1st emperor Tang Taizong gave land back to
  • Had 1st female emperor (Empress Wu)
  • Concubine
  • Murdered own son
  • Built schools to train upper class kids for Civil
    Service Exam (created Scholar-Gentry)
  • Buddhism makes its way into China
  • Innovations included porcelain, the mechanical
    clock, block printing, and gunpowder (for

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Song Dynasty
  • Lasted from 960-1279
  • Known for golden age of art
  • Innovations included magnetic compass, gun powder
    (for weapons), paper money, moveable type
    printing press, acupuncture
  • Instead of building a large military, the Song
    paid bribes to northern enemies
  • Leads to huge taxation, hurts the economy
  • Womens lives get worse
  • Policy of foot binding

Mongols 1279-1368 CE
  • Nomadic peoples from north of China (Mongolia)
  • 1st peoples to conquer and rule China
  • Pastoral economy- herded sheep horses also
    very good hunters
  • VERY militaristic
  • Genghis Khan
  • Born as Temujin, he united the warring Mongol
    clans and took the title Genghis Khan (meaning
    Great Khan)
  • Conquered weaker neighbors in China, Central
    Asia, and parts of the Middle East
  • Northern Song taken by Genghis, rest of China
    falls later
  • Empire is divided in Khanates after his death

Mongols (cont.)
  • Kublia Khan (1260-1294)
  • Finishes conquest of China, defeats Southern Song
  • Mongols known as Yuan dynasty
  • Chinese keep their customs bureaucracy
  • Mongols take control of govt
  • Chinas borders expand to include Korea parts
    of SE Asia
  • Mongols try to invade Japan, but fail
  • Ineffective administration internal problems
    lead to decline of Mongols rise of Ming dynasty
  • Marco Polo visits from Europe
  • Traveled traded within Mongol Empire for 17
  • Stories of China published when he returns to
  • Causes many to want alternate route to Asia

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Ming Dynasty
  • Lasted from 1368-1644 CE
  • Hongwu led revolt to overthrow Mongols
  • Capital moved to Beijing (current capital)
  • Re-established bureaucracy with Civil Service
  • Explorations of Zhenghe
  • 7 voyages throughout Indian Ocean up to Africa
  • Anti-Foreigners didnt want to trade with the
  • Thought Chinese goods were better
  • Had best pottery in the world (porcelain)
  • 1st Christian missionaries (Matteo Ricci)
  • Empire falls to outside invaders in 1644 CE

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Qing Dynasty
  • Lasted from 1644-1911 CE
  • Invaders from Manchuria take over China
  • Forced China to accept Manchu ways (queue)
  • Kangxi
  • Most famous Qing ruler (60 years)
  • Continues policy of anti-foreigners
  • China forced to trade with foreigners
  • Opium Wars
  • Several rebellions against foreigners
  • Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864)
  • Boxer Rebellion (1900)
  • Instability leads to end of Dynastic Cycle (1911
  • China tries a democratic government in the early

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