Title: Florida State University
1Department of Defense
Job Performance Technology Center
12 May 2004
Florida State University Briefing
Mr. Tim Tate Director, DoD Job Performance
Technology Center
2Let my twin brother Terry, who you might
recognize from his NFL playing days and who is
also in the Job Performance business, tell you
what Job Performance is really all about
3The Department of Defenses
Job Performance Technology Center
1901 N. Beauregard St. Suite 600Alexandria, VA
- Primary objectives of the JPTC under Training
Transformation and ADL are the development and
coordination of an environment that will - Test proposed JPT solutions in a controlled
environment on ..various operating systems and
devices - Showcase new and innovative solutions using the
latest in JPT - Focus collaborative efforts on JPT, especially
in the development of standards, among both
government and industry partners
4Transformation is a process, not a one-time
event. Its not easy, because it requires
balancing two sometimes conflicting priorities.
The first is the need to train and maintain our
forces, to meet all our security responsibilities
in the world right now. The second is the need to
research, develop, plan and deploy new systems
and strategies that will allow us to meet our
responsibilities in a much different world.
Transformation is important because the
decisions we make today, or put off, will shape
our nations security for decades to come.
5Secretary of Defenses Top 10 Priorities
6Keeping out of the meat grinder
play video
7 Transformation from the
Industrial to the Information Model
- DoD as Steel Mill
- Conscription mentality
- people are cheap
- Technology is expensive
- HSI too costly and ineffective
- ST Budget ignores HP
- Training for rote performance
- Roles and missions
- still fighting Cold War
- DoD as Info-Centric
- Trained skilled people are expensive the
critical element ! - Technology is cheap and flexible
- Human Performance drives systems design
procurement - the ST human investment
- Train to excellent performance
- Respond to asymmetric threats capabilities,
unconventional war
8It is NOT the tools
DoD Tool Box
that are going to win the wars of the new
millennium It will be the people who
use them use
them effectively to accomplish the joint mission !
9DoD Directive 5000.1
The Defense Acquisition
dated 12 May 2003
Effectively immediately
signed Paul Wolfowitz,
Deputy Secretary of Defense
Total Systems Approach. The PM shall be the
single point of accountability for accomplishing
program objectives for total life-cycle systems
management, including sustainment. The PM shall
apply Human Systems Integration to optimize
system performance (hardware, software and human)
Mission Needs Statements Operational Requirements
- Materiel Intervention
- Blended Intervention
- Non-Materiel Intervention
11Business Case for Optimizing Human
Level of performance
new standard
12The JPT Message
The Power of Job Performance Technology More
powerful than most of us think, Transformational
Job Performance Technology Innovation at
Work Both outside and inside the DoD
Empowering the Soldier/Sailor/Airman and the
Civilian workforce Applications, training, and
knowledge sharing
13The Power of Job Performance Technology
more powerful than most of us think
- Features
- Compact
- Mobile
- Quick Information Access
- Applications
- Job Specific
- e-Learning
- Web-access
- E-mail
- More every day
- "Some" Capabilities
- Scanner, Bar Code Reader
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Collapsible Keyboards
- Modems or Wireless
- Cell Phones
- Digital Cameras
- GPS Devices
- Data Encryption
- MPEG Players
Palm, CompaQ-HP, Casio, Sony, Fujitsu, Symbol,
Blackberry, Zybernot, Microsoft,
14JPT Innovation at Work
both outside the DoD
- Medical
- Digitized records
- Medical history
- Patient info
- Drug Interaction
- Commercial
- Payroll/hours
- Financial calculator
- Billing processes
- Transactions
- First Responders
- Identification verification
- Interagency data
- Secure Communications
- Manpower multiplier
15Empowering the DoD via JPT
High tech novelty to indispensable business
- 1 Improve Readiness
- Workplace level automation
- Reduction in record keeping
- Reduces lost data
- Reduces data entry
- Enhanced training
- Improved metrics
- Increased Job Satisfaction
- Improve Recruiting Retention
16Mobile Job Performance Examples
- Academy Awards
- U.S. Depart. of Health Human Services
- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
- US Navy 1
- US Navy 2
- Classroom Teaching
17Academy Awards Presenters Basket
- The Academy gift to 125 celebrities and
- VIPs at the 2004 Academy Awards
- included a Kyocera 7135 Smartphone featuring
PDA Defense. This secure, - protected smartphone, never before
- offered as a combined package.
18The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Transmits bioterrorist health alerts to Palm
OS-based handheld computers used by 250,000
doctors across the nation. Although the
Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention already operates the Health Alert
Network (HAN) to distribute bioterror alert
information to state and local public-health
departments over the Internet, - Dr. John Whyte, medical director for CPSI, said
the ePocrates system has a potentially wider
reach !
19Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Challenge -
Protecting the site, personnel and assets of
government, military and civilian
installations has become a daunting
challenge, especially with the heightened
concerns for homeland security. US
military bases, in particular, have become
more diligent than ever in their
safekeeping efforts. -
At Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB),
security personnel scrutinize the credentials and
authorization of all visitors. In the past,
security guards leafed through thick binders to
check each day's invited guests and individuals
barred from the base. The manual process required
to print, collate, assemble and update the
documents was inefficient and time-consuming, and
placed practical limits on the production and
distribution of the binders used at only 3 of
the 10 gates on base.
- Today, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base uses
Palm handhelds to streamline the operational
processes that ensure the security of the air
base. A solution from Global Bay Mobile
Technologies, Defensor Mobile One, compiles a
daily list of authorized invited guests, and
retrieves information about the sponsors and can
provide details about individuals barred from the
base. - This solution also allows guards to provide
gate-to-building driving directions for visitors.
These can be wirelessly printed, by simply
pointing the infrared (IR) beam of the handheld
at an IR printer. Palm handhelds have also
replaced the laminated "Quick Reaction" reference
cards previously carried on belts worn by
security guards. Manually updating the cards had
been a cumbersome process.
21US Navy
- Challenge
- Now more than ever,
- the US Navy must ensure
- the military readiness of its fleets.
- Frequent inspections of equipment,
- personnel, training, supplies,
- and much more are performed
- to ensure operational excellence.
- Inspections alone can generate mountains of
- SPAWAR Norfolk's Mobile Computing team built
mobile solutions for Palm handhelds, including
the Zone Inspection Deficiency Listing System
(ZIDLS) for electronic facilities inspections.
The application accommodates frequent inspection
schedules enabling inspectors to create and
complete their ZIDLs entirely on a Palm handheld.
When an inspector completes all zone inspections
for the day, he simply uploads the electronic
ZIDLs database file on the Palm handheld to a PC.
Inspectors can review each ZIDL in detail and
print reports that can be routed to the Division
Officer for action and sign-off. - SPAWAR mobile computing
- www.scn.spawar.navy.mil/MobileComputing
23Another Navy Example with a twist
- Challenge
- In the high-stakes, fast paced environment of an
aircraft carrier with planes landing every few
minutes, accurate and timely data capture is
Traditionally, Landing Signal Officers (LSOs)
would scribble a grade and comments about each
landing in spiral notebooks. At night, it was
difficult to see to write and correcting errors
distracted attention from the next incoming
aircraft. After flight-deck duty was completed,
the LSO had to manually type the details of every
landing, up to 170 per day, into a desktop
- Today, using Palm handhelds, LSOs are grading
aircraft landings with dramatically improved
speed, accuracy and efficiency. Developed by two
Navy Lieutenants, it allows the LSOs to quickly
chose a grade and enter comments for each landing
on the easy-to-read, backlit handheld screen.
Shortcut keys and drop-down menus make it easy to
change an entry or correct a mistake. At the
end of the shift, the captured data synchs into
any desktop computer with the touch of a button. - The application
- saves time
- reduces errors
- allows rapid feedback to pilots
- instant analysis of pilot and squadron
performance trends.
25Classroom Teaching is a Job too !
And should have Job Performance tools as well
The LearnTrac and PocketClassroom are teaching
and assessment tools to improve student
performance. Using handhelds, this wireless
network creates dynamic interaction, conducts
assessments and effectively manages the
classroom. Educators can create an interactive
classroom with real-time observation, feedback,
assessment and evaluation.
- Berkmar High School
- It is my belief that LearnTrac is a
revolutionary new way to enhance learning for
every student. - Jim Markham, Principal
- Berkmar High School, GA
- University of
North Carolina at Greensboro - LearnTrac provides enabling technology for
enhancing active learning, giving students
immediate feedback and improving instructional
effectiveness and productivity.
I believe it will help us better
manage the business of education. -
Jim Weeks - Dean of The Bryan School of Business
27PALM Government Solutions CD
- http//www.palmone.com/us/enterprise/govt_cd.html
- The Solutions CD offers easy access to
- information, product and strategy presentations,
- white papers, technology briefs, government
- specific success stories, and third party
- solutions providing software demos and
- applications!
- There's also a handy index of government
- solutions featuring links to solution provider
- websites where you can learn more.
28Our Current Focus isTechnical Data -Training
29Why Focus on Technical Data?
- 28 of Naval Aviation Maintenance Mishaps
- involved a Publications Problem
- (Source Human Factors Analysis Classification
System - Maintenance Extension)
Publication problems are content problems
Content has to be drawn from Authoritative
Sources, relevant to the need and available at
the time of need reflecting the latest changes
If the source content is in error, the training
is in error !
30Standards are the way to go
Specification S1000D International Specification
for Technical Publicationsutilizing a
Common Source Database
31Where to Next?
Joint Forces Analysis Simulation
http//www.marinesoft.de 30 desktop ship
systems running under a SCORM LMS
Jack is a human modeling and simulation software
solution that helps organizations in various
industries improve the ergonomics of product
designs and refine workplace tasks. Jack enables
you to Build a virtual environment Create a
virtual human Define your human's size and shape
Position the human in your environment Assign
your human tasks Analyze how your human performs
Way More Than These
32Then Where?
33Training Superiority (DARWARS)
- http//www.darpa.mil/dso/thrust/biosci/trainingsup
The term "Last Meter Training System" highlights
the need to provide on-demand training to the
deployed warfighter when and where it's needed.
- LMTS will rely on
- Synthetic teammates (intelligent software
agents) that take the place - of missing users
- Dynamically elaborate scenarios w/ meaningful
environmental properties - Specific training needs extracted from the user
profile in filling in - details such as theater/Order of
Battle/tactical elements and forces - Cognitive tutoring components that deliver
real-time and after action - review assessment and feedback to the user
- Scenario specifications that match training
objectives (defined by the - user training jacket) against scenario events
in order to dynamically - derive performance measures  Â
34(No Transcript)
35No, We are NOT
Tim Tate (703) 575-2017 tatet_at_adlnet.org
36Participating with the JPTC
- Primary objectives of the JPTC are
- the development and coordination of an
environment that will - Test proposed JPT solutions in a controlled
environment on various operating systems and
devices - Showcase new and innovative solutions using the
latest in JPT - Focus collaborative efforts on JPT, especially
in the development of standards, among both
government and industry partners
- And one more for good measure
- Influence the policies, procedures and
directives of the DoD