Impact Cratering Mechanics and Morphologies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Impact Cratering Mechanics and Morphologies


Background is from NASA Planetary Photojournal PIA00094. Impact Cratering ... Material flows plastically. Material fails outright when stress Y ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Impact Cratering Mechanics and Morphologies

Impact CrateringMechanics and Morphologies
In This Lecture
  • Crater morphologies
  • Morphologies of impacts rim, ejecta etc
  • Energies involved in the impact process
  • Simple vs. complex craters
  • Shockwaves in Solids
  • Cratering mechanics
  • Contact and compression stage
  • Tektites
  • Ejection and excavation stage
  • Secondary craters
  • Bright rays
  • Collapse and modification stage
  • Atmospheric Interactions

  • Where do we find craters? Everywhere!
  • Cratering is the one geologic process that every
    solid solar system body experiences

  • Morphology changes as craters get bigger
  • Pit ? Bowl Shape? Central Peak ? Central Peak
    Ring ? Multi-ring Basin

Euler 28km
Moltke 1km
10 microns
Schrödinger 320km
Orientale 970km
  • Last stages of planetary accretion
  • Many planetesimals left over
  • Most gone in a 100 Myr
  • Were still accreting the last of these bodies
  • Jupiter continues to perturb asteroids
  • Mutual velocities remain high

  • The worst is over
  • Late heavy bombardment 3.7-3.9 Ga
  • Impacts still occurring today though
  • Jupiter was hit by a comet 15 years ago
  • Chain impacts occur due to Jupiters high gravity
  • e.g. Callisto
  • Next lecture will look at
  • Dating using impact craters
  • Solar system history from the impact record

  • How much energy does an impact deliver?
  • Projectile energy is all kinetic ½mv2 2 ? r3
  • Most sensitive to size of object
  • Size-frequency distribution is a power law
  • Slope close to -2
  • Expected from fragmentation mechanics
  • Minimum impacting velocity is the escape velocity
  • Orbital velocity of the impacting body itself
  • Planets orbital velocity around the sun (30 km
    s-1 for Earth)
  • Lowest impact velocity escape velocity (11 km
    s-1 for Earth)
  • Highest velocity from a head-on collision with a
    body falling from infinity
  • Long-period comet
  • 78 km s-1 for the Earth

Harris et al.
Characteristics of craters
  • Simple vs. complex

Moltke 1km
Melosh, 1989
Euler 28km
  • Common crater features
  • Overturned flap at edge
  • Gives the crater a raised rim
  • Reverses stratigraphy
  • Eject blanket
  • Continuous for 1 Rc
  • Breccia
  • Pulverized rock on crater floor

Melosh, 1989
Meteor Crater 1.2 km
  • Craters are point-source explosions
  • Was fully realized in 1940s and 1950s test
  • Three main implications
  • Crater depends on the impactors kinetic energy
  • Impactor is much smaller than the crater it
  • Meteor crater impactor was 50m in size
  • Oblique impacts still make circular craters
  • Unless they hit the surface at an extremely
    grazing angle (lt5)

Meteor Crater 1200m
Sedan Crater 300m
  • Planetary craters similar to nuclear test
  • Craters are products of point-source explosions
  • Oblique impacts still make round craters

Sedan Crater 0.3 km
Meteor Crater 1.2 km
  • Overturned flap at edge
  • Gives the crater a raised rim
  • Reverses stratigraphy
  • Eject blanket
  • Continuous for 1 Rc
  • Breccia
  • Pulverized rock on crater floor
  • Shock metamorphosed minerals
  • Shistovite
  • Coesite
  • Tektites
  • Small glassy blobs, widely distributed

  • Lunar craters volcanoes or impacts?
  • This argument was settled in favor of impacts
    largely by comparison to weapons tests
  • Many geologists once believed that the lunar
    craters were extinct volcanoes
  • Which of these is a volcanic caldera?

(No Transcript)
  • Crater size depends on impactor energy
  • Size of a simple crater depends on the strength
    of target rock
  • Small craters are in the so called strength
  • The stronger the rocks, the smaller the crater
  • The weight of the rocks isnt important
  • Size of a complex crater depends on the weight of
    the target rock
  • Large craters are in the so called gravity
  • Weight of target rocks depends on gravity and
    target-rock density
  • The strength of the rocks isnt important

Euler 28km
Moltke 1km
  • When do you switch from the strength regime to
    gravity regime?
  • Transition diameter (DT)
  • Yrock strength
  • ?rock density
  • gplanetary gravity
  • Rock strength and density dont vary much
  • but gravity varies quite a bit
  • Earth DT 3km
  • Moon DT 18km

Moltke 1km
Euler 28km
  • Differences in simple and complex morphologies

Euler 28km
Moltke 1km
  • Simple to complex transition
  • All these craters start as a transient
    hemispheric cavity
  • Simple craters
  • In the strength regime
  • Most material pushed downwards
  • Size of crater limited by strength of rock
  • Energy
  • Complex craters
  • In the gravity regime
  • Size of crater limited by gravity
  • Energy
  • At the transition diameter you can use either
  • i.e. Energy
  • So

Shockwaves in Solids
  • Why impact craters are not just holes in the
  • Energy is transported through solids via waves
  • Away from free surfaces, two types of wave exist
  • Pressure (P) waves with velocity
  • Shear (S) waves with velocity
  • ? is the density, µ is the shear modulus
    (rigidity), and K is the bulk modulus
  • P waves are faster, but typically only about 7 km
    s-1 in crustal rock
  • An impact transports energy faster than the sound
  • Causes a shockwave in both target and projectile
  • Projectile is slowed, target material is
    accelerated downward
  • Shockwaves cause irreversible damage to material
    they pass through

  • Material can bounce back if it stays within the
    coulomb failure envelope
  • Permanent deformation occurs when stress gt H.E.L.
  • Material flows plastically
  • Material fails outright when stress gt Y
  • Shatter cones
  • Point to impact center

  • Hugoniot a locus of shocked states
  • When a material is shocked its pressure and
    density can be predicted
  • Need to know the initial conditions
  • and the shock wave speed
  • Rankine-Hugoniot equations
  • Conservation equations for
  • Mass
  • Momentum
  • Energy
  • Need an equation of state (P as a function of T
    and ?)
  • Equations of state come from lab measurements
  • Phase changes complicate this picture

Melosh, 1989
  • Material jumps into shocked state as compression
    wave passes through
  • Shock-wave causes near-instantaneous jump to
    high-energy state (along Rayleigh line)
  • Compression energy represented by area (in blue)
    on a pressure-volume plot
  • Decompression allows release of some of this
    energy (green area)
  • Decompression follows adiabatic curve
  • Used mostly to mechanically produce the crater
  • Difference in energy-in vs. energy-out (pink
  • Heating of target material material is much
    hotter after the impact
  • Irreversible work like fracturing rock

Contact and compression Stage
  • Shockwave starts traveling backward through
  • In that time the projectile moves forward so it
    gets flattened
  • Shock takes lt 1sec to travel through object D/v
  • Target material gets accelerated away from
    contact site
  • Hemispheric cavity forms
  • Jets of material expelled
  • Projectile material deforms to line the cavity
  • Rarefaction wave follows shock
  • Unloading of pressure causes massive heating
  • Some target material melted
  • Projectile usually vaporized
  • Vapor plume (fireball) expands upward
  • Material begins to move out of the crater
  • Rarefaction wave provides the energy
  • Hemispherical transient crater cavity forms

  • Plume of molten silica expands
  • Tektites
  • Drops of impact melt are swept up
  • Freeze during flight aerodynamic forms
  • Cool quickly glassy composition
  • Minimum size
  • Balance surface tension and velocity
  • Usually close to 1mm
  • Maximum size
  • Balance surface tension with aerodynamic forces
  • Depends on speed relative to the plume vapor

  • Vaporization and melting
  • Peak pressures of 100s of GPa are common
  • Usually enough to melt material
  • Some target material also vaporized

Mohave crater impact induced melting of ground
  • Shocked minerals produced
  • Shock metamorphosed minerals produced from
    quartz-rich (SiO2) target rock
  • Shistovite forms at 15 GPa, gt 1200 K
  • Coesite forms at 30 GPa, gt 1000 K
  • Dense phases of silica formed only in impacts

Ejection and Excavation Stage
  • Material begins to move out of the crater
  • Rarefaction wave provides the energy
  • Hemispherical transient crater cavity forms
  • Time of excavate crater in gravity regime
  • For a 10 Km crater on Earth, t 32 sec
  • Material forms an inverted cone shape
  • Fastest material from crater center
  • Slowest material at edge forms overturned flap
  • Ballistic trajectories with range
  • Material escapes if ejected faster than
  • Craters on asteroids generally dont have ejecta

  • Ejecta blankets are rough and obliterate
    pre-existing features

  • Only the top ? of the original material is
  • Most material is displaced downwards
  • Interaction of shock with surface produces spall
  • Large chunks of ejecta can cause secondary
  • Commonly appear in chains radial to primary
  • Eject curtains of two secondary impacts can
  • Chevron ridges between craters herring-bone
  • Shallower than primaries d/D0.1
  • Asymmetric in shape low angle impacts
  • Contested!
  • Distant secondary impacts have considerable
    energy and are circular
  • Secondaries complicate the dating of surfaces
  • Very large impacts can have global secondary

Unusual Ejecta
  • Oblique impacts
  • Crater stays circular unless projectile impact
    angle lt 10 deg
  • Ejecta blanket can become asymmetric at angles
    45 deg
  • Rampart craters
  • Fluidized ejecta blankets
  • Occur primarily on Mars
  • Ground hugging flow that appears to wrap around
  • Perhaps due to volatiles mixed in with the
    Martian regolith
  • Atmospheric mechanisms also proposed
  • Bright rays
  • Occur only on airless bodies
  • Removed quickly by impact gardening
  • Lifetimes 1 Gyr
  • Associated with secondary crater chains
  • Brightness due to fracturing of glass spherules
    on surface
  • or addition of more crystalline material

Carr, 2006
Collapse and Modification Stage
  • Previous stages produces a hemispherical
    transient crater
  • Simple craters collapse from d/D of 0.5 to 0.2
  • Bottom of crater filled with breccia
  • Extensive cracking to great depths
  • Peak versus peak-ring in complex craters
  • Central peak rebounds in complex craters
  • Peak can overshoot and collapse forming a
  • Rim collapses so final crater is wider than
    transient bowl
  • Final d/D lt 0.1

Melosh, 1989
  • Meteor crater as an example of a simple crater
  • Occurred about 50,000 year ago
  • Impactor was an iron asteroid 50m in diameter
  • Crater is about 1200m in diameter
  • Energy 30,000 kilotons of TNT
  • Hiroshima 15 Kilotons
  • In a modern city?
  • Depends on terrain
  • Compete destruction death
  • Out to several km
  • Out to 10s of km
  • Mostly destroyed
  • Few survivors
  • Is this common?
  • Every 10,000 years or so
  • Most of them over the oceans

  • Chicxulub as an example
  • Occurred about 65 Million year ago
  • Impactor was an asteroid 10 km in diameter
  • Crater is about 200 Km in diameter
  • Local region was devastated for 1000km
  • Debris blasted into orbit
  • Reenters atmosphere and causes global wild-fires
  • Heat radiation from hot debris boils animals
  • Evidence from global soot layer enriched in
  • Sunlight diminished plants die
  • Corresponds to the KT boundary
  • Cretaceous Tertiary
  • Break in the fossil record where 75 of species
    went extinct

Crater-less impacts
  • Impacting bodies can explode or be slowed in the
  • Significant drag when the projectile encounters
    its own mass in atmospheric gas
  • Where Ps is the surface gas pressure, g is
    gravity and ?i is projectile density
  • If impact speed is reduced below elastic wave
    speed then theres no shockwave projectile
  • Ram pressure from atmospheric shock
  • If Pram exceeds the yield strength then
    projectile fragments
  • If fragments drift apart enough then they develop
    their own shockfronts fragments separate
  • Weak bodies at high velocities (comets) are
  • Tunguska event on Earth
  • Crater-less powder burns on venus
  • Crater clusters on Mars

  • Crater clusters on Mars
  • Atmospheric breakup allows clusters to form here
  • Screened out on Earth and Venus
  • No breakup on Moon or Mercury

  • Craters occur on all solar system bodies
  • Crater morphology changes with impact energy
  • Impact craters are the result of point source

  • Craters form from shockwaves
  • Contact and compression lt1 s
  • Excavation of material 10s of seconds
  • Craters collapse from a transient cavity to their
    final form
  • Ejecta blankets are ballistically emplaced
  • Low-density projectiles can explode in the
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