Title: Radiation Kilo Curie
1Do not adjust your set
2Hazards of X-RaysJohn SaundersonRadiation
Protection Adviser .
3Wilhelm Roentgen
- Discovered X-rays on 8th November 1895 .
4Colles fracture 1896 .
Frau Roentgens hand, 1895
5Dr Rome Wagner and assistant
6First radiograph of the human brain 1896
In reality a pan of cat intestines photographed
by H.A. Falk (1896) .
7First Reports of Injury
- Late 1896
- Elihu Thomson - burn from deliberate exposure of
Edisons assistant - hair fell out scalp became
inflamed ulcerated .
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9Mihran Kassabian (1870-1910)
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11Two Types of Effect
- Deterministic effects (threshold effects)
- Stochastic effect (chance effects) .
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13Deterministic Effects
- Caused by significant cell necrosis
- Not seen below a threshold dose
- Above the threshold, the bigger the dose, the
worse the effect .
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15Radiation-Induced Skin Injuries, from FDA, Sept
1994, Avoidance of serious x-ray induced skin
injuries to patients during fluoroscopically-guide
d procedures
16Dose Units
- Absorbed dose - Gray (Gy)
- Dose equivalence - Sieverts (Sv)
- (for X-rays 1 Gy 1 Sv)
- Effective dose - average dose over whole body,
weighted for organ radiosensitivity (Sv) .
17Tissue Weighting Factors
18Stochastic Effects
- Caused by cell mutation leading to cancer or
hereditary disease - Current theory says, no threshold
- The bigger the dose, the more likely effect.
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20Data Sources for Risk Estimates
- North American patients - breast, thyroid, skin
- German patients with Ra-224 - bone
- Euro. Patients with Thorotrast - liver
- Oxford study - in utero induced cancer
- Atomic bomb survivors - leukaemia, lung, colon,
stomach, remainder .
21ICRP risk factors
5.0 x 10-5 per mGy ? 1 in 20,000 chance .
22Example of Radiation Injury in Cardiology
- 40 year old male
- coronary angiography
- coronary angioplasty
- second angiography procedure due to complications
- coronary artery by-pass graft
- all on 29 March 1990 .
23Fig. A 6-8 weeks after multiple coronary
angiography and angioplasty procedures
24Fig. B 16 to 21 weeks after procedure, with small
ulcerated area present
25Fig. C 18-21 months after procedure, evidencing
tissue necrosis
26Fig. D Close up of lession in Fig. C
From injury, dose probably in excess of 20 Gy .
27Fig. E Appearance after skin grafting procedure .
28Doses in CardiologyTaken from Real-time
quantification and display of skin radiation
during coronary angiography and intervention,
den Boer A, et al., Oct 2001
- 332 patients
- 25 - 99 Gy.cm2 dose-area product
- 4 - 18 mGy effective dose
- 15000 - 11100 risk of inducing fatal cancer .
29Dose Area Product
- Stochastic risks approx. proportional to DAP
- Skin dose is DAP / area irradiated
- 1 Gy.cm2 ? 3 mGy skin dose
- 1 Gy.cm2 ? 0.2 mSv effective dose .
31Pregnancy - Radiation Risks
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33ICRP Basic Principles
- Justification
- Optimisation
- Limitations .
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36Equipment PerformanceImage Quality Patient
SafetyJohn SaundersonRadiation Protection
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38Entrance Dose Rates for Standard Phantom
39Time to Reach 2 Gy for Standard Phantom
40Skin dose rate (mGy/min)
Remedial level 50 mGy/min for largest
field Suspension level 100 mGy/min
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42Image Quality Test Objects
43Spatial Resolution
(Number of bar sets seen)
44Threshold Contrast
45Tube Voltage (kV)
- Higher kV lower patient dose
- e.g. changing from 100 to 110 kV leads to 12
reduction in skin dose - Higher kV less contrast
- e.g. changing from 100 to 110 kV reduces
spine/soft tissue contrast from 1.48 to 1.34 (9
- More filtration lower patient dose
- e.g. ? 0.1 mm Cu ? ? 33 skin dose
- More filtration less contrast
- e.g. ? 0.1 mm Cu ? ? spine/soft tissue contrast
at 80 kV from 2.76 to 2.46 (11 drop).
47Tube to Patient Distance
- Greater FSD lower patient dose
- e.g. ? from 50 to 70 cm ? ? 49 skin dose
- Greater FSD less magnification
- (so fewer distortions).
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