Title: Illinois River Watershed Partnership
1Illinois River Watershed Partnership
- Board of Directors Meeting
- November 14, 2006
2 AGENDA Illinois River Watershed Partnership
Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, November 14,
2006  1. Call To Order  2. Roll
Call 3. Introduction of Members and
Guests 4. Public Comments Limited to 2
minutes per speaker 5. Minutes of August Board
Meeting  6. Treasurers Report, Jimmy
Mardis 7. Executive Summary 8. Executive
Director Report  9. Committee Reports a. Execut
ive, Luanne Diffin b. Program and Planning,
Mike Faupel c. Finance, Jimmy
Mardis d. Technical, Sheri Herron d. Education
, Katie Teague e. Membership, Karen
McSpadden f. Nominating, Evan Teague 10. Take
action on 2007 Board of Directors Recess call
for Executive Session 11. Take action on 2007
Officers 12. Take action on 2007 Committee
Chairs 13. Adjourn
3Board Action
- Discuss and approve Minutes of August Board
4Board Action
- Discuss and approve Treasurers Report
5Planning and Program Committee Report
6Strategic Goals
- The Illinois River Watershed Partnership will
conserve, restore, and protect the Illinois River
and its tributaries, through urban runoff and
decentralized septic system runoff control
projects, promotion of riparian best management
practices and conservation easements,
organization of river cleanups, and through other
conservation tools, on 90 of the sites that need
conservation efforts. - 2. We will educate the public, advocate
continuing improvements in wastewater treatment
systems in the watershed's cities, and promote
implementation of measurable and creative
solutions to all entities involved in
point-source discharges and their regulation.
7Strategic Goals
- 3. We will develop and implement a comprehensive
watershed management plan, which addresses all
potential sources of water quality degradation. - We will issue an annual watershed report of what
is being done in the watershed, including
information on stakeholders and landowners that
do and do not meet regulatory requirements and
best management practices. - 5. We will We will become an information
clearinghouse about the Illinois River and its
tributaries - 6. We will We will support subwatershed
partnerships. - 7. We will coordinate with neighboring watershed
8Finance Committee Report
9Technical Committee Report
10Technical, Research and Education Committee Report
- Report on EPA urban NPS grant
- Recent educational events
- Board input on Watershed Month
12EPA 319 Grant(s)IRW Urban NPS Survey
- Phone surveys conducted (June, July August
2006) - - 793 urban residents in Illinois River Watershed
- - 580 responses in Conway area (control
population) - Passionate responses!
- News Articles August 19th Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette The Morning News - Final Report September 29th (282 pages)
- Copies of 35-page summary
13EPA 319 Grant(s) IRW Urban NPS Outreach and
- Mass media campaign emphases
- Urban stormwater runoff/storm drainage system
- Home nutrient management
- Soil testing
- Measuring lawn areas
- Precise fertilizer application
- Pick up pet waste?
- Household hazardous waste disposal?
Enjoy the Illinois River Watershed
Protect our watershed, its yours to enjoy!
14(No Transcript)
15Low Impact Development Workshop
September 21-22, 2006
- Principles of LID
- Local state initiatives to support
implementation - Habitat Trails project in Rogers
16Grow Right Keep it on Site! at the
Fayetteville Farmers Market
September 23, 2006
17ABCs of BMPs NWA Construction Stormwater
Management Workshop
October 11, 2006
139 Engineers, contractors, project
managers, inspectors, municipal employees, 8 IRWP
Board members
Did you learn anything in this training about
Gave me new Reinforced my
Nothing new Information
understanding presented regional water
quality protection efforts 49
46 4 how Arkansas 303(d)
list is developed 76 20
4 erosion control BMPs
43 52
5 sediment control BMPs
47 48 5
pollution prevention 31
60 8 Arkansas General
Construction Permit 59
34 7
18Clean Water Strong Communities AWAG
Watershed Conference
ABCs of BMPs NWA Construction Stormwater
Management Workshop
Urban HomeASyst home-site environmental
self-assessment guide
19Is there IRWP Board support for a Watershed
Awareness Month?
- Series of coordinated events and activities
spanning all stakeholder interests - Clean-ups, educational workshops, civic
presentations, media promotion,
partnerships/collaborations - Month of May? Earth Day kickoff?
20Membership Committee Report
21Nominations Committee Report
22- Category Incumbent Candidates
- Agriculture Evan Teague
- Business Scott Van Laningham
- Conservation Jennifer Michaels
- Construction Rick Katzfey
- Government Julie Shannon
- Tech/Research/Ed Terry Rakes
- At Large Colene Gaston
- H.L. Goodwin
- Bev Saunders
- Larry Adair
- Steve Butler
- Mitch Fram
23Board Action
- Board approval of nominated Directors
- Affirmation of Board of Directors by general
24Board Action
- Election of officers
- Appointment of committee chairs