Title: Ecuador
- Samantha Otley
- Kyzer Davis
2- Ecuador was part of the Incan Empire in 1463.
In 1525 it was divided into two.
Atahualpa received the north and Huascar received
the south.
3- In 1531, Spanish conquistadors came and colonized
the place.
Disease destroyed the first few decades of
Spanish colonist.
- You can relax, surf, go wall climbing,
paragliding and much, much more.
- Indulge yourself here !
5- On August 10th, 1822 Ecuador gained independence
from Spain. YAYYYYYY !
6- Living in Vibrant Quito treats you to a splendid
lake and historic estates.
Delightful mountains and scrumptious cuisine will
have you living the high life in no time !
7The culture and climate of each area mean even a
short holiday in Ecuador is like having three
Holidays in one.
8- They are 972 kilometers west of Ecuador
GREAT tourist attraction !
Slight drizzle all year long.
GAINT turtles !
9A la brasa grilled Al vapor steamed Apanado
batter-fried/breaded Brosterizado deep-fried
Encocado stewed in coconut Frito pan-fried
Hornado roasted Reventado skillet-fried
Seco stewed meat plate
- Ecuadorian is known for being fabulously exotic
with exotic fruits, high quality fish, sea food
and countless varieties of potatoes
10MMM !
- Ecuadorians love their desserts.
Dulce de leche which means sweet of milk or
milk candy
They like to spread it on their crackers or
11Galapagos Owl
Little Monkey
Chachi Tree Frog
Magnificent Frigate Bird
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