Title: Lean Green Sorting
1Lean Green Sorting
2How can sorting streamline your workflow?
How streamlined is your sorter?
3Integrate Your Sorter into Your Workflow
Mail Finishing
ZIP Code Information
More Efficient Sorting
4Include Sorting in Your ADF Solution
- Monitor real-time
- Workflow ? Resource ? Job status
5Reduce Manual Labor
- Automate your incoming mail process
6Reduce Total Mail Preparation Time
Eliminate individual job preparation by
commingling jobs
Eliminate USPS Paperwork with Seamless acceptance
7Streamline Job Changeover
- Thick mail button to optimize mail feeder
8Design a system to meet your workflow needs
- NEW! Flexible pocket options
9Streamline your sorting with modular choices
Process multiple mail types
10What about green?
11Skip USPS Transport Steps
- Minimize transportation costs
- Speed the delivery of mail
- Environmental savings
12Reduce Environmental Impact
- New pockets with reduced power usage
- New LED camera technology eliminates halogen bulb
13Reduce Postage Spend
- Higher read rates translate directly into savings
164,320 Annual Postage Savings for Mixed ZIP
Code Distribution