Title: The Formation of Disk Galaxies
1 The Formation of Disk Galaxies
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- Freeman, 1970, ApJ 160, 811
- Fall Efstathiou, 1980, MNRAS 193, 189
- White, 1984, ApJ, 286, 38
- Navarro, Frenk White, 1996, ApJ 462, 563
- Mo, Mao White, 1998, MNRAS 295, 319
3Classification of Galaxies
- Hubble Sequence
- Todays lecture
- How do disks form
- Future lecture why do some disks have bars
Galaxien und aktive Kerne
4Properties of disk galaxies
- actively star forming
- substantial amounts of gas (gt10)
- ordered motion, stars on nearly circular orbits
around galactic center - Flat rotation curves
- low velocity dispersion, in particular for young
stars - exponential surface density profile
5Exponential disks
6Vertical Structure of Disk
- Many disks have a vertical structure that follow
- Most spirals have two disk components
- Thin disk MW z0225pc
- Thick disk MW z01kpc
van der Kruit Searle 1981
7Rotation Curve of the Milky Way
8Rotation curves of spiral galaxies
9Dark Matter in Disk Galaxies
10Stellar populations
- Population II
- old stars
- in bulge and halo (globular clusters) of the
Milky Way - metal poor, in particular in the halo
- a-enriched (C,O,Ne,Mg,Si,S ...) are
over-abundant compared to the Sun - high velocity w.r.t. the local standard of rest
- Population I
- young stars
- in the disk of the Milky Way
- metal abundance similar to that of the Sun
- similar fraction of a-elements as in the Sun
- low velocity w.r.t. the local standard of rest.
11Non-linear collapse
12Spherical top hat model
13Spherical top hat
- Consider an overdense region at ti t0, i.e. for
background universe it can be assumed O1 - Compare with Friedmanns equation
14Spherical top hat
- 1st integral
- For Elt0 this ODE has the parametric solution
- Maximum radius Rm is reached at time tm
15Spherical top hat
- Rm and tm are linked by
- For small fluctuations
- i.e. consistent with linear perturbation theory
16Spherical top hat 3 phases
- Turn around ( ? ? )
- Overdensity w.r.t background by comparison with
shell that follows Hubble expansion - Collapse ( ? 2? )
- Linearly extrapolated density contrast
- Perfect collapse never occurs. Small deviation
from spherical symmetry result in random motions
17Spherical top hat 3 phases
- Energy
- Kinetic energy K initially Kinit 0
- Potential energy V
- Virialization
- Virial theorem V -2K
- Energy conservation Vfinal Kfinal E
Vinit? Vfinal 2Vinitial or Rfinal
½Rinitial - Estimated average overdensity
18from Rix IMPRS lecture 2008
19Spherical top hat for O?1
- Minimum overdensity required to collapse at all
20A simple halo model
- Dark matter halos have no obvious edge
- Simple model define halo as region that is
causally connected. - Consequently, one obtains for radius and mass
21A simple halo model
- Ignoring the ?dependence (?2/3), we obtain very
simple relations - For Milky Way (vc220 km/s)
- rhalo 350kpc, i.e. Andromeda and MW overlap
- Mhalo 50 Mdisk
- For a given vc, halos in a low O universe are
more massive! - Tully-Fisher like velocity scaling is intriguing
- Virial mass corresponds to an average overdensity
(compared to the critical density) of
22Properties of Dark Matter Halos
23The Density Profile of Cold Dark Matter Halos
- Mass profiles of dark halos are independent of
halo mass and cosmological parameters
Navarro, Frenk White 1997
24The Density Profile of Cold Dark Matter Halos
- There is no obvious density plateau or core
near the center - The profile is shallower than isothermal near the
Navarro, Frenk White 1997
25The Density Profile of Cold Dark Matter Halos
- Halo fitting ? two parameters
- Circular velocity vc
- Concentration c Rvir/Rs
- Cosmology (?, ?, ?8 , power spectrum) determines
c - for CDM-type models cRvir/Rs ? 10for
galaxy halos
26Halo profiles for different CDM and WDM
Eke, Navarro Steinmetz 2001
27Halo profiles for non-hierarchical models
Huss, Jain Steinmetz 1999
28Concentration as inferred from LSBs
? best fit c?2 ? c?10 (CDM)
McGaugh et al. 2002
29The Origin of Galactic Spin
30Angular momentum of a Lagrangean fluid element
- Zeldovich
- or for the angular momentum
F Taylor expanded
moment of inertia
tidal field
31Angular momentum of a Lagrangean fluid element
- For Om1 L?t
- L grows until turnaroundcollapse ? Ijk ? a-2
- Spherically symmetric objects dont gain any
angular momentum, axisymmetric object no AM along
symmetry axis. Also no AM if f is isocontour of
?? - Angular momentum ? vorticity !
32Piontek Steinmetz 2009
33Tidal Torques and Angular Momentum
- The angular momentum of galaxies originates
in tidal torques exerted by external
material during the expansion phase - It is relatively inefficient (?0.05),
implying that dark matter halos must be
present to spin up baryonic material during
- The leading cause is a misalignment between the
principal axes of the inertia momentum tensor
(Iij) and of the shear tensor (?2F/?xi?xj) -
- Most effective near turnaround, when Iij is
34Tidal Torques and Angular Momentum
Given the tendency of matter to collapse on large
scale sheets crisscrossed by filaments, this
implies that the spin axis should lie on the
plane traced by the surrounding large scale
z0 configuration of matter within a 5 Mpc sphere
in the initial conditions
35Galactic Spin Direction and Large Scale Structure
The direction of galactic spin is easiest to
estimate in edge-on spiral disks.
Navarro et al. 2005
36Dark matter form a timing argument
- Spin parameter of cosmic structures (tidal torque
theory)for an analytical derivation see,
e.g. Steinmetz Bartelmann, 1995 - Typical self-gravitating disk ?0.5 ? spin-up
by factor 10 ? energy dissipation factor of 100 - E ? R-1 ? collapse by factor of 100
- This takes more than a Hubble time
- Need for dark matter v given by DM halo ? r
vconst. ? only collapse by factor 1/?
37Standard Model of Disk Formation
AM Conservation Ji Jf Adiabatic compression
38Why have disks exponential surface density
- Freeman, 1970 Self-gravitating exponential disk
and rigidly rotating homogeneous sphere have
simular angular momentum distributions
39Is it that simple?
40Angular momentum conserved?
- Angular momentum is transferred from the baryons
to the dark matter during mergers - It is not easy to form disk galaxies that
resemble observed spirals in CDM models!
Steinmetz Navarro 1999
41Piontek Steinmetz 2009
42Angular momentum of simulated disks
specific angular momentum
Navarro Steinmetz 1997
43The specific angular momentum of model galaxies
Overall, the system is dominated by a slowly
rotation spheroid. The size of the disk
component is, however, comparable to other
spirals of similar rotation speed.
Specific Angular Momentum
Rotation Speed
Abadi et al 2003