Title: Design and construction of a radioactive source XY scanner
1Design and construction of a radioactive
source X-Y scanner
- B.Satyanarayana
- Department of High Energy Physics,
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
- Mumbai, INDIA
2The team
- S.Chakrabarti, S.D.Kalmani, N.K.Mondal,
P.Nagaraj, V.S.Narasimham, L.V.Reddy,
B.Satyanarayana, P.Verma
3Plan of the talk
- Introduction
- Design specifications
- Mechanical design
- Radioactive source holder design
- Stepper motor control circuits
- Data readout electronics
- Features of on-line software
- Preliminary results
- Summary
4Location of HO detector in CMS
5An HO detector module (Tray)
6Fully fabricated module
- An instrument to be used for the quality control
of HO detector module production. - Mapping of module response over its entire area.
- Cross-calibration with other QC data.
- Useful for any future detector R D work.
8Design specifications
- Scanning span 2980 X 530 mm.
- X-Y positioning resolution 1mm.
- Dual stepper motor(40Kg.cm) driven X-drive.
- Twin belt driven X Y drives.
- Radioactive source Cs-137, 10mCi.
- Lead source container acceptable radiation
levels. - Current readout resolution 1.5nA.
- Self calibration capability.
- Safety and interlocking facilities.
980/20 Industrial Erector Set
- A complete and self sufficient assembly set.
- Made of 6105-T5 aluminum alloy.
- Light weight weighs about a third of iron,
steel etc. - Strong and precise beam deflection is about
0.28mm over a 762mm span with a centered load of
about 23Kgs. - Easy to design and fabricate.
- CAD libraries provided.
10Bill of materials
11Full view of the scanner
12A view of X-Y positioning components
13Demo of tray loading
14Demo of X-movement
15Demo of Y-movement
16Schematics of source holder
17Cut-away view of source holder
18View of the source at the garage
19Radiation levels at the scanner
20Stepper motor controller specifications
- ISA interface
- User selectable I/O address
- Dual stepper motor control
- Software clock for motors
- Front-end DAQ control
- Limit switch monitoring
- User selectable interrupt generation and control
21Stepper motor controller
22Stepper motors driver specifications
- Dual X-motion motor drive.
- Single Y-motion motor drive.
- Max current/coil 10Amps.
- Cooling by four d.c fans.
- Eight (expandable to 16) logic signal
input/output. - Five on board limit switch signal circuits.
- One relay driver.
23Stepper motors driver
24A view of readout components
25PMT base circuit for current readout
26Current-to-Voltage converter
27ADC board specifications
- Make DMS
- Interface ISA
- Channels 8 single-ended
- Converter IC AD574
- Resolution 12 bits
- Input range Bipolar /- 5V
- Conv. type Success. Approx.
- Conv. Speed 25 micro secs
- Accuracy, linearity /- 1 bit
- Trigger mode Software
- Data transfer Prog. control
28Features of the on-line software
- On-line display of sources position.
- On-line graphical presentation of data.
- On-line help
- Support of configuration and log files etc.
- Manual, semi-auto and auto operating modes.
- End, legend and (x,y) location positioning
facility. - Programmed scan facility.
- X-Y movement tests and demos.
- Support of multiple motor speeds etc.
29Snapshots of on-line software screens
30Raw data at an X-Y position
31Data representation methods
32X-Scan of a detector tray
33Y-Scan of a detector tray
34X-Scan of another detector tray
35Surface plot of a detector tile
36Surface plot of an HO detector tray
37Surface plot of Grapes tile
38Safety and interlocks etc.
- Limit switches on extreme X-Y positions.
- Limit switch for proper tray mounting.
- Flexible chain link for moving cables.
- Appropriate ventilation and cooling.
- Source holder, lead garage and lead curtain.
- Use of personal TLD badges.
- Interlock for the high voltage supply.
- The instrument meets design specifications.
- Tested and calibrated.
- Is being used in the HO detector production.
- Other applications possible and welcome.
- Possible future work and upgrades.
- B.S.Acharya, Sudeshna Banerjee, S.R.Dugad,
M.R.Krishnaswamy, Kajari Mazumdar. - P.R.Joseph, S.R.Joshi, H.G.Bhujbal, M.Elangovan
and G.K.Ghodke. - Florida State University, USA.
- BARC Health Physics Division and BRIT.
- Institutes Central Workshop and Technical