Political Institutions of the Peoples Republic of China - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Political Institutions of the Peoples Republic of China


Party committees tend to dominate local decisions can intervene in economic decisions. ... rarely win in another city Chongqing firm won't sue Shanghai ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Political Institutions of the Peoples Republic of China

Political Institutions of the Peoples Republic
of China
SOSC 152
Key Characteristics of Political System
  • Political system dominated by the CCP
  • Highly bureaucratizedthe permanent bureaucratic
  • Power based partly on power of posts
  • Highly centralized system, with top leaders
    wielding enormous power Mao in command model.

Unstable Institutions and Importance of Personal
  • But (1) power also based on personal
    relationsguanxiwho is your political network?
  • Deng Xiaoping mobilized whole country to speed up
    reforms in 1992 when his only formal post was
    President of Chinese Bridge Association.

Deep State Penetration into Society
  • 2. CCP penetrated down to village level through
    party committees (1,000 people).
  • In Qing Dynasty, county government was lowest
    level of state power (200,000 people).
  • In cities, CCP has penetrated down to
    neighborhood committees

Horizontal Control by CCP Committees at all
Levels of Hierarchy
  • 3. Every level of government or administrative
    hierarchy has party committee which can monitor
    the government at that level.
  • Party committees tend to dominate local
    decisionscan intervene in economic decisions.

The Structure of Political System
  • administrative hierarchy of government,
    legislatures, courts and the CCP.
  • Running from Central government in Beijing, to
    provinces, municipalities (district), county,
    township, administrative village, natural
  • But today, Communist Party dominates all aspects
    except the economy.

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Standing Committee of Politburo (SC-PB)
  • Most powerful people in China!
  • Controls all aspects of political system
  • Currently 9 membershas been as few as 5
  • most members control one of key SIX systems
  • party affairsrelations with other CCPs and party
  • organizational affairsallocates all party
  • propaganda and education-education, news,
  • political and legal affairsresponsible for
    courts, police, strike hard campaign
  • finance and economicsled by Prime Minister
  • MilitaryCCP tries to maintain civilian control
    of army

Youre Nobody if youre not on the Central
  • All key power brokers either full or alternate
    members of CC-CCP.
  • Meets in Plenary Session about twice a year to
    approve important policy decisions, can totally
    redirect previous policy and take China in new
  • - Reform era began in with 3rd Plenum of Eleventh
    CC in December 1978, Deng overturned strategy
    outlined by Hua Guofeng in July 1977 at 11th PC.

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Party Secretariat and Its Key Departments
  • Organizational Dept. responsible for all party
    posts, key government posts, and is a key
    position to affect succession.
  • Propaganda Dept.monitors press, tv, organizes
    ideological study campaigns.
  • Rural Work Dept.makes rural policy.
  • Peoples Daily top CCP newspaper and editorial
    board making public policy

Executive Organizations(the government)
President Vice President
Prime Minister
Vice Premier
State Councilors
State Council
Ministries and Commissions
Provincial-level Bureaus
Provincial-level Bureaus
Prefecture Governments
Prefecture Bureaus
Country-level Governments
Country-level Bureaus
Township Governments
Village Committee
State Council
  • High degree of overlapping directorship Prime
    Minister often 3rd ranking member of SC-PB.
  • Some Vice Premiers are members of PB-SC or
  • Prime Minister needs support of General Secretary
    of CCP to push policies.

Legislature (makes the laws)
Chinas ParliamentNational Peoples Congress
  • Meets every 5 years to elect government
    leaders--President, PM, Vice Premiers, all
    approved before by PB-SC.
  • Also, meets yearly to address key issues related
    to legal affairs, financial affairs, etc.
  • Mostly rubber stamp, as laws or key decisions
    originate with CCP, approved by CCPs committees.
  • During NPC, top leaders visit provincial
    delegations, discuss regional problems.
  • Centre for popular input into laws and economy
    through its committees professionals may work
    with committees.
  • Major event in 1987 when only 2/3 of NPC members
    supported Three Gorges Dam, 1/3 abstained.

Military Affairs Commission
  • Mao Political power grows out of the barrel of
    a gun
  • Directly under Standing Committee of Politburo.
  • General Secretary of CCP usually Chair of MAC
  • Vice-Chair may be civilian, other posts belong to
  • Jiang Zemin held this post 1 year after giving up
    head of CCP, hoping it would provide leverage
    over Hu Jintao.

How does the CCP Control the Military?
  • Mao The Party must always control the gun, the
    gun must never control the Party.
  • Military Affairs Committee (MAC)
  • budgetary allocations from State Council and
    Ministry of Finance
  • Political Commissars--every military unit has CCP
    official who maintains party authority.
  • Overlapping membership in CC-CCP and Politburo,
    but no member of PB-SC for many years.

Power of PLA Ebbs and Flows
  • Military has power to speak out on Taiwan issues
    and perhaps Sino-US relations.
  • Chaos of Cultural Revolution forced Mao to call
    in army in 1968, army had influence for many
  • Military failure in war with Vietnam in
    1979?budget cuts until 1989, when it saved CCP by
    attacking students in Tiananmen Square on Dengs
  • 12-14 annual increase in spending official
    defense budget--US30 billion, foreign
    estimates--US90 billion.

Map of China
Province and Provincial Level Cities (Beijing,
Shanghai, Chongqing, Tianjin)
Party Penetrates the Government
  • Every government office, university department,
    or enterprise, has a party branch and party
  • Province, has governor and party secretary
  • -- latter has greater authority.
  • In state-owned factory, party secretary wields
    greater power than manager.
  • Politics permitting, the Party Secretary will try
    to intervene in economic decisions.

Territorial Party Committees
  • Party Committee at each level of administrative
    hierarchy dominates.
  • Often interferes in government decisions.
  • Members responsible for education, industry,
    agriculture, population control, propaganda, and
    selection of key government officials at next
    level down through Organizational Department.

Nomenklatura System and the Power of Appointment
Central Committee
Organizational Department Lists of Post
  • Key to party control over personnel appointments
    and source of its power over government

Overlapping Hierarchy
No Independent Judiciary
  • Personal power dominates China--rule of man
    over the rule of law.
  • Officials like it this way, enhances their
  • all lower levels judges appointed and paid by
    county party committee.
  • Outsiders rarely win in another cityChongqing
    firm wont sue Shanghai for IPR infringement
    because it cannot win in Shanghai.

Politics of the Courts
  • Older judges ex-officers with no judicial
  • Crimes deemed sensitive or impacting social order
    can be judged purely on political terms.
  • Forced confessions acceptable, defendants have
    great difficulty proving police made false
  • New generation of judges, some with foreign
  • Case of young judge ruling for Central government
    against local Peoples Congress led to political
    attack on her (NYT).

Comparing Political Institutions in Socialist
  • SOSC 152

A. Introductory Comments
  • 1. Unstable political institutions
  • despite totalitarian image, major shifts in power
    among major political institutions.
  • despite rules outlining when organizations will
    meet, rules often broken, party congresses often
    did not meet
  • low level of political institutionalization
  • Why?

1. Unstable political institutions
  • a. Charismatic leadership, where individual power
    often more important than formal political
  • b. constant political competition without
    institutionalized succession procedures leads
    individuals to try to control organizations which
    they use to advance their own power.

1. Unstable political institutions
  • c. Result is "Shifting Locus of Authority"
  • shifts among State Council, Politburo, Party
    Secretariat, Military Affairs Commission
  • Mao's big push for collectivization not made in
    Politburo or Central Committee
  • Deng's recreation Secretariat in 1981 to
    undermine Hua Guofeng's posts of Party Chairman
    and prime minister.
  • d. very limited role for Constitution which is
    often revised
  • Constitution seen more as benchmark for shifts in
    historical periods than as unchanging document
    which has legitimacy or which divides power or
    authority among institutions.

  • 2. Efforts to ensure party control over army
  • occurs through budgetary control, dual
    penetration, overlapping authority
  • 3. Overlapping rulership and overlapping
  • people wear several hats, military, party,
  • same decision often open to influence by
    competing organizations and individuals

  • 4. Unclear and weak property rights
  • allows for competing claims to industry and goods
  • allows political power, rather than clear
    contractural agreements, to determine control
    over resources.
  • 5. Heavy bureaucracy due to planned economy
  • central planning created large economic
  • party efforts to control the economy created
    parallel structure
  • heritage of central

B. Three Main Organizations Party, Government,
and Military
  • Party
  • 1. Organizational Principles
  • a. Hierarchical top down system,
  • local organizations as policy implementors
  • lower levels report to upper levels,
  • elections from bottom up usually predetemined by
    next higher level
  • b. Democratic Centralism
  • lower levels obey upper levels, minority must
    obey majority,
  • debate possible until decision made, then
    everyone must obey.

1. Organizational Principles
  • c. Dual Hierarchy of Party committess for all
    government and military organizations
  • primary party organization wherever 3 members in
    an organization
  • party group in all organizations to insure
    following party policy
  • d. Nomenklatura key control structure
  • "list of names" or positions
  • Organizational Bureau responsible for all key
    positions in government and party

  • 2. Party Congresses
  • party congresses occur at all levels of the
  • rally of the faithful to elect party committees
    which are full-time representatives between Party
  • a. National Party Congress, elects Central
    Committee, which elects Politburo and Standing
    Committee of Politburo (most important
  • each member of Standing Committee or Politburo
    sits atop one of 5 "KOU"
  • industry, agriculture, public security and law,
    foreign affairs, culture and education.

2. Party Congresses
  • b. Party Secretariat
  • core center of party bureaucracy, parallel
    structure for all functional arenas or KOU
  • power shifts over time, strong under Deng in
    1950s, closed during Cultural Revolution
  • Stalin used it to control party local elections
    which allowed him to control membership in
    Central Committee, which allowed him to carry out
  • Central Committee meets in Party Plenum to map
    out major policies between congresses
  • c. Military Affairs Commission
  • Party committee to control the army
  • top military leaders also members, so reverse
    penetration can occur
  • leads General Political Department, responsible
    for party and ideology in military
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