Title: Increasing interests using large dose fractions
1 A Generalized Linear-Quadratic Formula for
High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy and Radiosurgery
Jian Z Wang, PhD,1 Nina A Mayr, MD,1 William TC
Yuh, MD, MSEE2 Department of 1Radiation Medicine
and 2Radiology, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH 2007 49th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Los
Angeles, CA
- Increasing interests using large dose fractions
- to irradiate human cancer in IGRT,HDR
- brachytherapy and radiosurgery.
- 2. The dose prescription has been guided by
- clinical experience of low doses using the
- Linear-Quadratic (LQ) model. But extension of
- the LQ Model to high doses would overestimate
- cell killing and lead to significant
underdosing. - 3. In this study, we derived a generalized LQ
- formula to bridge the RT regimens from the
- conventional RT (2-Gy fractions) and LDR
- brachytherapy to HDR and radiosurgery.
- A close-form solution of the gLQ model has been
derived (see Eq. 2 below). - Both the gLQ and the conventional LQ models were
used to fit the Hela data (Fig. 1). - Basd on low-dose data, the gLQ model can well
reproduce the cell response of high doses, - but the conventional LQ model overestimates
the cell killing by one order at 7 Gy.
Fig. 1a, both models could well fit the data in
the full dose range Fig. 1b, models were used to
fit only the low dose data ( 2.5 Gy, similar to
conventional RT) and to predict the response in
high dose region. Legends Exp. data,
gLQ model ----- LQ model
Comments to wang.993_at_osu.edu
Slide 1
- Two types of radiation damage in LQ model
- (a) lethal lesion (rate ?)
- (b) sublethal lesion (?1).
- Sublethal lesions can be
- (a) repaired (?), or
- (b) lethal (?2) with further radiation
damage. - LQ model to describe this process (see Eq. 1
- right) with arbitrary dose rate
- I(t)Ii, ti-1lttltti, I1,,N
- 4. Test with in vitro dataset
- Puck and Marcus, J Exp Med 1956103653
- Hela cell irradiation up to 7 Gy
Take home message
- A generalized LQ formula was developed to
bridge conventional RT to HDR and radiosurgery. - It can be used to extend current RT experience
into the high-dose irradiation of human cancer. - This model can be applied to any dose-delivery
patterns with variable dose rate, and to guide - dose fractionation designs of
hypofractionated IGRT/IMRT, HDR and radiosurgery.