Title: Training for Purchase Card Users and Approving Officials
1Training for Purchase Card Users and Approving
Affirmative and Environmentally Preferable
- Federal Recycled and Biobased Procurement
Preference Program
2Opportunity to Buy Green
- Government-Wide Statistics
- Purchase card use- 17 billion in FY 2004 - up
from 8 billion in FY 1998 - 310,861 cardholders
- 26,523,928 transactions
- Important to include green purchasing in all
purchase card training and manuals
3Affirmative Procurement
- The policy and practice of purchasing goods made
with recycled materials
Paper with 30 Post-consumer Content
4Affirmative Procurement and Environmentally
Preferable Purchasing
- Affirmative Procurement is about to grow much
larger. - Farm Security and Rural Investment Act, 7 U.S.C.
8102 authorizes a Federal procurement preference
program for biobased products. - U.S.D.A. published a final rule January 11, 2005
to implement the statute.
5Affirmative Procurement and Environmentally
Preferable Purchasing
- Policy Flash 2004-23 issued by the DOE
Procurement Executive. - DOE will be an early adopter of the U.S.D.A.
Biobased Products Program - DOE Contracting Activities and Management
Contractors encouraged to acquire biobased
products on a voluntary basis in advance of the
mandatory biobased preference program
6Draft Biobased Product Categories
- Adhesive/Mastic Removers
- Biobased grease
- Biodegradable films
- Composite panels
- Compost
- Compostable molded products
- Diesel additives
- Gasoline additives
- Hand Cleaners/Sanitizers
- Hydraulic fluids (fixed equipment)
- Industrial cleaners
- Janitorial cleaners
- Lawn fertilizer
- Lip Care Products / Balm
- Metal working concentrates
- Mulch
- News inks (black)
- News inks (color)
- Penetrating oils
- Sorbents
7Affirmative Procurement and Environmentally
Preferable Purchasing
- FAR Case 2005-38 has been introduced to implement
the program and merge it with the Affirmative
Procurement Program. - Environmentally preferable procurement is broader
still. - Environmentally preferable products or services
have a lesser or reduced effect on human health
and the environment when compared with competing
products or services that serve the same purpose.
8Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
- What is it?
- Purchase of Energy or Water Efficient Products,
i.e., Energy Star or Federal Energy Management
Program - Purchase of Alternative Fuels and Re-refined
Motor Vehicle Lubricants and Coolants - Purchase of Biobased Products, and Recycled
Content Products, i.e., Affirmative Procurement
Program - Purchase of Alternatives to Ozone Depleting
Substances - Other Purchases that make sense environmentally
9Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
- Environmentally preferable products or services
do one or more of the following - Minimize the consumption of resources, energy and
water - Prevent the creation of solid waste, air
pollution or water pollution - Minimize or eliminate the use of materials or
processes which compromise the environment
(global warming, ozone depletion and acid rain) - Promote the use of non-toxic substances and avoid
toxic materials or processes
10DOEs Affirmative Procurement Program
- Lets narrow our focus to DOEs current
Affirmative Procurement Program for the rest of
this presentation.
11Why Affirmative Procurement?
The Federal government spends about 200 Billion
every year and has put this buying power behind
the countrys recycling programs
As stewards of federal dollars, we are obligated
to purchase designated items containing recycled
12Affirmative Procurement Benefits
- Creates recycling markets
- Saves energy
- Conserves resources
- Saves money
- Saves landfill space
- Reduces pollution
Purchasing recycled products is the key to
completing the recycling loop!
13Why Affirmative Procurement?
14Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),
- Section 6002 required EPA to publish guidelines
for affirmative procurement and required
procuring agencies to develop an Affirmative
Procurement program within 1 year of publication
of the guidelines
15What Is A Procuring Agency (Who Does
This Apply To?)
- Procuring Agency any Federal agency or
contractor using appropriated Federal funds for a
procurement - Applies for cumulative procurements of individual
CPG items exceeding 10,000 in a year - 10,000 threshold applies to entire agency (i.e.,
Dept. of Energy, and its facility management
contractors and certain of their subcontractors)
- According to RCRA, procuring agencies must follow
the CPGs unless the product - Is unavailable at a reasonable price
- Will not meet reasonable performance standards
- Is unavailable within a reasonable timeframe at a
sufficient level of competition
17EO 13101 Greening the Government Through Waste
Prevention, Recycling and Federal Acquisition
- Directed EPA to include AP in compliance
inspections - Required agencies to provide AP training
- Required procuring agencies to follow CPGs
published in the Federal Register - Introduced biobased products as part of AP
programs - Encouraged purchase of environmentally preferable
products and services
18Greening the Government Guidance in DOE
- Acquisition guidance concerning the 5 Greening
the Government Executive Orders is contained in
Acquisition Letter 2002-05 - The Executive Orders were 13101, Recycled
Products, 13123, Energy Efficient Products,
13148, Energy Management, 13149 Fleet and Fuel
Efficiency, and 13221, Energy Efficient Standby
Power Devices
19What are the CPGs and RMANs?
- Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPGs)
designate the products that must contain
recovered material - Recovered Materials Advisory Notices (RMANs)
provide recycled-content recommendations and
guidance on buying recycled-content products
20And The Products Are
EPA-Designated Product Categories
- Construction
- Landscaping
- Non-Paper Office
- Paper and Paper Products
- Parks and Recreation
- Transportation
- Vehicular Products
- Miscellaneous
21Construction Products
Designated Items
- Building insulation
- Carpet
- Carpet cushion
- Cement and concrete
- Consolidated and reprocessed latex paint
- Floor tiles
- Flowable fill
- Laminated Paperboard
- Modular threshold ramps
- Nonpressure pipe
- Patio blocks
- Railroad grade crossing surfaces
- Roofing materials
- Shower and restroom dividers
- Structural fiberboard
22Landscaping Products
Designated Items
- Compost made from yard trimmings or food waste
- Garden and soaker hoses
- Hydraulic mulch
- Lawn and garden edging
- Plastic lumber landscaping timbers and posts
23Non-Paper Office Products
Designated Items
- Binders, clipboards, file folders, clip
portfolios, and presentation folders - Office furniture
- Office recycling containers
- Office waste receptacles
- Plastic desktop accessories
- Plastic envelopes
- Plastic trash bags
- Printer ribbons
- Toner cartridges
24Paper and Paper Products
Designated Items
- Commercial/industrial sanitary tissue products
- Miscellaneous papers
- Newsprint
- Paperboard and packaging products
- Printing and writing papers
25Park And Recreation Products
Designated Items
- Park benches picnic tables
- Plastic fencing
- Playground equipment
- Playground surfaces
- Running tracks
26Transportation Products
Designated Items
- Channelizers
- Delineators
- Flexible delineators
- Parking stops
- Traffic barricades
- Traffic cones
27Vehicular Products
- Engine coolants
- Rebuilt vehicular parts
- Re-refined lubricating oils
- Retread tires
28Miscellaneous Products
Designated Items
- Awards and plaques
- Bike Racks
- Blasting grit
- Industrial drums
- Manual-grade strapping
- Mats
- Pallets
- Signage
- Sorbents
29Where Can These Products Be Found?
- Government Supply Sources
- General Services Administration (GSA)
- Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
- Government Printing Office (GPO)
- Your Facility Supply Store
30AP Made Easy
- Use The Web
- For Information
- EPA http//www.epa.gov/cpg and
http//www.epa.gov/epp/ - DOE http//www.eh.doe.gov/p2/ap/default.htm
- http//professionals.pr.doe.gov
- To Search for Products
- GSA http//www.gsa.gov
- DLA http//www.dscr.dla.mil
- EPA http//yosemite1.epa.gov/oppt/eppstand2.nsf
- CA Waste Management Boards Recycled Content
Database http//www.ciwmb.ca.gov/rcp/
31How Will Purchases of Epa-designated Items Be
- EPA RCRA Inspections
- EPA Facility Questionnaires
- Reporting of Purchases
- IG Inspections
32How Do I Report Purchase Card Transactions?
- Purchase Card Purchases Should Be Reported
- Affirmative Procurement Reporting Procedures Vary
From Site to Site - Contact Your Recycling Coordinator or Green
Acquisition Advocate for Procedures at your Site - Contacts are at http//tis.eh.doe.gov/p2/ap/contac
33What Should You Do?
- Keep the list of CPG items handy or bookmark
EPAs Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines Home
Page (http//www.epa.gov/cpg) refer to it when
making purchases - Maximize your purchases of recycled-content
items by - Searching for recycled-content productsin
catalogs and online sources - Requesting recycled-content items from your
vendors - Document noncompliant purchases (those not
meeting recycled-content requirements) over
2,500 (for reasons of price, performance, or
34Need More Information?
- Beverly Craig - DOE Purchase Card Program
Manager (202-287-1748) - Richard Langston - Procurement Policy
Analyst (202-287-1339) - Donald Lentzen - Affirmative Procurement
Program Manager (202-586-
7428) - Print your completion certificate from the next
slide. If you are using NetScape, press escape
if in view mode, click on the center of the
slide, enter your name, then print slide 35. If
you are using Internet Explorer, right click on
the next slide, select EDIT, insert your name and
then click outside the slide print slide 35. - Furnish a copy to your local purchase card
Just one more step Prepare your
Certificate Thanks for learning about our
COMPLETION Â Â Â In Recognition of Your
Completion of the Department of
Energy Affirmative Procurement Program Overview
Training 0.5 Hours Credit