Title: Simulating Exchangeable Multivariate Archimedean Copulas and its Applications
1Simulating Exchangeable Multivariate Archimedean
Copulas and its Applications
- Authors
- Florence Wu
- Emiliano A. Valdez
- Michael Sherris
- Frees and Valdez (1999)
- Understanding Relationships Using Copulas
- Whelan, N. (2004)
- Sampling from Archimedean Copulas
- Embrechts, P., Lindskog, and A. McNeil (2001)
- Modelling Dependence with Copulas and
Applications to Risk Management
3This paper
- Extending Theorem 4.3.7 in Nelson (1999) to
multi-dimensional copulas - Presenting an algorithm for generating
Exchangeable Multivariate Archimedean Copulas
based on the multi-dimensional version of theorem
4.3.7 - Demonstrating the application of the algorithm
4Exchangeable Archimedean Copulas
- One parameter Archimedean copulas
- Archimedean copulas a well known and often used
class characterised by a generator, f(t) - Copula C is exchangeable if it is associative
- C(u,v,w) C(C(u,v),w) C(u, C(v,w)) for all
u,v,w in I.
5Archimedean Copulas
- Charateristics of the generator f(t)
- ?(1) 0
- is monotonically decreasing and
- is convex (? exists and ?? 0). If ? exists,
then ? ? 0 - C(u1,,un) ?-1(?(u1) ?(un))
6Archimedean Copulas - Examples
- Gumbel Copula
- ?(t) (-log(u))1/?
- ?-1(t) exp(-u?)
- Frank Copula
- ?(t) - log((e-?t 1)/(e-? 1)
- ?-1(t) - log(1 (1 - e-? )e-t) /log(?)
7Theorem 4.3.7
- Let (U1,U2) be a bivariate random vector with
uniform marginals and joint distribution function
defined by Archimedean copula C(u1,u2) ?
-1(?(u1) ?(u2)) for some generator ?. Define
the random variables S ?(u1)/(?(u1) ?(u2))
and T C(u1,u2). The joint distribution function
of (S,T) is characterized by - H(s,t) P(S ? s, T ? t) s KC(t)
- where KC(t) t ?(t)/ ?(t).
8Simulating Bivariate Copulas
- Algorithm for generating bivariate Archimedean
copulas (refer Embrecht et al (2001) - Simulate two independent U(0,1) random variables,
s and w. - Set t KC-1 (w) where KC(t) t ?(t)/ ?(t).
- Set u1 ? -1(s ?(t)) and u2 ? -1((1-s) ?(t)).
- x1 F1-1(u1) and x2 F2-1(u2) if inverses
exist. (F1 and F2 are the marginals).
9Theorem for Multi-dimensional Archimedean Copulas
- Let (U1,,Un) be an n-dimensional random vector
with uniform marginals and joint distribution
function defined by the Archimedean copula - C(u1,,un) ? -1(?(u1) ?(un)) or some
generator ?. - Define the n tranformed random variables
S1,,Sn-1 and T, where - Sk (?(u1) ?(uk)) / (?(u1) ?(uk1))
- T C(u1,un) ? -1(?(u1) ?(un))
10Theorem for Multi-dimensional Archimedean Copulas
- The joint density distribution for S1,,Sn-1 and
T can be defined as follows. - h(s1,s2,,sn,t) J c(u1,un)
- or
- h(s1,s2,,sn-1,t) s10s21s32. sn-1n-2 ?
-1(n)(t)?(t) /?(t) - Hence S1,,Sn-1 and T are independent, and
- S1and T are uniform and
- S2,,Sn-1 each have support in (0,1).
11Theorem for Multi-dimensional Archimedean Copulas
- Distribution functions for Sk
- Corollary The density for Sk for k 1,2,n-1 is
given by - fSk(s) ksk-1, for s ? (0,1)
- The distribution functions for Sk can be written
as - FSk(s) sk , for s ? (0,1)
- Corollary The marginal density for T is given
by - fT(t) ?-1(n)(t)?(t)n-1 ?(t) for t ? (0,1)
12Algorithm for simulating multi-dimensional
Archimedean Copulas
- Simulate n independent U(0,1) random variables,
w1,wn. - For k 1,2,, n-1, set skwk1/k
- Set t FT-1 (wn)
- Set u1 ? -1(s1sn-1?(t)), un ? -1((1-sn-1)
?(t)) and for k 2,,n , uk ?
-1((1-sk-1)?sj?(t). - xk Fk-1(uk) for k 1,,n.
13Example Multivariate Gumbel Copula
- Gumbel Copulas
- ?(u) (-log(u))1/?
- ?-1(u) exp(-u?)
- ?-1(k) (-1)k ?exp(-u?)u-(k1)/ ? ?k-1(u?)
- ?k (x) ?(x-1) k ?k-1 (x) - ? ?k-1 (x)
- Recursive with ?0 (x) 1.
14Example Gumbel Copula (Kendall Tau 0.5, Theta 2)
15Example Gumbel Copula (3)
- Normal vs Lognormal vs Gamma
16ApplicationVaR and TailVaR (1)
- Insurance portfolio
- Contains multiple lines of business, with tail
dependence - Copulas
- Gumbel copula distributions have heavy right
tails - Frank copula lower tail dependence than Gumbel
at the same level of dependence - Economic Capital VaR/TailVaR
- VaR the k-th percentile of the total loss
- TailVaR the conditional expectation of the total
loss at a given level of VaR (or E(X X ? VaR))
17Application VaR and TailVaR (2)
- Density of Gumbel Copulas
18Application VaR and TailVaR (3)
- Assumptions
- Lines of business 4
- Kendalls tau 0.5 (linear correlation 0.7)
- theta 2 for Gumbel copula
- theta 5.75 for Frank copula
- Mean and variance of marginals are the same
19Application VaR and TailVaR (4)
20Application VaR and TailVaR (5)
- Gumbel copula has higher TailVaRs than Frank
copula for Lognormal and Gamma marginals - Lognormal has the highest TailVaR and VaR at both
95 and 99 confidence level.
21Application VaR and TailVaR (6)
22Application VaR and TailVaR (7)
- Impact of the choice of Kendalls correlation on
VaR and TailVaR
- Derived an algorithm for simulating
multidimensional Archimedean copula. - Applied the algorithm to assess risk measures for
marginals and copulas often used in insurance
risk models. - Copula and marginals have a significant effect on
economic capital