Title: Protecting the Sea Around Us
1Protecting the Sea Around Us
- Jim Ayers
- Vice President, Oceana
2(No Transcript)
3(No Transcript)
4Wealth from the Salt Seas
5The Encircling Sea
6The HIPPO Challenge
7The H in HIPPO Habitat
8A Wondrous Surprise Aleutian Coral Gardens
Video of Aleutian Coral Garden
9The Threat Bottom Trawling
Video of Bottom Trawling
10Seguam Pass
Video of Area before trawling
Video of Area after trawling
11A Glimmer of Hope More than 700,000 square
miles of the Pacific including 379,000 square
miles in the Aleutians has been protected from
bottom trawling in the past five years.
12Feeling the HeatGlobal Climate Change
13Arctic Sea Ice
Arctic Sea Ice Data September 9, 2007 Source
National Snow and Ice Data Center (www.nsidc.com)
The pink line shows the median September sea ice
extent based on data from 1979 to 2000
14World's relative geography
World's population
Global CO2 emissions
Distribution of worlds wealth
15- Executive Administration, NOAA and Regional
Councils, Petition - Courts Set the record for lawsuits, Petition
- Legislative State and National
- Press/Public Informed Public
- Alliances Between Organizations and Nations
MISSION Moving National and
World Governments to Ecosystem-based Management
that provides for health, biodiversity, and
resilience of oceans and marine life.
16What Can I Do?
- Overcome Avarice and Sloth
- Consume Less
- Consume Responsibly
- Get Informed and Get Involved
- Think Sustainably
17- We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike
the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they
are not equally fair. The road we have long been
traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth
superhighway on which we progress with great
speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other
fork of the road -- the one less traveled by --
offers our last, our only chance to reach a
destination that assures the preservation of the
earth. - --Rachel Carson