Title: Chap' 7 Dynamics III: Motion in a Circle
1Chap. 7 Dynamics IIIMotion in a Circle
- 7.1 Uniform Circular Motion
- 7.2 Velocity and Acceleration in Uniform Circular
Motion - 7.3 Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion
- 7.4 Circular Orbital
- 7.6 Nonuniform Circular Motion
2Uniform Circular Motion
3Angular Velocity
- Average angular velocity ??/?t
- Instantaneous angular velocity
- The angular velocity is constant during uniform
circular motion -
4An old-fashioned single-play vinyl record rotates
30.0 rpm . What are (a) the angular velocity in
rad/s and (b) the period of the motion?
- rpm revolution per minute.
- 1 rpm 2p/60 (rad)/s
5Velocity and acceleration in uniform circular
6Velocity in uniform circular motion
The magnitude of velocity is a constant V r
Has only a tangential Component
7Centripetal acceleration
8The magnitude of centripetal acceleration
Towards center of circle
9Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motiion
- From the Newtons second law, a particle of mass
m moving at constant speed V around a circle of
radius r must have a net force of - magnitude (mV2/r) pointing toward the center
of the circle -
10The Conical Pendulum
- A small object of mass m is suspended from a
string of length L. - how many forces act on the object when it
revolved with constant speed V in a horizontal
11Turning the corner
12Circular Orbits
The real weight force is always directed Toward
the center of the planet
13Nonuniform circular motion
14Tangential acceleration
Change the speed
Here a is angular acceleration
15Dynamics of nonuniform circular motion
The radial force causes the Centripetal
acceleration. It makes Velocity change direction.
The tangential force causes The tangential
acceleration. It Makes speed change
16Ex. P.47 Passenger stand inside a 16-m-diamete
rotation ring.After the ring has acquired
sufficient speed, It tilts into a vertical plane,
as shown in the Figure
At the top
At the bottom