Title: Response of First Order Systems to Sinusoidal Input
1Response of First Order Systems to Sinusoidal
2First Order System - Sinusoidal Input
Consider the following first order system
Determine the response of the system if input is
a sinusoidal
Which may be transformed to
the system response, O(s), is then
Solving then for a,b, and c
3First Order System - Sinusoidal Input
To solve for a, multiply by s 1/t , and let s
To solve for b, multiply by s iw, and let s
4First Order System - Sinusoidal Input
c will be the complex conjugate of b and is
Using the solution in the SC for a sinusoidal
function, the solution becomes
,r 0
5First Order System - Sinusoidal Input
The complete solution is then
It is important to note that the solution is
made-up of a transient (the first term) and a
non-transient part (the second term).
Consider simply substuting iw for s in the
original transfer function and solving for
Note, this gives us the non-transient solution
6Plotting Frequency response
7Plotting Frequency response
8Plotting Frequency response
9Adding terms of Frequency Response
We can simply add terms on the Bode Magnitude
plot and on the Bode Phase plot to get total