Title: II' Plasma Physics Fundamentals
1II. Plasma Physics Fundamentals
- 4. The Particle Picture
- 5. The Kinetic Theory
- 6.
25. The Kinetic Theory
- 5.1 The Distribution Function
- 5.2 The Kinetic Equations
- 5.3 Relation to Macroscopic Quantities
35.1 The Distribution Function
- 5.1.1 The Concept of Distribution Function
- 5.1.2 The Maxwellian Distribution
45.1.1 The Concept of Distribution Function
- General distribution function ff(r,v,t)
- Meaning the number of particles per m3 at the
position r, time t and velocity between v and
vdv is f(r,v,t) dv, where dv dvx dvy dvz - The density is then found as
- If the distribution is normalized as
then f represents a probability distribution
55.1.2 The Maxwellian Distribution
- The maxwellian distribution is defined as
6The Maxwellian Distribution (II)
- The root mean square velocity for a maxwellian is
- The average of the velocity magnitude vv is
7The Maxwellian Distribution (III)
- The distribution w.r.t. the magnitude of v
85.2 The Kinetic Equations
- 5.2.1 The Boltzmann Equation
- 5.2.2 The Vlasov Equation
- 5.2.3 The Collisional Effects
95.2.1 The Boltzmann Equation
- A distribution function ff(r,v,t) satisfies the
Boltzmann equation -
- The r.h.s. of the Boltzmann equation is simply
the expansion of d f(r,v,t)/dt - The Boltzmann equation states that in absence of
collisions df/dt0
Motion of a group of particles with constant
density in the phase space
105.2.2 The Vlasov Equation
- In general, for sufficiently hot plasmas, the
effect of collisions are less and less important - For electromagnetic forces acting on the
particles and no collisions the Boltzmann
equation becomes -
that is called the Vlasov equation
115.2.3 The Collisional Effects
- The Vlasov equation does not account for
- Short-range collisions like charged particles
with neutrals can be described by a Boltzmann
collision operator in the Boltzmann equation - For long-range collisions, like Coulomb
collisions, a statistical approach yields the
Fokker-Planck collision term - The Boltzmann equation with the Fokker-Planck
collision term is simply named the Fokker-Planck
125.3 Relation to Macroscopic Quantities
- 5.3.1 The Moments of the Distribution Function
- 5.3.2 Derivation of the Fluid Equations
135.3.1 The Moments of the Distribution Function
- If AA(v) the average of the function A for a
distribution function ff(r,v,t) is defined as
14The Moments of the Distribution Function (II)
- General distribution function ff(r,v,t)
- The density is defined as the 0th order moment
and was found to be -
- The mass density can be then defined as
15The Moments of the Distribution Function (III)
- The 1st order moment is the average velocity or
fluid velocity is defined as -
- The momentum density can be then defined as
16The Moments of the Distribution Function (IV)
- Higher moments are found by diadic products with
v - The 2nd order moment gives the stress tensor
(tensor of second order) -
- In the frame of the moving fluid the velocity is
wv-u. In this case the stress tensor becomes the
pressure tensor -
175.3.2 Derivation of the Fluid Equations
- Boltzmann equation written for the Lorentz force
- Integrate in velocity space
- From the definition of density
18Derivation of the Fluid Equations (II)
- Since the gradient operator is independent from
v -
- Through integration by parts it can be shown that
- If there are no ionizations or recombination the
collisional term will not cause any change in the
number of particles (no particle sources or
sinks) therefore -
19Derivation of the Fluid Equations (III)
- The integrated Boltzmann equation then becomes
that is known as equation of continuity
- In general moments of the Boltzmann equation are
taken by multiplying the equation by a vector
function gg(v) and then integrating in the
velocity space - In the case of the continuity equation g1
- For gmv the fluid equation of motion, or
momentum equation can be obtained
20Derivation of the Fluid Equations (IV)
- Integrate the Boltzmann equation in velocity
space with gmv -
21Derivation of the Fluid Equations (V)
- Further simplifications yield the final fluid
equation of motion -
where u is the fluid average velocity, P is the
stress tensor and Pcoll is the rate of momentum
change due to collisions
- Integrating the Boltzmann equation in velocity
space with g½mvv the energy equation is obtained -