Title: Retreat Findings: Oregon Shines
1Retreat Findings Oregon Shines
- From Progress Board Retreat on March 14, 2007
- Presented by Rita Conrad to Oregon Progress Board
on April 26, 2007
- Board members and staff
- Guests
- Duncan Wyse
- Brett Wilcox
- Written comments from
- Jeff Tryens
- Jerry Kissler
- LITMUS (Jeff)
- Leadership
- Initiative
- Theory
- Measurement
- Usefulness
- Story
- Findings
- People
- Process
- Content
- Document
4People and Roles
- Governor champions, leads the charge
- Focus on the new and the positive
- Executive Order
- Progress Board coordinates, facilitates,
promotes results - Leaders broaden the appeal
- Legislature
- Government
- Foundations
- Businesses
- Communities
- Partners make it happen
- Oregonians support and contribute
The Progress Board doesnt have to do it all. We
need someone to pull us together. The Progress
Board is uniquely situated to do that. -Duncan
Economy Business Council Community
Foundations Environment Institute for Natural
Resources and others
5Process needs to have a
No one will jump aboard a listless ship.
- Tight focus
- Style that fits the governor
- Context to frame the debate
- Visual expression
6Processtop down versus bottom up
- OSI top down
- Economic come back plan
- Big idea knowledge-based economy
- OSII bottom up
- 17 regional meetings
- Validated knowledge-based approach
- Fine-tuned the 259 benchmarks
- Perception of consensus
- OSIII propose top down and bottom up
- Lay out the benchmark evidence
- Be provocative
- Motivate Oregonians to action
7ContentWhats the BIG IDEA at the center?
- Benchmark interactions, sustainability?
- Environment and growth
- Prosperity and poverty
- Public Institutions needing transformation?
- Transportation, education, health care
- Initiatives making a difference?
- OS welfare, education, workforce, children, teen
pregnancy - OSII State of the Environment Report
- Measurement the Oregon Benchmarks?
- Theory Circle of Prosperity?
A good strategic planning process must make
things happen. -Jeff
8Content, continuedMeasuring with Oregon
- Benchmarks the strong suit
- Usefulness benchmarks.oregon.gov
- Two problems not yet solved
- Interactions between benchmarks
- Rear view mirror problem
How does past benchmark behavior tell us about
the future? Should benchmarks be designed to have
the highest predictive value even if they are
less citizen-friendly? -Jeff
9The Document
- Clear and concise
- Story
- Language people can understand
- Inject stories about how partners have used the
process to fulfill the vision
Look at other regional plans.
10The Document (Jerry)should be
- Substantive without being academic
- Informative without talking down
- Bust myths without being confrontational
- Recognize urban/rural differences without
widening the gap - Comprehensive but not too long
- Written at conceptual level goals and broad
(not specific) strategies - Linking findings to recommendations to benchmarks
To gain support from both sides of the aisle.
11Ritas synthesis
121. TAKE STOCK (analysis)
- Prove the burning platforms
- Benchmark trends and tradeoffs
- National trends
- International trends
- Find the big idea and a few big objectives
- Trumpet the call to change
There is a document waiting to be written
showing that if we continue on the path were on
now, we will never reach our goals. -Duncan
132. RE-THINK...
- Strategies based on best practices
- Benchmarks based on new strategies
- By partners in collaboration
- Top down and bottom up
- Foundations, businesses, government
- At state, regional local levels
- All creating the buzz
- A disciplined call to action
- Inspire leadership (the governor)
- Scare - burning platforms (the analysis)
- Guide headlights (the vision)
- Lure resources (money with strings)
- Partners in outreach
- Oregon 150
- Local steering committees
- American Leadership Forum
- Ford Family Leadership Development
- City Club of Portland
The issue is focusing, rallying, and calling
citizens to action. You dont ask citizens what
they are not qualified to answer. -Mike
15Oregon Progress Board OSIII Possible Partner
Honor the Past
Act Now
Create the Future
Oregon 150 Heritage Commission Engaging citizens
in local and statewide projects and curricula
Oregon Shines III Steering Committee
Accelerating Oregons progress
Oregon 150 SOLV Energizing citizens to act
locally and statewide
Strategy Teams
Online OSIII Partner Community
City Club of Portland
American Leadership Forum Ford Family Leadership
OSIII Local Steering Committees (elected
Individual Citizens
- Infrastructure for action
- Align investments and efforts
- Create results
- Measure results
- Communicate results
- Improve results
- Benchmark reports
- benchmarks.oregon.gov
- Partners and More
- Toe in the water
Words in a plan mean little without the means to
implement. -Brett
17- Anyone can now add programs and documents to the
18Discussion How to help the Governor engage?
- How OSIII can
- Enhance his legacy
- Give Oregon back its edge
- New
- Approach
- Name
- Big idea
- Executive Order Prep - Ideas
- Survey 30 leaders on OSIII
- Go to Governor with their input and support
- Follow-up surveys and focus groups
Lets put aside all the reasons we (the board)
cant do it. We are going to do it. -Sue