Title: Mesozoic Geology
1Mesozoic Geology
3Last time
- Pangea break up
- East coast rx
- Gulf coast rx
- Today west coast
4Gulf rocks
- Cretaceous ocean, passive margin
- Jurassic ocean opening, restricted basin
- Triassic above sea level
Why no basalts, faults, evidence of rifting like
on east coast?
5Paleozoic in Cordilleran mobile belt
6Terranes of the western U.S.
- Anything west of craton needs to be added
- Accreted terranes
7How to find edge of the craton
- Mapping
- Established with geochemistry
8Geometry of Western U.S. sutures
9Cordilleran mobile belt
- Granites
- Age Permian/Triassic boundary
- Western Nevada
- Granites
- Age Triassic/Jurassic boundary
- California
- How formed?
- How moved west through time?
10Cordilleran mobile belt
- Granites
- Age Permian/Triassic boundary
- Western Nevada
- Sonoma orogeny
- Granites
- Age Triassic/Jurassic boundary
- California
- Nevadan orogeny
11Sonoma orogeny
- Addition of island arc onto southwest margin of
12Nevadan orogeny
13Evidence of Nevadan orogeny
- Igneous rocks
- Lots of granite
- Form batholiths
14Evidence of Nevadan orogeny
- Igneous rocks
- Lots of granite
- Form batholiths
15Nevadan orogeny
- Late Cretaceous, volcanoes and batholiths migrate
east - How?
16How to migrate volcanoes inland
- Paleozoic rocks thrust over Mesozoic rocks
- Logical order of rock ages?
- Cambrian limestone on top of Jurassic sandstone
- How? Why?
- Sevier Orogeny
- Compression
- Faults lift older rocks, thrust eastward
20Mesozoic orogenies
21Mesozoic sed rocks
Sandstone, shale, conglomerates
Sandstones with small-scale cross beds, Ripple
Sandstones Large-scale cross beds Fossil
reptiles, scorpions etc.
Mud cracks, ripple marks Silty sandstone w/
gypsum Red beds, Fossils of amphibians, Dinos,
Trees, and ferns
22Triassic seds out west
23Triassic seds out west
- Petrified Forest National Park
24Early Jurassic seds out west
25Early Jurassic seds out west
26Late Jurassic seds out west
- Morrison formation
- Sandstone, shale, conglomerate
- Dino fossils!!!
- Dinosaur National Monument, Utah
27Cretaceous seds out west
- Cretaceous Seaway
- Just had Nevada and Sevier orogeny
- Source of sediment?
- In Seaway, what rock types expecting to find?
- Any variations expected east-west?
28Cretaceous Seawaywest-east cross section
- Conglomerates and sandstone close to mountains
- Shales to the east
29- Triassic sea level low, red beds
- Jurassic desert to shallow marine rocks
- Cretaceous Cretaceous sea way
- Why is sea level rising?
- Compare/contrast
- The tectonic setting and depositional environment
of Mesozoic evaporites in Gulf of Mexico with
evaporite sequences of Paleozoic
31Paleozoic and Mesozoic evaporites
- Tectonics
- Paleozoic forming on craton
- Mesozoic forming near plate margin
- Depositional environment
- Both restricted basins
- Paleozoic restricted by reefs
- Mesozoic restricted as oceans open
32Mesozoic key points
- Pangea breaks up
- Triassic rifting on east coast, Sonoma orogeny
on west coast, red beds in west - Jurassic evaporites in Gulf, Nevadan orogeny
with granites, desert sed rocks then shallow
marine rocks - Cretaceous sea level rise, Sevier orogeny with
thrusting eastward, seds washed to east, Laramide
orogeny at end