Title: GS 106 Geology
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2- Today
- Overview Mesozoic Geology
- Adding Pieces to the Collage
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4Figure 23.02 Divisions of the Mesozoic Era and
key geologic events
5Mesozoic Geology
- Global Tectonics
- Climate
- Orogenies in Western North America
6Fig. 23.03 a Early Triassic (250 m.y.a)
7Figure 23.03 b Late Triassic (200 m.y.a)
8Figure 23.03 c Jurassic (160 m.y.a)
9Figure 23.03 d Late Jurrasic to Early Cretaceous
(130 m.y.a)
10Fig. 23.03 e Late Cretaceous, End of Mesozoic
(66 m.y.a)
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12Ice House and Green House Worlds
W. W. Norton. After Kump et al., 1999
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14West Coast Orogenies
- Sonoman
- Cordillearan
- Nevadan
- Sevier
- Laramide
15Figure 23.10 Sonoman Orogeny
- Late Permian-Early Tertiary
- 250-225 m.y.a.
- Westward Subduction
- Accreation of Sonomia
16Figure 23.10 Nevadan Orogeny
- Late Jurrassic
- 160-140 m.y.a.
- Eastward Subduction
- Granite Batholiths
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18Fig. 23.11 Sierra Nevada Mountains
19Figure 23.10 Sevier and Laramide Orogenies
20Figure 23.12b Sevier orogeny deformation
21Fig. 23.12 a Mountains in Sevier thrust belt
22Figure 23.14 Buoyant subduction model for the
Laramide orogeny
23Sevier and Laramide Orogenies
- Late Cretaceous
- Sevier 100-80 m.y.a.
- Laramide 80-60 m.y.a.
- Continued Eastward Subduction
- Fold and thrust belts
- Basement Uplifts
- Dont Fit Simple Plate Tectonic Model
- Shallow Subduction?
24Fig.23.09 Growth of West CoastCrustal
terranes in the Cordillera
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26Adding Pieces to the Collage
- Module 6
- Northwest Origins Burke Museum
- North Cascades Geology
27For Monday 11/29