1Italian Network for Innovation and Technology
Transfer to SMEs
The value of transnational research for young
biotech firms Milan, 27th November
2009 Biotech 09 Fabrizio Conicella Bioindustry
Park Silvano Fumero bioPmed innovation
cluster conicella_at_bioindustrypark.it
In collaboration with
2World is changing..
- In 2025 nealy two third of the world population
will live in Asia - In 2025 the emerging economies will account for
34 of the world health (20 in 2005) and will
produce 30 of the world GDP surpassing EU - In 2025 Europe will be no more the first
exporter. Asia will account for the 35 of total
export - In 2025 EU and US will loose the their scientific
and technical supremacy for the benefit of Asia - The international dimension is no more an
option - Source The world in 2025European Commission,
3The life science sector and the international
- Problems are global (also if we interpret them
through the personalised medicine lens)..so
solutions are global.. - Science is more and more global.
- Big players are global they are acting
following a global strategy, they are performing
research activitiesatglobal level - Small players are willing to be global but..
4Barriers to SMEs participation in transnational
- Lack of knowledge about existing programmes and
more in general about the international
environment - Difficulty in finding Partners
- Lack of economic resources
- Common issues on Intellectual Property
- Lack of culture, skills and presence of language
barriers - Success Rate
- Lack of strategic perspective
5The Value of transnational research for biotech
firms as element of company development.
- Methodologies
- To capture best practices
- To develop new methodologies/technologies
- To share knowledge and experience
- To growth through complementarities/externalities
- Networking
- Other SMEs
- Big Companies
- VCs
- Market opportunities
- Link to other transversal technology sectors
- To identify foreign markets/foreign clients
6but companies are not alone
- Several initiatives are targeted to promote
actions facilitating interaction between Public
research and companies, in order to transfer
academic knowledge and skills - Stimulating regional and international
collaboration - Facilitating the application of research findings
- Attracting the establishment of high value added
production activities
7.opportunities and supporting initiatives for a
company to act at international level..
- Bilateral schemes (e.g Italy-Israel cooperation
agreement) - International financing schemes ((e.g. 7FP
www.cordis.lu Eurotransbio www.eurotransbio.net
) - Local/transregional initiatives (e.g. Alps
Biolcuster www.alpsbiolcuster.eu) - International clusters initiatives (e.g. CEBR
www.cebr.net) - EU supporting initiatives (e.g EEN -
www.enterprise-europe-network.ec.europa.eu/ ,
SMEs go health - www.smesgohealth.org) - Commercial international partnership events (e.g.
Bio 2010) - ..
8So..different tools can facilitate SMEs
participation in transnational programmes..but
wich are the best???
Grants as funding instruments? Nationwide
supporting initiatives? Europeanwide
initiatives? Networking activities at cluster
level? International scientific
collaborations? One to one partnerships? Other
types of funding measures?
9.keeping in mind that.
..in the long history of humankind those who
learned and improvise most effectively have
prevailed.. Charles Darwin
10- EUROTRANS-BIO experience in promoting
transnational RD projects results and
perspectives - Valentina Milazzo, Institute for
Industrial Promotion - The European Innovative Medicines Initiative
(IMI) challenges and opportunities - Giovina
Ruberti , CNR-IBC - Company experiences
- Neuro-zone, Fabio Bianco
- Nanovector, Paolo Gasco
- Newron, Carla Caccia
Moderator Fabrizio Conicella, Bioindustry Park
Silvano Fumero