Advanced Accelerator R - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Advanced Accelerator R


Advanced Accelerator R – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Advanced Accelerator R

Advanced Accelerator RD at the A0 Photoinjector
  • Ray Fliller III
  • FNAL
  • February 5, 2008

  • Introduction to the A0 Photoinjector
  • Transverse to Longitudinal Emittance Exchange
  • Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
  • Conclusion

A0 Photoinjector
  • L band 1.5 cell NC RF gun with Cs2Te photocathode
  • 35 MV/m maximum cathode gradient
  • TESLA technology accelerating cavity
  • 12 MV/m accelerating gradient
  • Round to Flat beam transformer
  • Transverse to Longitudinal Emittance Exchange
  • Dipoles recycled from Bunch Compressor
  • Quadrupole transport channel
  • User experimental area
  • Prototype kicker for ILC DR (UIUC, Cornell)

Beam Parameters
  • Laser energy 16 mJ/pulse _at_ 263nm
  • lt5nC/bunch (have had gt12 nC in the past)
  • Typically 10 bunches/RF pulse. 1 Hz rep rate
  • 4 MeV gun output energy
  • 16 MeV total energy
  • Dp/p 0.3_at_ 16MeV (1nC)
  • Bunch length 2 mm (1nC)
  • gez 120 mm-mrad (RMS _at_ 1nC)
  • gex,gey4 mm-mrad (RMS _at_ 1nC)

Let those numbers tumble around in the back of
your mind during this talk
  • A0 Photoinjector started about a decade ago as
    part of the TESLA collaboration.
  • A0PI has been used for various experiments since
  • Laser development (Ph.D. thesis Alan Fry)
  • Plasma acceleration
  • Channeling radiation
  • Electro-Optical Sampling (Ph.D. thesis Mike
  • Flat beam transformation (Ph.D. thesis Yin-E.
  • Laser acceleration and bunch Compression (Ph.D.
    thesis Rodion Tikhoplav)
  • Polarized RF electron gun development
  • Development of NEA GaAs cathode preparation
    chamber for FNAL
  • Low Level RF system development
  • Beam Diagnostics Development
  • Currently Electro-Optical Sampling for bunch
    length measurement
  • Martin-Puplett Interferometer for bunch length
  • Optical Transition Radiation Interferometry for
    energy and transverse emittance mesaurement
  • Transverse to Longitudinal Emittance Exchange
  • Investigations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
  • This is only a partial list
  • Sorry if I forgot your favorite!

Current A0 People
  • Helen Edwards The Boss
  • Don Edwards
  • Me
  • Jinhao Ruan Laser, All things optical
  • Jamie Santucci Operations
  • Tim Koeth Rutgers Ph.D. Student
  • Artur Paytan Yerevan U. Ph.D. Student
  • Mike Davidsaver UIUC staff, controls
  • Grigory Kazakevich Guest Scientist, OTRI
  • Manfred Wendt Instrumentation, BPMs
  • Randy Thurman-Keup Instrumentation,
  • Vic Scarpine Instrumentation, OTR and cameras
  • Alex Lumpkin Instrumentation, Radiation
  • Ron Rechenmacher CD, controls
  • Lucciano Piccoli CD, controls
  • Gustavo Cancelo CD, Low Level RF
  • Wade Muranyi Mechanical Support, Lead Tech.
  • Many Others from AD/RF, AD/MS
  • Sorry if I forgot your name!

Transverse to Longitudinal Emittance Exchange
Longitudinal to Transverse Emittance Exchange
  • Cornacchia and Emma (CE) in 2002 proposed using
    a deflecting mode cavity in the center of a
    chicane to exchange a smaller longitudinal
    emittance with a larger transverse emittance for
    an FEL.
  • Kim and Sessler in 2005 proposed a deflecting
    mode cavity between 2 doglegs to exchange
    transverse and longitudinal emittances.
  • Emma, Huang, Kim, Piot in 2006 proposed using a
    flat beam (exltltey) combined with a deflecting
    mode cavity between 2 doglegs to produce a beam
    with very small transverse emittances and large
    longitudinal emittance to drive an FEL.
  • We are going to do a proof of principle emittance
    exchange at A0 using the double dogleg approach
    with a round beam.
  • Well be exchanging a larger longitudinal
    emittance with a smaller transverse emittance.
  • This will be the Ph.D. thesis of Tim Koeth, a
    Rutgers student.

Deflecting Mode Cavity (DMC)
Derived from Figure 1 of CE. Electric field at
synchronous phase. Magnetic field a quarter
period later.
  • No longitudinal electric field on axis.
  • Electric field imparts an energy kick
    proportional to distance off axis.
  • Plan to use this to change the momentum deviation
    in presence of dispersion!
  • Electro-magnetic field provides deflection as a
    function of arrival time.
  • This type of cavity can be used as a crab cavity
    or for bunch length measurement.

k is the integrated longitudinal energy gain at a
reference radius a normalized to the beam energy
Beam Matrix Transport
  • The 4x4 emittance matrix at two points in an
    accelerator are related by
  • R is the 4x4 transport matrix between these
  • B and C typically have zero determinant and
    couple transverse and longitudinal emittances
    through dispersion.
  • The emittances after the transport line are given

Derivation follows CE
Requirements for an Exchange
  • These equations show that for perfect exchange we
  • How to get l20? Its not obvious, but only
    happens if
  • We have no coupling at all
  • Or
  • If l2?0 there is still exchange, but the
    emittances are coupled.

Follows from the symplectic condition
Derivation follows CE
How to Make an EEX Beamline
  • Assume that the beamline consists of a before
    cavity section, a DMC, and an after cavity
  • Assume that the before cavity section produces
    some dispersion, h, with a slope h.
  • Assume that the cavity is a zero length element
  • What does the cavity strength need to be?
  • What are the needed properties for the after
    cavity section?
  • These equations come out of nothing more than the
    symplectic condition and the condition that the A
    and D blocks of the R matrix are all zeros.

FNAL Beams Doc 2553
Types of Solutions
  • Some solutions are
  • A dogleg after the cavity (K.J. Kims idea)
  • A beamline segment that gives additional
    dispersion with no slope in the absence of the
  • A quad followed by a dipole (Helen Edwards idea)
  • A beamline segment that gives no dispersion (at
    the end of the beamline) with a slope in the
    absence of the DMC
  • A chicane is unable to exchange the emittances
    without residual coupling. In fact, any solution
    that would be dispersionless without the cavity
    cannot produce a complete uncoupled emittance
    exchange (l2?0) independent of the incoming beam
  • CE stated the coupling for a chicane in their
  • Although the input beam parameters can be
    adjusted to minimize it

Thick Cavities
  • The previous analysis assumes a zero length
  • Don Edwards has derived the matrix for a single
    cell, pillbox cavity
  • An n cell pillbox cavity of total length L, and
    strength k, can be constructed

Thick Cavities and Emittance Coupling
  • What does this do to the exchange?
  • The finite length cavity, particularly the 4,3
    term leads to a coupling of the exchange that
    cannot be eliminated by beamline design alone.
  • The A and D blocks cannot be made all zeros.
  • How can you minimize the coupling??
  • The optimal cavity strength remains unchanged.
  • The after cavity section obeys the same
  • The dispersion going into the cavity should have
    no slope.
  • This will make the A and D determinants zero
  • The residual coupling for our beamline in terms
    of the beam parameters at the cavity
  • So at the cavity, you want to
    eliminate the coupling.

Thick Cavity at A0PI
  • For the A0 experiment, this ratio is limited to
  • The bunch length is limited by the input beam and
    the R56 of the beamline
  • Quads upstream of the beamline already focus the
    b function at the cavity
  • However, it is a small effect anyway
  • The transverse emittance after EEX is unaffected
  • This is the larger of the emittances.
  • For the finicky it is increased 0.04....
  • The longitudinal emittance after EEX increases 6
  • There are bigger fish to fry when it comes to
    diluting the emittances
  • More on this in the next section of the talk

Emittance Exchange - CDR
  • Incoming beam has energy chirp that partially
    compresses the bunch at the DMC.
  • Quads prior to the first dipole focus the beam at
    the cavity.
  • First dogleg provides dispersion at DMC.
  • The cavity reduces the momentum spread of the
    beam and gives a shear deflection to the beam.
  • The second dogleg finishes the exchange.

Diagram by Tim Koeth.
Watching the Exchange
Input to the EEX line
Before Dipole 2
Before DMC
After DMC
Before Dipole 4
Exchange Complete
Simulation of the Exchange
Dogleg Start
Dogleg Finish
Beamline Layout with the Cavity Off
Deflecting Mode Cavity
Beamline Installed
Deflecting Mode Cavity Design
  • Our dogleg is designed to produce h0.33m.
  • The beam energy is 14.3 MeV.
  • This means the cavity needs to produce a kick of
    45keV/mm of transverse offset.
  • We will use a 3.9GHz, 5 cell copper cavity.
  • Based on the CKM SRF deflecting cavity
  • Cooled with liquid N2
  • This choice is driven by
  • The need to produce a cavity quickly
  • An available 80 kW klystron
  • The mode spacing of the cavity vs. the number of

Cavity Construction Timeline
  • Half cells arrived Aug. 9, 06
  • Dumbbells brazed Aug. 29
  • Dumbbell trim spec Sept. 20
  • Dumbbell leak check Sept. 25
  • OOOPS - Deformed the dumbbells
  • Expanded the dumbbells - Oct. 13
  • Did not restore the profile
  • Replacement dumbbells arrive Jan. 2 07
  • Cavity brazed Feb. 6
  • Bead pulls finished Mar. 1
  • First low power cold test Apr. 5
  • Conditioning started May 25
  • High Power cold test May 29
  • Accidentally overpressurized vessel June 7
  • Retuning cavity completed July 23
  • High Power test Aug. 8
  • New exhaust installed on vessel!!!
  • Cavity installed in beamline Aug. 25
  • Cryo clearance Sept. 6

Pictures by Reidar Hahn and Tim Koeth
Cavity Polarization and Field Flatness
  • Longitudinal electric field vs angle in cells 2-4
    determined by bead pull.
  • Cavity polarization is set by input coupler.
  • Bead pull results of cavity field flatness tuning.

First Deflected Beam by a CKM type Cavity
Operating phase for exchange
  • The induced kick is about ½ of what was expected
    for the input power
  • Tim and Leo were still quite excited!
  • There were a few reasons for that, which were
  • But even now, the maximum cavity strength is only
    70 of what we need
  • We think this is due to a change in field

Diagnostics for EEX
  • Prior to the exchange we have the following beam
  • OTR screens for beam spot size measurement
  • Slits for uncorrelated beam divergence
  • Combined with above gives a transverse emittance
  • Horizontally bending spectrometer for energy and
    energy spread measurement
  • Streak Camera for bunch length
  • After the exchange
  • Same diagnostics for measuring transverse
  • Vertically bending spectrometer for momentum
  • Allows us to decouple the momentum spread
    measurement from any residual horizontal
    dispersion from the doglegs
  • Martin-Puplett interferometer for bunch length
  • The bunch length is too short for the streak

WARNING Some of the data that you are about
to see are VERY preliminary results. Some of
these data are hot off the press and the
analysis needs some refinement....
Emittance Data
  • We measure emittance in a 2 step process
  • Measure the spot size at a location
  • Insert slits at same location
  • Measure the size of the slits at a downstream
  • This gives us
  • Spot size
  • Uncorrelated beam divergance
  • The product is emittance
  • Spacing between the slits
  • sxx /sx2 -a/b

Input Emittance Data and Courant-Snyder Parameters
  • The measured emittance is larger than socially
  • It does not agree with previous measurements
  • Tim is investigating the problem
  • The disagreement between the a and b is only
    because of the emittance
  • Otherwise we have good agreement

Incoming Momentum Spread
  • The incoming beam momentum spread agrees well
    with simulations.
  • Below is a beam image after our spectrometer in
    the straight ahead line.

Incoming Momentum Spread Mystery
  • For some unknown reason, currently, we are seeing
    multiple peaks in the energy spread of the beam.
  • Even in our straight ahead line
  • It is even intermittant here one day, gone the
  • Possible reasons are
  • A double guassian laser pulse
  • Initial diagnostics show that is not the case
  • We have been having RF issues with our 9 cell
  • Is this related to the emittance issue??
  • Below is an image of the double peaks beam is
    26 off crest

Double Peak Investigation
  • We did a simple experiment
  • Measure the energy difference between the peaks
    at different RF phases.
  • Ask Is the energy difference consistent with
    two pulses separated by some time interval?
  • We measured 26 and 36 degrees off crest.
  • In both cases double peak spacing corresponds to
    2.00.1 deg, otherwise known as
  • 4.3ps, or 1.3 mm, or 232 GHz.
  • Conventional wisdom is that the laser is the
  • Jinhao pleads not guilty!
  • We have checked laser with
  • Streak camera - UV only
  • CW Autocorrelator -IR only
  • Single Shot Autocorrelator -IR only
  • All evidence supports Jinhaos claim!
  • Streak Camera measurements on the electrons show
    a single gaussian pulse.
  • Are there distant fellow travellers?
  • Looked at the laser nothing.
  • Looked at BPMs nothing.
  • Need to redo streak camera on electron and laser.

Incoming Bunch Length Measurements
  • Bunch length measurements for the incoming beam
  • Reasonable agreement with simulations
  • Chirping the beam does not shrink the bunch
  • After the exchange line bunch length is near the
    resolution limit of the streak camera
  • The expected bunch length is 1.6 ps after the EEX
  • The streak camera resolution 1 ps
  • The bunch length without the cavity is 8.1 ps
  • But it will have been over-compressed in the

Horizontal Dispersion through EEX Line
  • Cavity is off during these measurements

Beam Spot Image after EEX line
  • This is a typical cavity off beam image after the
    EEX line
  • The beam is too big to fit on the screen
  • Horizontal beam size here is due to 56 cm of

Horizontal Spot Size Preliminary!!!!
Screen edge
  • Above is a typical cavity off horizontal profile
    after the second dogleg
  • The screen edges are clearly visible
  • As the cavity strength is increased, the beam is
    clearly manipulated
  • Further analysis needs to be done
  • The vertical spot sizes dont look this bad

Vertical Spot Size
  • Above is a typical cavity off vertical profile
    after the second dogleg .
  • Same screen
  • Same conditions as before

Horizontal Spot Size Along Beamline vs. Cavity
Dogleg Ends
Dogleg Begins
  • Beam images prior to the first dipole agree with
  • Obviously the images after the dipole are
    truncated so the fit quality suffers.
  • So we really dont believe the data in this plot.

Vertical Spot Size Along Beamline vs. Cavity
Dogleg Ends
Dogleg Begins
  • Agreement is much better here because of the
    better profiles
  • We dont expect the cavity to change anything in
    the vertical plane, so we have confidence that
    the cavity polarization is good.

EEX Spectrometer Spot vs. k
  • Vertical image size 61 mm 930 keV
  • Horizontal image size 80 mm

Cavity OFF
Cavity 10
Cavity 20
Cavity 30
Cavity 40
Cavity 50
Cavity 60
Cavity 70
Cavity 80
Cavity 100
Current Status
  • We are beginning to get results from the EEX
  • We are starting to measure the EEX matrix
  • We have a bunch of data that we need to analyze
  • Spot sizes, slit images, momentum spread,
    incoming bunch length.
  • Certainly need to take more data to determine
    that the emittance is swapped.
  • And a few operational questions to answer
  • Is the cavity strength high enough?
  • What causes double peak in the energy spread?
  • This may be a recent RF problem in the 9 cell
  • Possibly the laser
  • Otherwise a head scratcher
  • Some other smaller bug-a-boos to deal with.
  • Interferometer installation is finishing up.
  • Required for bunch length measurement after EEX.
  • Tim may be seeing the first light at the end of
    the tunnel

Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
  • Coherent Synchrotron Radiation occurs when a
    short bunch passes through a bending magnet.
    Synchrotron radiation from the rear of the bunch
    can interact with the front of the bunch. This
    leads to
  • Beam Energy loss
  • Energy spread changes within the bunch
  • Large decrease in energy at the tail of the bunch
  • Smaller increase in energy at the head of the
  • Transverse emittance growth
  • This is from the particles with changed energies
    not following the orbit given by the original
    energy deviation and dispersion. When the
    dispersion is eliminated, these particles have a
    betatron offset.

CSR Induced Emittance Growth
  • CSR causes emittance growth because of the
    redistribution of the energy inside of the bunch.
    This causes particles to follow paths dictated
    by their energy loss. After a dipole this leads
    to position and angular offsets.

Figure Taken from A Bunch Compressor forSmall
Emittances and High Peak Currents at athe VUV
Free-Electron Laser Frank Stulle, Ph.D. thesis
University of Hamburg
CSR Induced Energy Spread Changes
  • Saldin worked out the energy loss vs.
    longitudinal position in 1996. Their model
    assumes that the transverse sizes of the bunch
    are negligible.

Bunch Profile
15 cm in dipole
Energy increase
50 cm in dipole
60 cm in dipole
Steady state
  • As the beam is in the dipole,
  • the bunch head gains energy
  • A longer dipole pushes the energy gain region
  • Most of the beam looses energy

Bunch Head
Figure Taken from A Bunch Compressor forSmall
Emittances and High Peak Currents at athe VUV
Free-Electron Laser Frank Stulle, Ph.D. thesis
University of Hamburg
CSR Radiation Spectrum
wmax17 mm
Coherent part
Log P (W)
wc200 mm
Incoherent part
Log wc (rad/s)
  • Calculated Energy spectrum for a 1nC bunch
    passing through dipole 3 of the A0 bunch
  • Total radiated energy 10 mJ
  • Incoherent loss scales as , Coherent
    losses scale as
  • This spectrum does not reflect the shielding
    effect of beam pipe

Important CSR Parameters
  • Overtaking length is the distance needed in a
    dipole for radiation generated at the rear of the
    bunch to catch up to the front of the bunch.
  • Suppression Parameter calculates the maximum beam
    pipe radius one can use if one wishes to shield
    against CSR.
  • Derbenev Criterion is a relation between the
    transverse size, bunch length, and bending
    radius. A small number (compared to 1) means
    Saldins model is valid. If this is comparable
    or larger than one, the model overestimates the
    effects on the beam.

CSR at A0
  • CSR might be seen in two places at the
  • The old bunch compressor
  • The emittance exchange experiment
  • Prior to decommissioning the bunch compressor we
    took data to see the effect of CSR on the
    electron bunch.
  • The vacuum chamber did not allow measurement of
    the CSR itself.
  • Preliminary CSR measurements were done with the
    EEX line.

The A0 Bunch Compressor
  • A0 Bunch Compressor was a 4 dipole C type
  • Vital Statistics
  • Beam Energy 12.9 MeV
  • 9 cell phase -39 off crest
  • Path Length 1.89 m
  • Magnet Arc Length 0.2904 m
  • Magnet Bend Angle 22.5
  • Maximum Dispersion 14 cm
  • R56 8 cm
  • Compression Ratio 71

CSR in the Bunch Compressor
Dipole 3 and the Spectrometer may produce some
CSR related effects. But the Derbenev
criterion is not satisfied so the model is not
so accurate.
Dipoles 1, 2, and 4 are not long enough for the
radiation at the rear to overtake the front of
the bunch
  • This table shows some calculated important
    parameters for CSR in the A0 bunch compressor.
  • CAVEAT EMPTOR The energy spread and emittance
    growth assume the 1D model is accurate.
  • CAVEAT EMPTOR The magnets are close together so
    SR generated in one dipole can effect the beam in
    the nextnot included in calculation.
  • WALK AWAY WITH CSR could be a factor in the
    compressor and the spectrometer. 3D simulations
    are needed.

CSR in the Bunch Compressor
  • Beam Images after spectrometer for 3 situations
  • 16MeV, uncompressed, small energy spread
  • 12MeV chirped but uncompressed
  • 12MeV chirped and compressed
  • For 3 different charges
  • 1, 2, 2.7 nC/bunch
  • The plan was to compare the energy spread in each
    case to see if CSR is necessary to explain the
    data in the compressed case.
  • ASTRA was used for all straight sections
  • Including the gun and 9 cell
  • Including 2D space charge
  • 3D field maps.
  • CSRTrack simulates compressor and spectrometer
  • CSRTrack does not differentiate between velocity
    (space charge) and acceleration (synchrotron
    radiation) fields
  • Simulations done with fields off and on

Some Beam Images
  • Below are typical background subtracted images of
    1nC bunches after the spectrometer.
  • Beam Energy and chirp are identical in each case.
  • Higher Energy is to the left.
  • Image is 6.1cm across. This is equivalent to

12 MeV Uncompressed
12 MeV Compressed
Some Beam Profiles
  • 47.8 keV/mm _at_ 16 MeV
  • 37.2 keV/mm _at_ 12.2 MeV
  • Profiles (actually projections) are extracted
    from images
  • Each profile above is for 1nC/bunch. No attempt
    has been made to normalize the profiles to one
  • Camera gains where adjusted to get the best images

16MeV Comparison 2.7nC
  • 47.8 keV/mm
  • Simulation scaled vertically and shifted
    horizontally to align peak.
  • Comparison is for 3nC, as the higher charge
    should enhance any CSR effects.
  • Agreement is reasonable for the CSR on case.
  • Reminder This is an uncompressed beam.

Why Do We See CSR Effects in the Spectrometer??
  • The arc length is 30 cm.
  • The overtaking length in the spectrometer is 25
  • The Derbenev criterion is 0.35
  • Uh Ohh.
  • Saldins model predicts
  • An energy increase of 4keV
  • The horizontal emittance should grow 12
  • The simulations predict
  • An energy increase of 8keV
  • An emittance increase of 9
  • Most importantly The simulation and calculation
    more closely replicate the data!
  • Did we see CSR??
  • We did not have a port to look in when this data
    was taken.
  • We do now but havent looked yet, we will soon.
  • This will give us confidence that we know what we
    are talking about!

12 MeV Uncompressed Comparison 2.7nC
Screen Edge
  • 37.2 keV/mm
  • Comparison of the chirped, uncompressed beam with
  • Simulated energy spread is larger than the data.
  • Shape is not well matched either

Compressed Beam Comparison 2.7nC
Screen Edge
  • 37.2 keV/mm
  • Simulations with and without CSR are shown here.
  • Qualitative agreement is reasonable.
  • Including CSR does not enhance the agreement.

CSR in the Bunch Compressor Roundup
  • We took beam images after spectrometer for 3
  • 16MeV, uncompressed, small energy spread
  • 12MeV chirped but uncompressed
  • 12MeV chirped and compressed
  • For 3 different charges
  • 1, 2, 2.7 nC/bunch
  • CSR was not a major effect in the bunch
  • Surprisingly, the spectrometer is showing hints
    with an uncompressed beam.

Emittance Exchange Quick Reminder
  • Incoming beam has energy chirp that partially
    compresses the bunch at the DMC.
  • Quads prior to the first dipole focus the beam at
    the cavity.
  • First dogleg provides dispersion at DMC.
  • The cavity reduces the momentum spread of the
    beam and crabs the beam.
  • The second dogleg finishes the exchange.

Diagram by Tim Koeth.
CSR in the Emittance Exchange Experiment
Same two trouble spots
  • This is the table of CSR parameters for the EEX
  • It appears that CSR is only an issue in Dipole 3
    and the Spectrometer.
  • However, the 1D model is suspicious in those
    places so 3D simulations are needed.
  • BUT, looking does not require simulations
  • So that is what we did!

CSR in the EEX Experiment
  • When the EEX experiment was installed, ports were
    included to measure any radiation from dipoles
    2,3,4, spectrometer.
  • On December 20 we tried to measure any Coherent
    Radiation at dipole 3. We measured
  • Coherent Transition Radiation prior to dipole to
    determine if the bunch was compressed.
  • Radiation through straight-through port of Dipole
  • Varied the charge to investigate charge
  • The goal was not a precise measurement of
    anything. We wanted to know if we would see
    anything at all!

Experiment Setup
Fused Silica Window
Removable OTR Screen
Pryoelectric Detectors
Crystalline Quartz Window
  • Pyroelectric detectors measure the THz radiation
    expected from the Coherent Transition and
    Coherent Synchrotron radiation.
  • Transition radiation used to ensure that bunch is
  • Not a measure of length per se, more of an
    optimization knob.
  • Straight ahead detector measures edge radiation
    from D2 and synchrotron radiation from D3.
  • Optimally a crystalline quartz window should be
    placed on both ports as fused silica reduces the
    transmission of certain wavelengths.

Results Detector 2 Signal
  • Detector 2 shows increased signal with a
    compressed beam.
  • Doubling the charge increases the compressed beam
    signal a factor of 3.
  • The coherent power scales as q2.
  • The incoherent power only scales as q.
  • So we have some confirmation that some sort of
    coherent radiation is emitted!
  • Be it edge radiation from D2 or synchrotron
    radiation from D3.

CSR in EEX Experiment
  • We have evidence that some sort of radiation is
    occurring when a compressed bunch passes through
  • If we look back a few slides we see that
  • The energy spread after the exchange is predicted
    to be 0.06 (without CSR) vs. the 1.4 prior to
    the exchange.
  • Saldins model predicts the energy spread to
    increase to 0.3 after the spectrometer.
  • If this is the only effect on the longitudinal
    emittance, the measured post exchange emittance
    grows from 5 mm-mrad to 40 mm-mrad.
  • This is still less than the 120 mm-mrad at the
  • The transverse emittance increase after the
    exchange line is predicted to be 8.
  • 3D simulations are needed to understand what the
    effect on the beam will really be.
  • Nonetheless we will still see an exchange.
  • Weve seen that the 1D model can overestimate the
    effect on the beam.
  • If we go to lower charges, we can reduce the
    effect and get a cleaner signature as well.

  • A0 has an exciting AARD program.
  • Ive highlighted a only two of the projects.
  • A successful emittance exchange experiment at A0
    would be an exciting development.
  • Especially for Tim!
  • Coherent Synchrotron Radiation studies are
  • We have seen something.
  • Weve detected radiation where we expected to.
  • We see the effects on the beam where we didnt!
  • The effects on the EEX experiment are still being
  • More studies are being planned.
  • Stay tuned for more intriguing results!!!

Thanks for your attention
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