Title: EcoMobility Demonstration Project
1- EcoMobility Demonstration Project
- Parkallen Neighbourhood
- Edmonton, Alberta June 2009
2Our Goal
- To reduce single passenger
- vehicle usage
3Our Method
- Engage the community
- Provide a variety of eco-mobility options for
residents to try - Offer workshops special events
- Challenge residents to become more eco-mobile
- Provide information about eco-mobility
- Make it fun and accessible
4Whos Involved
- City of Edmonton
- Environment Energy
- Transportation Planning - Sustainable
Transportation - Edmonton Transit
- Community Services
- Transport Canada
- Financial Support
- Parkallen Community League
- Community Connections
- Global Alliance for EcoMobility
- The Idea Information Sharing
5(No Transcript)
6What Makes this Project Unique?
- Initial target area was small
- Cross Departmental Team
- Community Development Approach
- Trying many different things
7Choosing the neighbourhood
- Size / location
- Community Interest / Capacity
- Built Form
- Local Amenities
- Access to Transit
- Departmental plans / Capacity
8Developing LocalMotion
- Expression of Interest
- Host Community Selection
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Community Planning Workshops
9Parts of the Project June, 2009
101. Eco-mobility Events
- The Launch Party
- Block Party
- School Activities
11Incentives Encouraging Eco-mobility
- The LocalMotion Challenge
- Eco-mobility Tool Kit
- Try It Bike Library
- Eco-Mobility Map
- Discount cards for being eco-mobile
12The LocalMotion Challenge
- Register by household
- Get a free LocalMotion Tool Kit
- Track kilometres
- Submit your log
- Prize draw
- It has made us more mindful of how we get
around our community It has also made us more
aware of what is available right in our own
communityand it isnt always necessary to jump
in our car to get things done
133. Pilot some improvements
- Take pedestrian signals off-line shorten
timings - Improve bike route markings with sharrows
- Add bike lockers to nearby transit station
144. Eco-mobility Education
- Community Programs
- Linking in with the school
- Workshops
- Electronic Newsletter
155. Measurement
- Phone survey, including one day travel logs
- Self-reporting of car kilometres
- Cordon counts
- Pedestrian signals
- Feedback wall
- Survey Monkey
16Sharing the Learnings
- Video documentation
- A series of 10 video shorts to document the
process, the trials the tribulations - One mini-documentary June 2010
- available at www.edmonton.ca/localmotion
17The Legacy
- Phase II
- A lighter version of the Challenge
- LocalMotion Events
- Travelling Try-It Library
18General Information
- www.edmonton.ca/localmotion
- www.parkallen.ca
- www.ecomobility.org
- www.iclei.org
- www.tc.gc.ca/programs/Environment/ecomobility
- LocalMotion Project Coordinator Julie
Cournoyer 780-944-5548 julie.cournoyer_at_edmonton.
ca - Walkable Edmonton Coordinator Ian Hosler
780-944-5339 - Ian.hosler_at_edmonton.ca