Title: Order of Operations
1Order of Operations
Please P Parenthesis (2 5) Excuse E
Exponents 43 My Dear M Multiply or
D Divide or / Aunt Sally
A Add S Subtract
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
2Directions Click on the correct choice (A, B, C,
or D) to work the problem. Then click on the
image to continue on through the PowerPoint.
3Follow the Order of Operations (ooo) to work the
following examples.
1.) 3 6 9 3 6
Step 1
- 3 6 18
- 6 9 15
- 9 3 3
- 3 6 -3
4Try again.
Click on the picture to continue.
Click on the picture to continue.
61.) 3 6 9 3 6
Step 2 18 9 3 6
- 18 9 27
- 9 3 3
- 3 6 -3
- 18 6 12
Click on the picture to continue.
8Try again.
Click on the picture to continue.
91.) 3 6 9 3 6
2.) 18 9 3 6
Step 3 18 3 6
- 18 3 21
- 3 6 -3
- 18 6 12
- None of the above
10Try again.
Click the picture to continue.
Click on the picture to continue.
121.) 3 6 9 3 6 2.) 18 9 3 6 3.)
18 3 6
Step 4 21 6
- 21 6 9
- 21 6 15
- 21 6 27
- None of the above
13Try again.
Click the picture to continue.
Click on the picture to continue.
15Order of Operations
1.) 3 6 9 3 6 2.) 18 9 3 6 3.)
18 3 6 4.) 21 6 5.) 15
16Make a PowerPoint using the steps for ooo. Slide
1) Title Order of Operations
Your Name Class, Period Slide
2) 52 8 5 6
Slide 2 is your problem to work. Use the
PowerPoint to show the steps to work this problem.
Last Slide) Should show all the steps in
order. Maximum of 10 slides