Title: SOCRATES Comenius 1 School Partnership Project
1SOCRATES Comenius 1 School Partnership Project
- Quality Assurance through the synergy of
internal and external evaluation
2Partners from Lithuania
2006-10-11 ZAPYKIS
Versta 2005 m.
3View from the plane
Gothic Church of 16th century
Zapykis Basic School
Zapykis church
Most beautiful homestead in Kaunas region
4Zapykis Basic School
- 1677 there was already School in Zapyskis.
- 1819 there was an Elementary School.
- 1865 there was established Primary School.
- 1934 there was a wooden School building.
- 1940 two schools in Zapyskis Lithuanian and
Jewish. - 1967 a new brick school building.
- 2003 renovation of school building, another
building was arranged for educational work. - 2006 new Rooms are being arranged on the second
floor of the school.
- A school of joy a student is a master
whereas a teacher is his/her assistant providing
any kind of help. The school is envisioned as a
modern educational institution, constantly
developing, open to positive changes,
implementing humanitarian values in a democratic
society and initiating constructive changes to
7Mission Statement
- Our purpose is to raise an independent, critical
and creative person who is capable of interacting
well in a dynamic environment and able to cherish
national and human values - To develop a basis for expressing national
mentality - To prepare a citizen for an open society
- To lay the foundations for a well-informed and
knowledgeable society - To raise personalities capable of cherishing
human values.
8 The Structure of the School
- Primary 1 - 4 forms (aged 7-10), 6 sets
- Basic 5 -10 forms (aged 11-16),10 sets.
- Number of teachers 34
- Number of students 278
9The Community of the School
- The community of the school consists
of the high quality management team, competitive
teachers and hard working administrative staff.
It also includes creative pupils as well as their
parents who contribute to the process of pupils
education. - Priorities of the community
- Internal and external evaluation and balance of
qualitative change. - Improvement of the working atmosphere at school.
- Systematic arranging of classrooms.
10Zapyskis Community
11Institutions of Self-government
- School board
- Board of teachers
- Methodological groups
- Pupils board
- Group of strategic planning
- Group of internal audit
- Initiative group of changes Round table
12Project (1)
- 1996 Usage of the computer is a way to
improve the teaching process
13Project (2)
- 1999 Teachers New Technologies -
14Project (3)
- 1999 The library is the prompter of
creative work of the students and the teachers - .
15Project (4)
- 1999 The reading room having a TV and the
Internet is the source of youth creative work
16Project (5)
- 2000 The School is the centre of studying
English and effective usage of the Internet
17Project (6)
- 2000 The centre of students learning and
spending leasure time using Lego Dacta
18Project (7)
- 2001
- The Schools library is a modern center of
information and creation
19Project (8)
- 2001 The information about NATO and
security to the schools community
20Project (9)
- 2001 The optimisation of the Internet
21Project (10)
- 2001 The Laptop for the teachers
22 Project (11)
- 2001
- The first book of Zapyskis students creative
23Project (12)
- 2002 Theraphy of poetry and English language
studying are a way leading to happiness
24Project (13)
- 2003
- Tourism for us, we for tourism.
252003 Tourism for us, we for tourism.
Project (14)
26Project (15)
- 2003 Zapyskis youths healthy life is an
example to everybody
27Project (16)
- 2004 The creation of Zapyskis Information
28Project (17)
- 2005
- Children, lets dance together
29Project work
2005 Lessons of kindness and joy of
Zapyskis young people through the music of
guitars and poetry
Project (18)
30Project (19)
2005 The prophylaxis of Zapyskis
childrens backbone and poise problems
31Project (20)
- 2006 2008 Usage of the Information
Technologies in 7-8 forms
32Project (21)
- 2006-2007
- Quality Assurance through the synergy of
internal and external evaluation
33- Interesting, unique, actual,
- various experiments have been carried out in our
school since 1989 - 5 days working week
- 45-minute-length lesson
- Alternative teaching
- 10 point mark assessment system was introduced in
our school in 1991.
34- Since 1995 a number of national
- conferences
- have been organized
- The perspective of the school and its
cooperation with institutions of professional
education - The role of the school in the teachers
professional development
35- Since 1996 the school was computerized (there
were 5 computers, now we have 35 computers). - Since 1999 the Internet was set, the students and
the teachers can use it for free. - From September 2006 the school takes part in the
international SOCRATES Comenius -1 School
Partnership School Development Project.
36- Zapyskis Basic School Invites You toVisit
- the Information Centre with 2 well-equipped
computer classrooms, a conference-sport hall, a
computerized library and an Internet reading
room. 30 computer work-stations are available.
You can also find a collection of educational
publications, fiction and videotapes.
37- A Museum-reading-room with a large variety of
material on the schools history photos, awards,
information of famous people, a chronicle of the
school, the schools coat-of arms. - A National Club where information on Lithuanian
traditions and customs, culture and way of life
has been collected since 1987. There are also
many publications, photos, papers and projects
about Lithuanian regions and rural life made by
the schools teachers and students.
38 Wish to see you soon!