Title: EMU seminar
1EMU seminar
- Music Makes Europe
- Livorno (Italy), 14-17 October - Gerrit Walstra
2Introduction to seminar
- Myself my company
- Aims seminar
- Working together in Europe
- Set up and programme
- Your expectations (questionnaire)
3Gerrit Walstra/ Haute Europe
- Senior consultant
- Advise public and semi public organisations on EU
- Development and execution of European projects
and programmes - Anchoring Europe in organisations /implement
advice - Haute Europe, part of Haute Equipe
- Netherlands based firm with regional offices
- Resource-, Information- and Project management in
the administration of non-profit organisations - Consultancy, Interim management, Temporary work
European Affairs
- Activate your knowledge of Europe
- Explore with you EU funding possibilities of
relevance to music schools - Asses the importance to Music schools
- Generate project ideas
- Project development
- Learn about content
- Experience the process
- First results!
5Working together in Europe
- Working together means
- Crossing borders literally and figurative
- Being aware of different cultures and systems
- What is needed
- An open mind
- Respect for differences
- Wish to learn
- Help each other (with language problems)
6Programme today
- Introduction to seminar
- aims
- general set up
- your expectations (questionnaire)
- Relevant EU programmes
- EU context
- objectives and characteristics
- your reflection
- Idea market
- Inventorise and cluster ideas (work group)
- EU funded projects
- 2 examples (Hans Skoglund Ko van der Velpen)
- the 10 golden rules for successful projects/bids
7Programme tomorrow
- Project development (1 2)
- working groups with similar interests
- from idea to project outline
- aims and objectives
- main project activities and results
- which EU programme fits
- organization of project
- budget estimation
- preconditions
- Project development (3)
- presentations
- feed back
- the next steps
8Your expectations (1) - general
- 15 questionnaires returned (13 music schools)
- statistics
- Some schools combine with dance, theatre or arts.
9Your expectations (2) knowledge experience
- 1. Knowledge of EU policies and programmes
- 2. Experience with EU projects
- Youth in Action, Grundtvig, Socrates, Leonardo,
Comenius, Erasmus, Culture 2000, Regional Funds,
Interreg, European Social Fund - 3. Experience with international cooperation
- Bilateral exchanges, organizing international
festival/ competition, twinning of cities
10Your expectations (3) - ambitions
- Fields of cooperation mentioned
- Music school systems
- Education on school
- Method development
- Group teaching and cooperative learning
- Raising musical talent childhood -gt
professional - Musical education for pre school children
- Teachers training
- Performing
- Management and finances
11Your expectations (3) - ambitions
- Cooperation activities
- Internet based communities / platforms
- Starting networks between schools and teachers
- Exchange knowledge, experience end methods
- Exchange programs for youngsters / pupils
- Exchange of teachers
- Exchange of / meetings with other directors
- Exchange of choirs, groups and orchestra
- Joint development of new strategies
- Joint development of new methods
- Work group research in music pedagogy
- Organize joint performances
- Joint publications
- International teacher trainings and workshops
- International camps
12Your expectations ( 4) added value
- Added value
- Quality improvement
- Increased knowledge
- Life long experience
- Networks
- Making Friends,
- Learning about and understanding other cultures
- Stimulation, inspiration and motivation (new
horizons) - Better understanding and knowledge how to
13Europe in a nutshell
- EU history development
- EU institutions and decision making
- EU Policies
14Europe today
- European Union
- 50 years
- 27 member states
- 490 million inhabitants
15Why European Union?
- Peace
- Safety
- Solidarity
- Economy
- Environment
- Safety-2 (fighting terrorism)
- Social / cultural cohesion
16Founders and enlargements
- 1957 Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg,
France, West-Germany, Italy - 1973 Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom
- 1981 Greece
- 1986 Portugal, Spain
- (1990 East Germany unification)
- 1995 Austria, Finland, Sweden
- 2004 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech
Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia,
Malta, Cyprus - 2007 Romania, Bulgaria
17Important decisions
- 1951 European Coal and Steel Community
- 1957 European Economic Community (EEC), Common
Market - 1967 Commission and Council.
- 1986 Single European Act
- 1991/1992 European Union
- 1997-2001 Treaties Amsterdam, Lisbon. Gothenburg,
18How decisions are madetheory
19How decisions are made practice
20EU policies
- Cohesion policy
- Aim? Reduce differences in prosperity
(disparities) - Why? Solidarity and strengthening economies
- Lisbon strategyAim? Knowledge economy,
innovation, entrepreneurship - Why? Competitive on world market
- Gothenborg strategy
- Aim? Healthy environment
- Why? Sustainability
21EU policies
- Cultural social policies
- European citizenship
- Youth
- Lifelong learning
- Culture
- Integration
- Health
- etcetera
22EU budget framework 2007 - 2013
864 billion
23EU budget framework 2007 - 2013
24Selecting relevant funding possibilities
- Direct EU funding no international partners
needed - EU funding of international cooperation
- 1. Direct support via (Regional Funds)
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- European Social Fund (ESF)
- European Cohesion Fund
- National/regional programmes
- National/ regional offices
25Selecting relevant funding possibilities
ltSpecial websitegt
Eligible areas in the EU under the Convergence
Objectiveand the European Competitiveness and
Employment Objective For information at national
and regional level click on a country on the map
26Selecting relevant funding possibilities
Slovenija Regional Development Programmes
27Selecting relevant funding possibilities
Operational Programme 'Strengthening Regional
Development Potentials'
Priority axis 3 Integration of Natural and
Cultural Potentials This priority axis aims at
the preservation and integration of natural and
cultural potential for development and the
improvement of tourism competitiveness,
recreation and the quality of life 263
Priority axis 4 Development of Regions This axis
pursues the strategic goal of the balanced
development of regions and addresses in
particular less developed and marginalized
Slovenian regions. Through developing economic,
social, education, transport and environment
infrastructure 619 million
28Selecting relevant funding possibilities
- Funding of international cooperation
- Build on own themes, experiences, partnerships.
- .but read the subsidy programmes for inspiration
too! - Subsidized activities, f,i
- Implementation of pilot projects
- Studies and research, exchange best practices
- International cooperation
- Exchange of staff and students
- Master classes, workshops
- Joint productions,
- Networking, congresses
- And more..
29Most promising options for cooperation
- Culture 2007-2013
- Youth in action
- Europe for citizens
- Territorial cooperation Interreg 4
- European year of 2009 creativity and
innovation - Lifelong learning Comenius etc.
30Information for each fund
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
- General purpose of the programme
- Selection of relevant themes of programme
- Who can participate - type of actors- geography
- Project characteristics - supported activities-
project budget indications
31Culture Programme (2007-2013)
- to promote transnational mobility of people
working in the cultural sector - to encourage the transnational circulation of
artistic and cultural works and products - to encourage intercultural dialogue.
- Who can participate?
- All legal entities
- Culture Contact Point per country
32Culture Programme (2007-2013)
- Multi annual cooperation
- At least 6 partners from at least 6 different
countries - projects can last 3-5 years
- Subsidy max 50 (between 200,000 and 500,000
euros), on a per annum basis. - Cooperation projects
- At least 3 partners from at least 3 different
countries - Projects can last 1-2 years
- Subsidy max 50 (between 50,000 and 200,000
euros), on a per project basis - Support for European Cultural Bodies (Category
Network) - Provides co-financing for the permanent work of
these organisations. - Festivals can also be funded.
Deadline submission 1 October Starting date 1 May
following year
Deadline submission 1 November Following
financial year
33Culture Programme (2007-2013)
- Multi annual cooperation (3-5 y) Cooperation
projects (1-2 y) - Eligible costs
- costs of staff salaries social security costs
etc - often with ceiling
- must be proven
- travel and subsistence costs
- rental or purchase equipment
- consumables and supplies
- certification costs of financial statements
audits - subcontracting and service contracts
- costs of implementation of project actions
- disseminiation of information
- evaluation
- translations
- reproduction etc
- administrative and other operating costs
35 million available for 2009
Elegible countries EU-27, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway, candidate countries,
including Turkey
34Examples Culture 2000
- EFMET project European Forum for MUSIC Education
and Training - European Association of Conservatories
- Improve cooperation and communication
- Collect information on music teacher programmes
- Formulate recommendations to the EC
- HARMOS project e content project
- DG Information Society
- Data collection of music heritage and teaching
- VEMUS project Virtual European Music School
- 6 countries
- Distant learning self practicing
- Music classroom
35Youth in action
885 million (7 years)
- Promote young peoples active citizenship(Youth
for Europe) - Develop solidarity and promote tolerance among
young people - Foster mutual understanding between young people
in different countries - Contribute to developing the quality of support
systems for youth activities (?) - Promote European cooperation in the youth field
- http//ec.europa.eu/youth/index_en.htm
36Youth in action
- Action 1 Youth for Europe
- Youth Exchanges (13 to 25 year)
- An opportunity for groups of young people from
different countries to meet and learn about each
others cultures - The groups plan together their Youth Exchange
around a theme of mutual interest - Youth Initiatives (18-30 years)
- Group projects designed at local, regional and
national level - It also supports the networking of similar
projects between different countries, in order to
strengthen their European aspect and to enhance
cooperation and exchanges of experiences between
young people.
37Youth in action
- Implementation of the Youth in Action Programme
is mainly decentralised - Contact The National Agencies for Youth in
Action - NGOs
- 70-100 subsidy and lump sum
- 2,000 - 50,000?
- Applications 3-5 times per yearproject start
4 months later
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
38Europe for citizens
Action 1 "Active citizens for Europe" involves
citizens directly, either through activities
linked to town-twinning or through other kinds of
citizens projects. Action 2 "Active civil
society for Europe" is targeted to Europe-wide
civil society organisations Action 3 "Together
for Europe" supports high visibility events,
studies and information tools. Action 4
"Active European Remembrance" supports the
preservation of the main sites and archives
associated with the deportations and the
commemoration of the victims of nazism and
stalinism. http//ec.europa.eu/citizenship/index
39Europe for citizens
- Action 1 "Active citizens for Europe"
- Town-twinning
- involve or promote direct exchanges between
European citizens through their participation in
town-twinning activities. - strengthening mutual knowledge and understanding
between citizens and between cultures. - Municipalities
- 2.000 - 20.000?
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
- European Territorial Cooperation
- Cooperation between public actors and
organisations from different countries to tackle
shared issues of regional development - 3 typesa) cross-border cooperationb)
transnational cooperationc) interregional
41INTERREG IV A Cross Border Cooperation
2007 - 2013 There are 55 cross-border Cooperation
42INTERREG IV A Cross Border Cooperation
- Reduction of the barrier effect of borders and
socio-economic development of border areas -
- All kind of themes, preferably linked to economy,
environment or social issues. - Local/regional authorities, institutes, groups
- Private actors (possibly)
- Within border areas
- Networks, plans, small scale physical investments
- 10.000s - several million euro
- 50 - 85 EU co-funding (depending on programme)
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
43INTERREG IV A Cross Border Cooperation
Priority axis 2 Sustainable and balance
development The aim here is to contribute to the
sustainable and balanced development of the
Programme area by securing and activating the
regions environmental, social and cultural
resources. This priority also seeks to improve
the quality of cross-border cooperation at local
and regional levels. 35 million
44INTERREG IV A Cross Border Cooperation
- Example Estonia Finland
- Musical Bridge
- 4 Finnish music schools
- 5 Estonian music Schools
- Finnish Association of Music Schools
- Estonian Association of Music Schools
- 1. Coperation between music schools
- 2. Promoting the work of music schools
- 3. Educational projects
Several 100.000 euro
45INTERREG IV B Transnational Cooperation
2007-2013 There are 13 Transnational cooperation
programmes in the EU
46INTERREG IV B Transnational Cooperation
- Support the sustainable development and
competitiveness of European macro regions -
- only indirectly promotion of cultural values
- Public authorities, institutes, groupings, NGOs
- Transnational cooperation areas
- Plans, studies, pilots, small investments
- 100.000s - several million euro
- 50 - 85 EU co-funding (depending on programme)
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
47INTERREG IV C Interregional Cooperation
1 program for the whole of Europe
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
- Improve regional policies by exchange of
experience - All kind of themes are possible- find the right
context! - Regional/local authorities and public equivalent
bodies - All EU member states
- Networking, studies, visits, training, new policy
tools - 100.000s - several million euro
- up to 75 - 85 EU co-funding (depending on
482008 European year of intercultural dialogue
Young people are the EYID 2008s core target
group. Help us to bring the EYID 2008 into
schools and universities all over Europe! EYID
2008 activities could be linked to project days,
interdisciplinary programmes, job fairs, exchange
programmes and competitions, or initiated in
cooperation with school magazines, student
organisations or school canteens, or anything
else you can think of. The EYID 2008 could be
brought into European museums, art schools, music
schools, dance academies, or ballet schools. It
could also be linked to music and art festivals
or to book fairs all over Europe.
492009 European year of creativity and innovation
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
Artistic creation and new approaches in culture
should also receive due attention, as important
means of communication between people in Europe
and in the follow-up to the ongoing European Year
of Intercultural Dialogue (2008). The European
Year of Innovation and Creativity is proposed as
a cross-cutting initiative covering not only
education and culture, but also other policy
domains such as enterprise, media, research,
social and regional policy and rural development.
It should include information and
awareness-raising campaigns, promotion of good
practices, debates, meetings, conferences and
promote a wide variety of projects at regional,
national and European level. Budgets per
50Lifelong learning
6 970 000 000
- Comenius programme teaching and learning needs
of all those in pre-school and school education
up to the level of the end of upper secondary
education, and the institutions and organisations
providing such education - The Erasmus programme teaching and learning
needs of all those in formal higher education,
and the institutions and organisations providing
or facilitating such education and training - The Leonardo da Vinci programme addresses the
teaching and learning needs of all those in
vocational education and training, - Grundtvig programme addresses the teaching and
learning needs of those in all forms of adult
education, as well as the institutions and
organisations providing or facilitating such
Enhancing the quality and reinforcing the
European dimension of school education by
- promoting transnational cooperation and exchanges
between schools and teacher training
establishments - encouraging innovation in pedagogical methods and
materials - promoting the transnational dissemination of good
practice and innovation in the management of
schools - promoting the use of information and
communication technology in school education and
in the training of staff working in this sector - http//ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-pr
- to support the development of knowledge and
understanding among young people and educational
staff of the diversity of European cultures and
languages and its values - Quality of school education
- intercultural awareness
- All EU member states
- 10.000s - ca 200.000 euro
- up to 75 EU co-funding
- Objective
- Themes
- Actors
- Projects
53 54Reflection on presented EU-programmes
- 1 facilitator per group who leads discussion
- We split up in 4 groups gt 4 rooms
- a. Why are you interested in EU programmes?
Funding of own activities, European cooperation
with other music schools, both reasons - b. Are one or more of the presented programmes
suitable for your organisation? - Positive points of the presented EU- programmes
what is appealing / what are the opportunities - Points of attention of the presented
EU-programmes which elements seem less
attractive or can make it difficult - Questions you have in general or related to a
specific programme. - Plenary reporting back and discussion at 12.30 (
till 13.00)
55Idea market
- We split up in 4 groups gt 4 rooms
- 1 facilitator per group who leads discussion
- Inventory of ideas and clustering of ideas
- Inventory of proposed results and clustering
- Relation of 1 and 2
- Why important added value (optional)
- Plenary reporting back and discussion at 16.00 (
till 17.00)
56Golden rules for successful bids /projects
- Define your project idea (exercise tomorrow!)
- Pick the right fund, be strategic
- Be informed about the specific requirements
(content, procedures, financial) - Strong and balanced partnership
- Find the right partners
- Develop the project plan together
- Agree on roles and responsibilities
- Coherent and logical description of the
activities - A clear and precisely filled in application form
- Ensure professional management of the project
- Suitable budget for activities assure
cofinancing - Good planning avoid last-minute mistakes
57 58Programme 16 October
- Looking back at yesterday
- Working in groups with similar interests whole
morning (see list) - Break 11.00- 11.30
- Lunch 13.00-14.30
- Plenary presentations project outline and feed
back - Break 16.30-17.00
- Next steps and conclusions (plenary)
- End 18.00
59Reflections on yesterday?
- What did we do?
- Questions
- What was difficult?
Ideas Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Results Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
60Project development 1st session
- Basis - ideas from yesterday gt theme -
project template as a help - Why is the theme important?
- Aim and objective of your project- aim
abstract intention- objectives concrete goals
that you want to achieve during project life
time - Activities that are necessary to reach objectives
- Name project
61Project development 2nd session
- Basis results of 1st session template
- Look back on results 1 st session?Adjust if
necessary - Suitable EU programme?
- How to organize project /activities?
- Assess total budget and duration
- What is necessary for each partner to take part
in the project for real?
62Programme 16 October
63Adjusted Afternoon Programme 16 October
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch Buffet 14.00 - 15.30
Presentations and feed back 15.30 - 15.45
Coffee break 15.45 - 16.30 Next steps and
64Exchange of students
- International cooperation of music school
students - OBJECTIVES
- Students
- Learn together and have fun
- Raising standards by working together in
international setting - Develop personality and self esteem be(come)
independent people - Schools (teachers)
- Learn from each other about systems and methods
65Exchange of students
- To learn and experience (other) education
systems, working methods, standards and styles - To broaden the view and become aware of new/other
opportunities - To see and learn about other countries and
cultures - To meet students and teachers of other countries
- Improve the ability to communicate in other
languages - Develop as an European person
- To combine music with dance and theatre
- To show the International character of your
school gtexposure - Attractive for students
- Represent your country abroad
- To generate funding by governments and sponsor
66Next steps
- How will you go on with project development after
this seminar? - What are your next steps?
- What is necessary for you/your organization to
really participate in the project? - What kind of assistance is needed?
- How will you organize that help?
- www.haute-europe.eu
- Gerrit Walstra
- gerrit.walstra_at_haute-europe.eu
- 31 (0)6-21125514