Artificial immune system-based mobile node movement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Artificial immune system-based mobile node movement


Create a sensor network that contains a group of mobile nodes ... The project can be applied to the development and testing of search and spy algorithms ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Artificial immune system-based mobile node movement

Artificial immune system-based mobile node
  • Adriana Ogasawara Joshua Mahaz
  • EEL6788, Spring 2008

  • Use YAES to implement a mobility pattern based on
    an artificial immune system (AIS)
  • Create a sensor network that contains a group of
    mobile nodes
  • Nodes move towards areas of interesting phenomena
  • Nodes must load balance themselves

What is AIS?
  • Algorithmic process based on the vertebrate
    immune system
  • Based on how the immune system is self-protecting
    and adaptable
  • Immune system can distinguish between self (other
    white blood cells) and non-self (antigens)
  • Can learn to recognize and respond to new
    microbes and retain a memory of these microbes to
    facilitate future immune responses
  • This is how vaccinations work

Development Environment
  • IDE Eclipse SDK 3.31
  • Java 1.6 JUnit 4 (as required by YAES)
  • OS Windows Vista Business Edition
  • Version Control Tortoise SVN
  • Created a local repository on our home network
  • All milestone accomplishments were committed to
    the repository
  • Repository was backed up once a week

AIS Sink
  • Main purpose is to gather information
  • Sink is stationary and located in the middle of
    the area we are interested in monitoring
  • Sink receives messages when mobile sensor nodes
    pass within transmission range

AIS Intruders
  • In this project, intruders are analogous to
    pathogens that invade the body
  • AIS Intruders use the ActuatorNode
    ActuatorAgent classes built into YAES
  • Intruders are dumb are not capable of
    creating diversions
  • Intruders move randomly using the
    random_waypoint actuator movement also
    integrated into YAES
  • Randomly placed within the sensor network world
    using arrangeRandomlyInARectangle() within
  • Intruders have the freedom to wander throughout
    the entire defined sensor network world

AIS Mobile Sensor Nodes
  • Created a mobile sensor node class that inherits
    from in YAES
  • The mobile sensor nodes are comparable to the
    B-cells and T-cells in a biological immune system
    that destroy invading pathogens in the body
  • The AISMobileSensorNodeAgent class is responsible
  • Message passing between sensor nodes the sink
  • Random movement of mobile sensor nodes
  • Identification of intruders

Mobile Sensor Node Placement
  • Randomly placed within the sensor network world
    using arrangeRandomlyInARectangle() within
  • Mobile sensor nodes can only move and perceive
    objects within a defined portion of the sensor
    network world

Sensor Network World
  • Intruders move freely throughout
  • Mobile sensor nodes are restricted to the center

Mobile Sensor Node Movement
  • Agent calls moveRandomly()
  • The method generates a random int using the
    random number generator
  • This number corresponds to one of the eight
    cardinal or intercardinal directions (N, S, E, W,
    NE, NW, SE, SW)
  • The mobile sensor node then moves in this
    direction for 100 steps until a new direction is
  • If a mobile sensor node reaches the edges of the
    boundary, it declares itself stuck and
    moveRandomly() changes the direction of the node
    to the opposite of which it was moving before it
    became stuck
  • Gives the appearance that the node bounces off
    the wall

Mobile Sensor Node Movement
  • If a mobile sensor node senses an intruder and
    does not see another mobile sensor node following
    it, moveRandomly() stops and the method
    followTheLeader() is called once the perception
    is processed
  • The location of the intruder is passed with the
  • Once an intruder is perceived, the mobile sensor
    node accelerates until it catches up to the
  • followTheLeader() measure the distance between
    the node and the intruder for each call of the
    agent and divides this by a speed factor which is
    added to its normal step to apply a slight
    increase in speed

Mobile Sensor Node Movement
  • Once the mobile sensor node reaches the intruder,
    it places a lock on the intruder to help with
    load balancing so no other mobile sensor nodes
    begin following it
  • From here on out, the mobile sensor node will
    continuously follow the intruder around the world
    as long as it does not leave the defined area of

Mobile Sensor Node Load Balancing
  • Ideally, once a mobile sensor node has locked
    onto an intruder, it should try to help free
    mobile nodes to find the other unlocked intruders
    within the area
  • Even after a mobile sensor node locks onto an
    intruder, it still continues to process
    observations about other unlocked intruders
    within their range
  • Information about the intruders location and a
    time of sighting are passed to other mobile
    sensor nodes within range
  • If an unlocked mobile sensor node receives the
    message, it will examine how long ago the
    intruder sighting occurred
  • If the sighting was recent, it then moves to the
    location received in the message

Mobile Sensor Node Load Balancing
  • If a mobile sensor node which is already paired
    to an intruder receives more recent intruder
    location information, it will replace its own
    with the newly received data
  • From then on it will broadcast the received data
    until it receives newer information or spots a
    lone intruder itself
  • Only the most recent sighting will propagate
    through the network

Timer Marks
  • An intruder entering the inner square triggers
    the start mark
  • The moment a lock is obtained on an intruder
    another mark is saved
  • The timer ends when the lock on the intruder
    terminates (when an intruder leaves the area)

Timer Marks
  • Tstart Time intruder enters the designated
  • Tend Time intruder leaves the designated
  • TLstart Time a mobile sensor node obtains a
    lock on an intruder
  • TLend Time a mobile sensor node loses its lock
    on an intruder

  • (TLend TLstart) / (Tend Tstart)percentage_cov
  • Sumpercentage_covered/intrusions
  • TLstart Tstart time_to_obtain_lock
  • Sumtime_to_obtain_lock/successful_locks

  • Performed 10 runs with 5, 10, and 20
    intruder/mobile node pairs respectively
  • Each run the Timer Marks were recorded and
    processed with our defined formulas

  Avg Amt of Time Intruder is Locked Onto () Avg. Time for Mobile Node to Lock Onto Intruder (ms)
5 intruder/MSN pairs 58.24 356.99
10 intruder/MSN pairs 67.52 292.25
20 intruder/MSN pairs 75.32 208.96
Metrics 5 intruder/mobile node pairs
Metrics 10 intruder/mobile node pairs
Metrics 20 intruder/mobile node pairs
  • The project can be applied to the development and
    testing of search and spy algorithms
  • Already includes necessary infrastructure
    results calculations
  • The developer can concentrate on creating new and
    better ways to maintain coverage of a designated

  • Algorithm works best with higher numbers of
    intruder and mobile sensor nodes
  • Increases the likelihood that a mobile sensor
    node will sense an intruder within the area of
  • Also improves how well the message passing
    portion of our algorithm works
  • More intruders present results in more recent
    accurate sightings of intruders that are passed
    onto to the other nodes

Future Work
  • Create a more sophisticated random movement
  • Create intelligent intruders or intruders capable
    of creating a diversion
  • Allow mobile sensor nodes to recognize the
    likelihood of diversions and in turn command free
    mobile sensor nodes to cover vulnerable areas.

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