- Solar Energy Applications
- EnvS 116
- Asim Zia
- Department of Environmental Studies
- San Jose State University
- Thin film PV technologies Nanosolar
- http//www.nanosolar.com/
- Quantum dot solar concentrators Gallaghar et al.
2006 - Energy and Nanotechnology
3Quantum dot solar concentrators (QDSC)
- Buildings account for 20-30 of primary energy
requirements - (BI-)PV has high initial costs
- QDSC reduce the amount of PVs needed, thus
lowering high initial costs
4Principle of the QDSC
5Higher Quantum Yield and Efficiency with Quantum
Dot Nanotechnology
- Flourescence Quantum Yield (QY)
- Ratio of the number of photons flourescing to the
number of photons incident on the material - Quantum Efficiency (QE)
- If QDs with high QE can be incorporated/designed
into a suitable transparent media, then QDSC can
be produced with electrical conversion
efficiencies in the range of 20-23.
6Absorption and emission of QDs with reference to
a silicon PV cell
7Fabricated Mirrored Perspex Mould
8QDSC with a PV cell
9QDSC with a PV cell
10Power output at different insolations
11QDSC Efficiencies
12Energy and Nanotechnology Grito 2005
- At 5 to 8 discount rate, PV electricity costs
4.5 to 5.5 cents/kwH but at 12 to 16 discount
rate or IRR, the cost goes up 7 to 9 cents/kwH - Private sector operates at higher discount rate
in the range of 12 to 16, therefore solar power
is not attractive for power sector at this stage
13Energy and Nanotechnology Grito 2005
- NREL model projects PV electricity costs to be
dropped to a level of 1.5 to 2 cents/kwH in 20 to
25 years could happen sooner if govt. supports
RD - But solar power does not get reflected in the big
picture of energy projections, neither does solar
get enough govt. RD funding 70 million annually
in US compared to 1.5 billion for ethanol
subsidies. Why?
14Energy and Nanotechnology Grito 2005
- Policy makers are not correctly educated
- Not a clear understanding about the vast
insolation potential in US and mexico - Lack of solar lobbies as compared to coal and
ethanol - More funding in nanotechnology research for solar
power distribution and storage is needed