Title: BurnIn for FPGAsASICs BOK Task 04018
1Burn-In for FPGAs/ASICs BOKTask 04-018
FPGAs and ASICs are utilized in almost all deep
space and planetary exploration missions which
need to operate reliably under extreme
temperature and radiation environments .Three
major testability requirements are stuck at
fault coverage, at-speed test, and IDDQ test for
CMOS based chips .Generally speaking, 98 or
higher for stuck at fault and 99 node toggle
coverage for IDDQ testing is accepted as military
/space standard.These requirements are subject to
debate in both commercial and military industry.
Another issue regarding ASIC testability which is
subject to debate is the fault coverage
requirement of individual blocks within the ASIC
in order to satisfy the overall fault coverage.
As we approach smaller geometries ( 0.13 micron
and below), there are a lot of discussions within
the industry about the value of at-speed fault
models such as transition and path-delay. The
general consensus appears to be that in addition
to high stuck-at fault coverage, there is a
definite need for at-speed testing to detect
actual defects. There is also a general consensus
that the value of IDDQ testing will become less
and less in the smaller geometries This research
concentrates on a survey of practices used by
different NASA centers ,commercial industry, and
aerospace/military industry while assessing the
effectiveness of Iddq test for Nano-meter
Benefits 1.The result of this survey will assist
all NASA missions /projects In determining the r
equired and acceptable fault coverage as well as
suitability and effectiveness of IDDQ and
at-speed testing for FPGAs /ASICs . There will
be a clear understanding as to what the
acceptable coverage must be. 2.Unified NASA wide
testability requirement
Products 1-A report identifying standards used t
hroughout military/space industry.
2- A report on suitability of IDDQ and at-speed
testing for deep sub-micron technology .
Schedule/Costs 50K
Red, Yellow, or Green
Non-NASA Organizations/Procurements
Product Insertion Plan NASA/NEPP Website
Lead Center/PI JPL/ Roosta Co-Is none Center F
unding Split N/A
Tactical 5 , Slide 12