Title: C20.0046: Database Management Systems Lecture
1C20.0046 Database Management SystemsLecture 6
- M.P. Johnson
- Stern School of Business, NYU
- Spring, 2008
- Receive proj1
- Basic SQL
- RA
3Recap You are here
- First part of course is done conceptual
foundations - You now know
- E/R Model
- Relational Model
- Relational Algebra
- You now know how to
- Capture part of world as an E/R model
- Convert E/R models to relational models
- Convert relational models to good (normal) forms
- Next
- Create, update, query tables with R.A/SQL
- Write SQL/DB-connected applications
43-minute Normalization Review
- Q Whats required for BCNF?
- Q How do we fix a non-BCNF relation?
- Q If As?Bs violates BCNF, what do we do?
- Q Can BCNF decomposition ever be lossy?
- Q How do we combine two relations?
- Q Can BCNF decomp. lose FDs?
- Q Why would you ever use 3NF?
5Normalization example bookstore
6Normalization example bookstore
- Orders tbl key ordernum,isbn
- Orders tbl FDs
7Next topic SQL
- Standard language for querying and manipulating
data - Structured Query Language
- Many standards ANSI SQL, SQL92/SQL2, SQL3/SQL99
- Originally Structured English Query Language
(SEQUEL) - Vendors support various subsets/extensions
- Well do Oracle/MySQL/generic
- No one ever got fired for buying Oracle.
- Basic form (many more bells and whistles in
SELECT attributes FROM relations (possibly
multiple, joined) WHERE conditions (selections)
8Data Types in SQL
- Characters
- CHAR(20) -- fixed length
- VARCHAR(40) -- variable length
- Numbers
- REAL, FLOAT -- differ in precision
- Times and dates
- DATETIME -- SQL Server
Table name
Attribute names
Tuples or rows
10Simple SQL Query
SELECT FROM ProductWHERE category'Gadgets'
11Simple SQL Query
SELECT PName, Price, ManufacturerFROM
ProductWHERE Price 100
selection and projection
12A Notation for SQL Queries
Input Relation
Product(PName, Price, Category, Manfacturer)
SELECT Name, Price, ManufacturerFROM
ProductWHERE Price 100
(PName, Price, Manfacturer)
Output Relation
13The WHERE clause
- Contains a boolean expression
- Teach literal is a test x y, x etc.
- For numbers, they have the usual meanings
- For CHARs/VARCHARs lexicographic ordering
- Expected conversion between CHAR and VARCHAR
- For dates and times, what you expect
14Complex RA Expressions
- Schema Movies (Title, year, length, inColor,
studioName, Prdcr) - Q How long was Star Wars (1977)?
- Strategy find the row with Star Wars then
project the length field
15Combining operations
- Query Which Fox moves were 100 minutes long?
- Cross product again
- Cartesian Product
- Each tuple in R1 combines w/each tuple in R2
- Algebraic notation R1 ? R2
- Not actual SQL!
- If R1, R2 fields overlap, include both and
disambiguate R1.A, R2.A - Q Where does the name come from?
- Q If R1 has n1 rows and R2 has n2, how large is
R1 x R2?
17Cartesian product example
Hillary-addresses x Hillary-jobs
- Natural join our join up to now
- merging shared attributes
- Algebraic notation R1 R2
- SQL query
- a shared fields
19Natural join example
Addresses Jobs
20Natural Join
- R S
- R S ?
- Unpaired tuples called dangling
21Natural Join
- Given the schemas R(A, B, C, D), S(A, C, E), what
is the schema of R S ? - Given R(A, B, C), S(D, E), what is R S?
- Given R(A, B), S(A, B), what is R S?
22Join on arbitrary test
23Next (parallel) topic relational algebra
- Projection
- Selection
- Cartesian Product
- Joins natural joins, theta joins
- Set operations union, intersection, difference
- Combining operations to form queries
- Dependent and independent operations
24What is relational algebra?
- An algebra for relations
- High-school algebra an algebra for numbers
- Algebra formalism for constructing expressions
- Operations
- Operands Variables, Constants, expressions
- Expressions
- Vars constants
- Operators applied to expressions
- They evaluate to values
25Why do we care about relational algebra?
- The exprs are the form that questions about the
data take - The relations these exprs cash out to are the
answers to our questions - RA more succinct rep. of many SQL queries
- DBMS parse SQL into something like RA
- First proofs of concept for RDBMS/RA
- System R at IBM
- Ingress at Berkeley
- Modern implementation of RA SQL
- Both state of the art, mid-70s
26Relation operators
- Basic operators
- Selection s
- Projection P
- Cartesian Product ?
- Other set-theoretic ops
- Union ?
- Intersection
- Difference -
- Additional operators
- Joins (natural, equijoin, theta join, semijoin)
- Renaming r
- Grouping
27Selection op
- Selects all tuples satisfying a condition
- Notation sc(R)
- Examples
- ssalary 100000(Employee)
- sname Smith(Employee)
- The condition c can have
- comparison ops, , ?,
- boolean ops and, or
28Selection example
- Select the movies at Angelica
- sTheaterSunshine(Showings)
29Projection op
- Keep only certain columns
- Projection op we used for decomposition
- Eliminates other columns, then removes duplicates
- Notation PA1,,An(R)
30Join op
- Corresponds to SQL query doing cross equality
test - Specifically
- R1 R2 Pevery att once(sshared atts (R1 ?
R2)) - I.e., first compute the cross product R1 x R2
- Next, select the rows in which shared fields
agree - Finally, project onto the union of R1 and R2s
fields (remove duplicates)
31Rename op
- Changes the schema, not the instance
- Notation rB1,,Bn(R)
- r is spelled rho, pronounced row
- Example
- Employee(ssn,name)
- rE2(social, name)(Employee)
- Or just rE(Employee)
32RA ? SQL
- SQL SELECT ? RA Projection P
- SQL WHERE ? RA Selection s
- SQL FROM ? RA Join/cross
- Comma-separated list
- SQL renaming ? RA rho r
- More ops later
- Keep RA in the back of your mind
PL(sC(R1 x Rn)