Title: Predictions for the Detection of Neutralino Dark Matter
1Predictions for the Detection of Neutralino Dark
Carlos Muñoz
Madrid Autónoma University Institute for
Theoretical Physics
3rd ENTApP meeting, Paris, December 12-14
- A natural candidate for Dark Matter is a Weakly
Interacting Massive Particle
- A natural candidate for WIMP is a supersymmetric
particle The Neutralino
- We will analyze The Neutralino in several
supersymmetric scenarios - MSSM in the context of Supergravity (SUGRA),
- and Superstrings (Orbifolds)
- In particular, the direct detection in
underground laboratories through elastic
scattering with nuclei in a material
- But also, the indirect detection in satellites
or atmospheric telescopes - through anomalous cosmic rays from annihilation
products in the galactic halo
Which kind of experiments, direct or indirect
detection, will be able to test larger regions of
the parameter space of supersymmetric models ?
- One can compute the rotational velocity of
isolated stars or hydrogen clouds in the outer
parts of Galaxies simply using Newton's law
Thus for rgtrluminous disk , M(r)M luminous disk
- However, astronomers observe e.g.
W LM h2 ? 0.01
W DM h2 ? 0.1
A good dark matter candidate must fulfil W h2 ?
Recalling that
It is easy to check that a particle with weak
scale interactions has the appropriate value of
the annihilation cross section to obtain W h2 ?
- a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle with a
mass 102-3 GeV
- a Neutralino
- It has weak interactions and a mass 102-3 GeV
- It is stable, since it is the LSP
- It is a neutral particle
5DISCLAIMER In 35 is impossible to describe the
work of so many people that has been
contributing to this field, since the neutralino
was proposed as a dark matter candidate in 83
Goldberg, 83 Ellis, Hagelin, Nanopoulos,
Srednicki, 83 Krauss, 83 Ellis, Hagelin,
Nanopoulos, Olive, Srednicki, 84
Goodman, Witten, 85 Wasserman, 86 Griest,
88 Raby, West, 88 Srednicki, Watkins,
89 Barbieri, Frigeni, Giudice, 89 Ellis, Flores,
91 Kamionkowski, 91 Gelmini, Gondolo, Roulet,
91 Nath, Arnowitt, 92 Griest, Roszkowski, 92
Engel, Pittel, Vogel, 92 Ressell et al.,
93 Drees, Nojiri, 93 Roberts, Roszkowski,
93 Kane, Kolda, Roszkowski, Wells, 94 Bednyakov,
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Kovalenko,
94 Kamionkowski, Krauss, Ressell, 95
Bergström, Gondolo, 95 Berezinski, Bottino,
Ellis, Fornengo, Mignola, Scopel, 95 Khalil,
Masiero, Shafi, 97 Arnowitt, Nath, 97
Bottino, Donato, Fornengo, Scopel,
98 Chattopadhyay, Ibrahim, Nath, 98 Bailin,
Kraniotis, Love, 98
Arnowitt, Nath, 99 Khalil, Shafi, 99 Falk,
Ferstl, Olive, 99 Gondolo, Freese, 99 Choi,
99 Bednyakov, Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, 99 Bottino,
Donato, Fornengo, Scopel, 99 Khalil, 99
6 Ellis, Ferstl, Olive, 00 Accomando, Arnowitt,
Dutta, Santoso, 00 Corsetti, Nath, 00 Feng,
Matchev, Wilczek, 00 Gabrielli, Khalil, Muñoz,
Torrente-Lujan, 00 Ellis, Ferstl, Olive,
00 Bailin, Kraniotis, Love, 00 Mandic, Pierce,
Gondolo, Murayama, 00 Bottino, Donato, Fornengo,
Scopel, 00 Bednyakov, Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, 00
Baltz, Gondolo, 02 Cerdeño, Muñoz, 02 Bottino,
Donato, Fornengo, Scopel, 02 Kim, Nihei,
Roszkowski, Ruiz de Austri, 02 Bertin, Nezri,
Orloff, 02 Ellis, Falk, Olive, Santoso,
02 Arnowitt, Dutta, 02 Birkedal-Hansen, Nelson,
02 Bottino, Fornengo, Scopel, 02
Bertin, Nezri, Orloff, 03 Birkedal-Hansen, 03
Ellis, Ferstl,
Olive, Santoso, 03 Ellis, Olive, Santoso, Spanos,
03 Baer, Balazs, 03 Lahanas, Nanopoulos,
03 Chattopadhyay, Corsetti, Nath, 03 Vergados, 03
Drees, Kim, Kobayashi, Nojiri, 01 Gomez,
Vergados, 01 Ellis, Falk, Ganis, Olive,
Srednicki, 01 Cerdeño, Gabrielli, Khalil, Muñoz,
Torrente-Lujan, 01 Bailin, Kraniotis, Love,
01 Kim, Nojiri, 01 Ellis, Olive, 01 Cerdeño,
Khalil, Muñoz, 01 Djouadi, Drees, Fileviez Perez,
Muhlleitner, 01 Bottino, Donato, Fornengo,
Scopel, 01 Ellis, Ferstl, Olive, 01 Arnowitt,
Dutta, 01
Bottino, Donato, Fornengo, Scopel, 03 Dermisek,
Raby, Roszkowski, Ruiz De Austri,
03 Chattopadhyay, Roy, 03 Cerdeño, Gabrielli,
Gómez, Muñoz, 03 Baer, Balazs, Belyaev, O'Farril,
03 Ellis, Olive, Santoso, Spanos, 03 Binetruy,
Mambrini, Nezri, 03 Pallis, 03
Nihei, Sasagawa, 04 Cerdeño, Muñoz, 04 Baek, Kim,
Ko, 04 ...
Bednyakov, 02 Ellis, Olive, Santoso, 02 Cerdeño,
Gabrielli, Muñoz, 02 Lahanas, Nanopoulos, Spanos,
- Working in the framework of SUGRA, the soft
terms, Ma , ma , Aabg , are generated at high
energy once SUSY is broken through gravitational
- The simplest possibility is to assume
universality Ma M , ma m , Aabg A
- The RGEs are used to derive the low-energy soft
With MGUT ? 2 1016 GeV, in the MSSM m2Hu evolves
towards large and negative values
µ2 ? - m2Hu - (1/2)M2Z is large
m2H ? mA ? m2Hd - m2Hu -M2Z is large
Small cross section
8Belli, Cerulli, Fornengo, Scopel, 02
sc10-n lt 310-8 pb
More sensitive detectors producing further data
are needed
For a detailed study of the CMSSM, see Trotta,
Ruiz de Austri, Roszkowski, 06 a future
generation of one-tonne detectors?
Detection in directional experiments
Vergados, Faessler, 06
Experimental constraints -- masses of the
Higgs and superpartners, e.g. mh gt114 GeV -- low
energy observables (BR(b s?), BR(Bs
µ µ- ), g-2)
Astrophysical constraints --Relic density
0.1ltWDM h2lt0.3, WMAP range 0.094ltWDM
In addition, the parameter space may be limited
by Charge and Colour Breaking constraints
9Departures from universality can lead to an
increase of the predictions for sc10-n
- Working with non-universal soft scalar masses,
ma -
Berezinsky, Bottino, Ellis, Fornengo, Mignola,
Scopel, 95 -
Arnowitt, Nath, 97 -
... - Working with non-universal soft gaugino masses,
Ma -
Corsetti, Nath, 00 -
Cerdeño, Kahlil, C.M.,01 -
- Another approach is to use generic soft terms
at the ew scale without using RGEs (effMSSM) -
see e.g. Bottino, Donato, Fornengo,
10m2Hu m2 (1du ) , m2Hd m2 (1dd)
µ2 ? - m2Hu - (1/2)M2Z is smaller
m2H ? m2A ? m2Hd - m2Hu - M2Z is smaller Thus
sc10-n is increased
M1M , M2M (1d2) , M3M (1d3)
11Baek, Cerdeño, Y.G. Kim, Ko, C.M., 05
tan ? 35
tan ? 25
- Neutralinos with masses ? (10-400) GeV can be
obtained within the reach of detectors
CDMS Soudan, sc10-n ? 10-7,-8 pb, will cover a
small part of the parameter space
Since the low-energy limit of superstring theory
is 4-dimensional SUGRA, the neutralino is also a
candidate for dark matter in superstring
Taking into account that the soft terms can in
principle be computed in these constructions,
once can study the associated c10-nucleon cross
The previous general analysis of soft terms in
SUGRA, and the strategy to obtain a large cross
section, is very useful for the study of these
more specific cases
Of course, the results in superstrings will be a
subset of the ones studied in SUGRA
13Orbifold Scenarios
After compactification of the Heterotic
Superstring on a 6-dimensional orbifold, the
resulting 4D SUGRA is described by
n? -1, -2, -3
The breaking of SUSY is due to the VEVs of the
dilaton (S) and moduli (Ti) fields A convenient
parameterisation of this breaking is
The goldstino angle, ? , determines which is the
field responsible for the breaking
Now the soft terms can be computed. Including the
D-term contribution due to the presence of an
anomalous U(1)A, the result for the scalar masses
14These soft terms are generically non-universal
The non-universality can be large, even in the
dilaton limit, cos ?0
It can even be positive if q?/qC lt 0
For example, setting
the degree of non-universality is given by
In the dilaton limit this turns out to be very
In the dilaton limit
Few free parameters m3/2 , ?
15Cerdeño, Kobayashi, C.M., in preparation
- Going beyond the MSSM adding singlet superfield
Elegant solution to the µ-problem of the MSSM
µeff ?ltSgt
µ H1 H2
?S H1 H2
- NMSSM has a richer and more complex
2 extra Higgses 1 additional neutralino
A light Higgs is experimentally viable
Implications for sc-n
- Parameter space of the NMSSM
Ellwanger, Gunion, Hugonie, code NMHDECAY,
05Belanger, Boudjema, Hugonie, Pukhov, Semenov,
code for ?DM , 05
17Cerdeño, Gabrielli, Lopez-Fogliani, C.M., Teixeira
- Large values of sc10-n , within the reach of
detectors, can be obtained - Very light, singlet-like Higgses mh ? 15 GeV
- Lightest neutralino is a mixed Higgsino-singlino
state - In those regions the neutralino mass is in the
range 50-100 GeV
- WIMPs passing through the Sun or the Earth may
be slowed below escape velocity by elastic
scattering. Those accumulated in that way - will annihilate producing neutrinos which can be
detected in underground experiments, specially
through the muons produced by their interactions
in the rock
Underwater experiments (e.g. NESTOR, ANTARES)
with sizes of about 103-4 m2 or KM3NET
Under-ice experiments (e.g. AMANDA, or IceCube
with a size 106 m2 )
19- Through anomalous cosmic rays produced by the
annihilation of WIMPs in the galactic halo
fluxes of positrons, antiprotons, gamma rays
As in the case of direct detection, it is also
crucial for indirect detection to analyze the
compatibility of the neutralino as a dark matter
candidate, with the sensitivity of detectors
20Srednicki, Theisen, Silk, 86 Rudaz, 86 Turner,
86 Bergstrom, Snellman, 88 Stecker, 88 Stecker,
Tylka, 89 Bouquet, Salati, Silk, 89 Bengtsson,
Salati, Silk, 90 Urban et al., 92 Berezinsky,
Gurevich, Zybin, 92 Berezinsky, Bottino, de
Alfaro, 92 Berezinsky, Bottino, Mignola,
94 Bergstrom, Ullio, Buckley, 97 Bern, Gondolo,
Perelstein, 97 Bergstrom, Edsjo, Gondolo, Ullio,
98 Baltz, Briot, Salati, Taillet, Silk, 99
Ullio, Bergstrom, Edsjo, Lacey, 02 Bertone,
Servant, Sigl, 02 Hooper, Dingus, 02 De Boer,
Herold, Sander, Zhukov, 03 Hooper, Wang,
03 Pieri, Branchini, 03 Binetruy,
Birkedal-Hansen, Mambrini, Nelson, 03 Peirani,
Mohayaee, de Freitas Pacheco, 04 Falvard et al.,
04 Cesarini, Fucito, Lionetto, Morselli, Ullio,
04 Baer, Belyaev, Krupovnickas, OFarril,
04 Bottino, Donato, Fornengo, Scopel,
04 Elsasser, Mannheim, 04 Bertone, Binetruy,
Mambrini, Nezri, 04 Mambrini, Munoz, 04
See talks on wednesday by Brun, Orloff, Cuoco,
Morselli on thursday by Silk, Edsjo
- Annihilation of neutralinos in the
- galactic center will produce gamma rays,
- and these can be measured, e.g.,
- in space based detectors
Starting in 2007, the GLAST satellite will be
able to detect a flux of gamma rays, as small as
10-11 cm-2 s-1
22The combination of both effects implies that
GLAST will be able to test some regions
? (?line of sight r2 dr) sann v /m2
Particle physics
Particle physics Since the diagrams are
related, we can use the same arguments as for
direct detection
Astrophysics e.g. a NFW profile for our galaxy,
has for small distances from the galactic center
r(r) r0/r
tan ? 35
23DIRECT versus INDIRECT detection
Which kind of experiments, direct or indirect
detection, will be able to test larger regions of
the parameter space of supersymmetric models ?
Mambrini, C.M., 04
- The previous situation occurs for simulations
of halos without baryons. When baryons are taken
into account a larger r(r) is obtain, producing a
larger ?
Blumenthal, Faber, Flores, Primack, 86
Prada, Klypin, Flix, Martinez, Simonneau, 04
a NFW profile including baryons has r(r)
r0/r1.45 , producing ? x 100
Equivalent to Moore et al. profile without baryons
Mambrini, C.M., Nezri, Prada, 05
- The combination of both effects,
non-universality baryons, may allow to
reproduce even the observations of EGRET
Neutralino masses between 150 and 600 GeV
Even for mSUGRA, points corresponding to tan ?5
will be reached by GLAST
Thus, important regions of the parameter space of
SUGRA will be tested by GLAST
- There are impressive experimental efforts in
order to obtain a direct or indirect detection of
dark matter
- Supersymmetry has an interesting candidate the
We have analyzed the compatibility of the
neutralino as a dark matter candidate, with the
sensitivity of detectors
27- sc10-nucleon in supergravity, with universal
soft terms, is too small - Larger sc10-nucleon can be obtained with
non-universal masses Regions accesible
for experiments are present
Direct Detection
- Neutralinos with masses ? (10-500) GeV can be
obtained - within the reach of dark matter detectors in
the MSSM - Similarly in the NMSSM (50-100) GeV and
orbifolds (200-400) GeV
CDMS Soudan, sc10-n ? 10-7,-8 pb, will cover a
small part of the parameter space
- ?? (c10-c10) in Supergravity with universality
is in general small - Larger ? can be obtained with non-universality.
Actually, using a NFW profile, more regions will
be accesible than in direct detection
Including baryons, GLAST will cover important
regions of the parameter space
28Backup Slides
29Annual modulation signature, is a different
method for discriminating a dark matter signal
from background
Drukier, Freese, Spergel, 86 Freese, Frieman,
Gould, 88 Griest 88
Because of the Earths motion around the Sun
Fluctuation in the dark matter flux
A rate variation of 7 (summer versus winter)
30Efforts to build detectors sensitive to the
directional dependence, are also being carried
out. This is an extension of the idea of annual
As the Earth moves through the galactic halo, the
large preponderance of the recoils are in the
opposite direction. The detector will see the
mean recoil direction rotate and back again over
one day.
DRIFT is a project of an ionization xenon-gas
detector. The arrival time of the ionization
signal will be used to reconstruct the event in
three dimensions
31Experimental constraints
32Constraint on the Higgs mass
- In the SM, negative direct searches
- at LEP 2 imply mh gt 114.1 GeV
33In addition, the parameter space is very limited
by experimental, astrophysical, and CCB
Astrophysical constraints
34(No Transcript)
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36 Bs µ µ-
The decay Bs µ µ- is very sensitive to
large values of tan ? and small values of Higgs
masses , in particular ? tan6? /mH4
Thus the current upper limit B (Bs to µ µ- )
lt 2.9 10-7 may exclude regions of the
parameter space with large sc10-n
Baek, Y.G. Kim, Ko, 04
37Charge and colour breaking constraints
38In supersymmetry there are scalar fields with
colour and electric charge
Enormous complexity of V
This induces the possible existence of dangerous
Charge and Colour Breaking (CCB) Minima
In particular,
Deeper than the SM minumum if m2Hu is large and
39Concerning the restrictions coming from the CCB
constraints, these are slightly less important
than in the universal scenario
This is not a general result, and different
choices of the d's can modify the situation. For
example, for the same case as before, a) dd 0,
du1, but using the opposite choice for the sign
of the d parameters, not only the cross section
is smaller, sc10-n lt 10-8 pb, but also the CCB
constraint is very restrictive, forbidding all
points which are allowed by the experimental and
astrophysical constraints
a) dd 0, du1
dd 0, du-1
m2Hu m2 (1du)
41Minimal Supergravity
Contours of sc10-n
The light shaded area, with sc10-n ? 10-9 pb, is
favoured by all the experimental constraints
mh gt114 GeV
The dark one fulfills in addition 0.1ltWDM
h2lt0.3. The black region on top of this indicates
the WMAP range 0.094ltWDM h2lt0.129
c10 is the LSP
The ruled region is excluded because of the
Charge and Colour Breaking constraints
b s?
Cerdeño, Gabrielli, Gómez, C.M., 03