Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
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4la nature des sensations
- sentir des choses différentes
- dans une modalité sensorielle
- dans différentes modalités
- sentir plutôt que rien sentir
5Le problème de la conscience phénoménale
Sensory inputs
Brain mechanisms
6Sentir exercer une habilité sensorimotrice
7Sentir exercer une habilité sensorimotrice
8vision classique
nouvelle vision
le cerveau génère les sensations
le cerveau génère savoir et actions
9la nature des sensations
- sentir des choses différentes
- dans une modalité sensorielle
- dans différentes modalités
- sentir plutôt que rien sentir
10Sensorimotor Contingencies(D. M. MacKay, 1956)
- sensory input f ( action )
11Feeling Softness
- knowing that sensorimotor contingencies typical
of softness are currently being obeyed.
12Seeing Red
- knowing that sensorimotor contingencies typical
of red are currently being obeyed.
13Red is the way red things change the light
(Broackes, 1992)
14Non-uniformity of color sampling
15Dual Purkinje Eye Tracker(Françoise Vitu Denis
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20Aline Bompas with split-field glasses
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25Previous efforts
- Kohler 1951
- Mc Collough 1965 -
- Harrington 1965
- - Leppman Wieland, 1966
26Forced choice
more yellow-ish more blue-ish
27Judging white after removing glasses
responses blue
28la nature des sensations
- sentir des choses différentes
- dans une modalité sensorielle
- dans différentes modalités
- sentir plutôt que rien sentir
29Intermodal differences
- no change
- increasing amplitude
- asynchrony
- big change
- nothing
blink move forward turn sideways cover
ears cover eyes
- big change
- expanding flow
- shifting flow
- nothing
- big change
30Tactile Visual Sensory Substitution Bach y Rita
(1972 1984)
31testing P. Meijers The vOICe (M. Auvray)
32Audio-Tactile SubstitutionAline Bompas, Kevin
right microphone
left microphone
isolating head phones
Vibrator on right leg
Vibrator on left leg
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34Botvinick Cohen, 1998
35Seeing Straightness
- knowing that sensorimotor contingencies typical
of straightness are currently being obeyed.
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Visual field
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41What is a sensorimotor law?
- S f(M)
- way of describing relation which is independent
of the code - (Differential geometry, Lie Groups)
42Philipona, O Regan Nadal, Neural Computation
43Philipona, O Regan Nadal, Neural Computation
44la nature des sensations
- sentir des choses différentes
- dans une modalité sensorielle
- dans différentes modalités
- sentir plutôt que rien sentir
45Why is sensory experience different from other
mental phenomena?
- Corporality/Bodiliness
- tight link to body motions
- Alerting capacity/Grabbiness
- transients incontrovertibly
- grab attention
- if voluntary motions systematically affect input
- e.g. visual, auditory, etc.
- also proprioception
- not autonomic sensory pathways
47Alerting Capacity/Grabbiness
- capacity to peremptorily interfere with cognitive
processing - (can cause exogenous attentional capture)
- e.g. visual, auditory pathways, etc.
- not vestibular, proprioceptive, autonomic
sensory pathways
50"raw feel"
51"raw feel"
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53The experience of softnessE. Myin
54The experience of softnessE. Myin
55Having an experience
the exercise of a skill
thinking, remembering motor skills perceiving
56A sensorimotor account of vision and visual
consciousnessJ.K.ORegan A.NoëBehavioral
and Brain Sciences, 5, 2001http//nivea.psycho.u
57La conscience phénoménale en une phrase
- Avoir une sensation (perceptive) être en train
d accéder au savoir qu on exerce actuellement
une habilité sensorimotrice d un type spécifique - spécificités des habilités sensorimotrices
perceptives - monde comme source d informations (mémoire
externe) -
- corporalité
- capacité d alerte
58Mystères de la conscience phénoménale
- Transparents du cours et autres infos
http//nivea.psycho.univ-paris5.fr - Articles en ligne sur la conscience
http//www.u.arizona.edu/chalmers/online.html - PSYCHE http//psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/
- JCS http//www.imprint.co.uk/
- Abstracts de conférences régulières
- ASSC http//www.assc.caltech.edu/
- Tucson (Toward a Science of Consciousness)
60Quelques suggestions darticles 1
- !! contraire de mon approche compatible
mais nexpliquant pas la P-conscience - très neuro
- Moshe Bar Irving Biederman, Localizing the
cortical region mediating visual awareness of
object identity (awareness area) - Nancy Kanwisher, Neural events and perceptual
awareness (review on NCC) - !! Christof Koch (NCC)
- !! Gabriel Kreiman, Itzhak Fried, Christof Koch
(Single neuron awareness) - Erik D. Lumer and Geraint Rees (Awareness and
rivalry) - Lumer, Friston Rees (aware percepts in rivalry)
- Maknik haglund (optical images correlate with
percept not with input) - Sahraie, L. Weiskrantz, J.L. Barbur, et al (aware
and unaware areas in blindsight) - D.L. Sheinberg N. Logothetis (aware vs unaware
neurons in rivalry) - !! R. Srinivasan, D.P. Russell, G.M. Edelman,
G. Tononi - !! G. Tononi, R. Srinivasan, D.P. Russell, G.M.
Edelman (awareness in large numbers of
synchronous neurons) - !! S. Zeki, S. Aglioti, D. McKeefry, G.
Berlucchi (V1-V2 wavelength V4 color constancy)
61Quelques suggestions darticles 2
- plutôt psycho ou philo
- Bernard Baars (comparison of aware and aware
states) - Chalmers (phil discussion of NCC good!)
- !! Churchland (misguided hope in neural
hypotheses) - !! Cotterill (master module)
- !! Crick Koch (time for NCC!)
- !! Eccles (presynaptic vesicular grids of the
boutons ) - ? Hernegger (how brain generates sensations?
Interesting?) - Hurley Noë (cortical dominance and
deference) - Rees, Kreiman Koch (review on NCC)
- !! John Smythies (biochemical basis of coma)
- Ruediger Vaas, (Why neural correlates of
consciousness are fine, but not enough (seems
good!) - Baars (global workspace article)
- Myles Bogner, Uma Ramamurthy, Stan Franklin,
Consciousness and conceptual learning in a
socially situated agent (seems interesting!) - !! Stanislas Dehaene, Michel Kerszberg, and
Jean-Pierre Changeux - !! Stevan Harnad Consciousness An afterthought
(an attempt to account for P-consc. Interesting?) - ! Anthony Jack Tim Shallice, Introspective
physicalism as an approach to the science of
consciousness (doesnt explain P-consc?) - !!!! Steven Lehar, Gestalt isomorphism
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63Sensory consciousness
Sensory Quality
- J.K.ORegan A.Noë, A sensorimotor account of
vision and visual consciousness. Behavioral and
Brain Sciences, 5, 2001 - Corporality/Alerting Capacity (bodiliness/grabbine
ss) - J.K.ORegan, E. Myin A.Noë, Towards an analytic
phenomenology (in press) - D. Philipona, J.K.ORegan, J.-P. Nadal, Is there
anything out there? Inferring space from
sensorimotor dependencies. Neural Computation (in
Mathematics Inferring Space