Title: Women and ICT: Creating Global Transformation
1Women and ICT Creating Global Transformation June
12 15, 2005 Baltimore, USA
2The APC WNSP developed GEM to facilitate the
process of learning about using ICTs for gender
equality and womens empowerment and to
evaluate how ICTs are contributing to change in
women's condition of discrimination, disadvantage
and inequality.
3- community telecentres
- education and training initiatives for women
- employment projects
- networking and community building projects
- advancement of womens rights through women's
information activities and advocacy campaigns on
a range of womens issues
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5 6 7 GEM was used to evaluate how and to what extent
ICT tools influenced the networking process at
national, regional and international level, and
partnerships-building to foster gender
mainstreaming in local governance.
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9Gender and ICT Indicators Quantitative
indicators of access and participation have been
the easiest to determine and collect.
Qualitative indicators such as roles,
participation in decision-making bodies, womens
senses of empowerment more vividly illustrated
the relationship of ICT interventions and womens
10- Focus on policy change at national or local
context and inform our advocacy with knowledge
from our practice
- Promote acceptance of gender equality and womens
empowerment goals in the ICT for development arena
11- Interpret our experiences collectively using
commonly developed and shared benchmarks and
indicators for gender equality in ICT
- Find evidence of change in gender roles and
relations and create models to achieve this
change - Innovate continuously and create the conditions
for people and communities to shape their use of
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