Graduation Test Review

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Graduation Test Review


Plantation economy (commercial agriculture based on enslaved labor) ... Crops: small farming, fishing, whaling, shipping. Religion: Puritan/Congregational ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Graduation Test Review

Graduation Test Review
  • Beginning to 1865

1. Centuries
  • In which century did the year 1607 occur?
  • A. The 15th century
  • B. The 16th century
  • C. The 17th century
  • D. The 18th century
  • (Hint Add 1 to year to get century)
  • But the 1700s occurred in what century?

  • The economy of the colonies of New England in the
    early 1700s was mainly dependent upon
  • A. Coal mining
  • B. Maritime (sea) trade
  • C. Tobacco exporting
  • D. Rice farming

3. Primary vs. Secondary Sources
  • Primary Source first person
  • Thomas Jefferson writes an autobiography.
  • Secondary Source account written by someone who
    did not observe events, or from primary sources
    I read Jeffersons autobiography and write about

4. Locate the 13 Colonies and Trace Territorial
  • 13 Original Colonies Atlantic Coast, not
  • 13 Colonies After FI War, to Mississippi but
    Proclamation of 1763
  • United States (1783) From Atlantic to
  • Louisiana Purchase (1803)--doubled size
    Mississippi to Rockies
  • Florida (1819)-- Florida from Spanish
  • Texas Annexation (1845)
  • Mexican Cession (1848)--From Mexican War
    Louisiana Purchase to Pacific Ocean (Southwest)
  • Oregon Country (1846)-- Settled dispute with
    British Today, Oregon and Washington
  • Gasden Purchase 1853
  • Alaska-- purchased 1867Sewards Folly
  • Hawaiiannexed, 1870s.

5. Key Historical Documents
  • Mayflower Compact Pilgrims Establish
    self-government in colonies
  • Declaration of Independence Declares
    independence from Britain relies on Lockes
    ideas of natural rights, social contract.
    Purpose is to justify rebellion, increase
    colonial support, and enlist foreign allies.
  • The Constitution (1789) Preamble (popular
  • The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
    Thomas Jefferson wrote, separating religion and
    government began movement toward freedom of
  • The Bill of Rights 1st ten amendments
  • Washingtons Farewell Address, 1797 avoid
    foreign alliances avoid sectionalism and
    political parties.
  • The Gettysburg Address War of Union and freedom
  • Wilsons Fourteen Points (WWI) principles for
    international justice freedom of seas, freedom
    of trade, self-determination
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a
    Birmingham Jail leader gave reasons blacks
    couldnt wait for civil rights and needed to
  • Political cartoons--TR (cowboy hat), Nixon (peace

  • Which document explains the reasons for the
    colonies act of separation from England?
  • A. Mayflower Compact
  • B. Articles of Confederation
  • C. Declaration of Independence
  • D. Constitution of the United States

6. First Discoverers Paleo-Americans
  • Reach North America by crossing the Bering Strait
    between Asia and Alaska as early as 30,000 B.C.
  • Over thousands of years, they populated all of
    North, Central and South America.
  • Culture differentiation
  • Climate, geography

7. Advanced Societies
  • Agriculture occurs first in Mesoamerica
  • MayasMexicowriting, engineering, cities
  • AztecsMexico5 million empire
  • IncaPeru12 million empire

8. Columbian Exchange
  • The exchange of goods, people, plants, and ideas
    between Africa, Asia and the Americas in the 15th
    and 16th centuries
  • Native Americans European diseases, horses,
    gunsdisease killed more Indians than warfare
  • Europeans tobacco, gold, slaves, potatoes,
    squash, corn,
  • Africans slavery

9. Spanish Colonization
  • Spanish 1400s-1500s---colonize
  • ConquistadoresGold, glory, and God
  • Cortes defeats Montezuma of Aztec
  • Pizarro defeats Atuhalpa of Inca
  • Encomederoenslave Indians
  • Mission systemconvert Indians in Southwest
  • St. Augustine 1565, Santa Fe, NM 1609

10. French Colonization
  • French Fur trade
  • Quebec, Canada
  • along Mississippi River
  • Louisiana

11. English Colonization
  • Along Atlantic coast
  • English at first gold, glory and God later
    agriculture, political and religious freedom
  • Roanoke, 1585, failed.
  • Jamestown, 1607, gold, then tobacco.
  • Plymouth, 1620, Pilgrim Separatists, religion
  • Massachusetts Bay, 1620, Puritans, religion city
    upon a hill

12. The Southern Colonies
  • Virginia (1607, Jamestown)
  • Maryland, 1634, haven for Catholics
  • Carolinas, 1664, later separated
  • S.C.plantation, slavery
  • N.C.yeomen farmers
  • Georgia, 1732haven for debtors, buffer from
    Spanish slavery allowed in 1752.
  • Plantation economy (commercial agriculture based
    on enslaved labor)
  • Cash crops Tobacco (Md, Va, NC) Rice, indigo
  • E.Q. How did the Southern colonies develop?

13. Southern Society
  • Gentry controlled government
  • Yeomen (backcountry farmers) Largest group
  • Indentured Servantsharsh terms
  • Religion Mostly Anglican, Presbyterian
  • Unhealthy climateshorter life span
  • House of Burgesses, 1619

14. Bacons Rebellion Slavery
  • 1676 Bacon leads backcountry farmers to fight
    Indians and would have taken over Virginia but
  • Lesson There must always be cheap land in the
    backcountry colonies will have to fight Indians.
  • Switch to slavery slaves will not revolt or
    require land.
  • 10 million Africans over 3 centuries
  • Most go to West Indies
  • Middle Passagehorrible!
  • By 1750 Blacks 50 of population in South

15. New England
  • New England
  • Massachusetts, 1620--Separatists
  • Rhode Island, 1636Exiled from Mass.
  • Connecticut, 1638Left Mass.
  • New Hampshire, 1691
  • Crops small farming, fishing, whaling, shipping
  • Religion Puritan/Congregational
  • Halfway Covenant
  • Salem Witch Trials1692-93class conflict
  • Life Span added 10 years to life over
  • Democratic town meetings, legislature
  • Education importantneed to read Bible

16. Middle colonies
  • NY, NJ, Pa, Delaware
  • Fertile landfood surplus
  • CASH CROPS Wheat trade easy due to deep rivers
  • Flood of immigrants in 1700sPennsylvania Dutch
  • More ethically and religiously diverse

17. The Great Awakening
  • Revival of religious beliefs and emotion
  • 1730s and 1740s
  • Jonathan Edwards
  • Sinners in the hands of an Angry Godhell is
    paved with the skulls of unbaptized children

18. French and Indian War
  • British and French fight over Ohio River
    Valleybecomes Seven Years Warworldwide
  • Albany Plan of Union, 1754-- Benjamin Franklin
    proposes that colonies join together for joint
    defense 1st attempt at colonial unity.
  • Battle of QuebecBritish capture French capitol
    France surrenders.
  • Treaty of Paris of 1763 British win, pushing
    France out of North America. Britain controls
    from Atlantic to Mississippi, including Florida
    and Canada. Spain controls west of Mississippi
  • Leads to American Revolution.

  • North America 1763

After Treaty of Paris of 1763
19. Causes of American Revolution
  • Change land policy--Proclamation of 1763
    following Pontiacs Revolt, Britain bans
    settlement west of Appalachians to
    colonists--colonists angry!
  • Change in taxation policy Due to war debt,
    Britain will use revenue taxes to raise money
  • Navigation Acts had not been enforcedsalutary
  • Violations of colonists rights of as Englishmen
  • Taxation without representation
  • Trial by jury of peersadmiralty courts
  • Unreasonable search and seizurewrits of

20. Stamp Act, 1765
  • First direct tax on citizens
  • United opposition
  • Stamp Act Congress
  • Sons of Libertypamphlets, protests, intimidation
  • Boycott (most successful)
  • Tarring and Feathering Stamp Tax agents
  • Declaratory Act 1766repeals stamp tax but
    declares that Parliament has the right to tax
    colonists directly
  • virtual representationeach member of Parliament
    represents all

21. Road to American Revolution
  • 1767-Townshend Actsimport taxes on tea, glass,
    paint boycotts successful
  • 1770Boston Massacre
  • 1773Tea Act Boston Tea Party
  • 1774---Intolerable (Coercive) Acts close port,
    try officials in England, Quartering Act, no
    assembly in Quebec
  • 1774First Continental Congress

Colonial Resistance
Boycotts Colonists refused to trade or buy
British goods until Stamp Act was
repealed. Protests Led by the Sons of Liberty
up and down the colonies from 1765 to
1766. Committees of Correspondence Colonies
kept in contact with one another and described
British actions through letters exchanged by
carriers on horseback.
22. The War Begins, 1775
  • Battles of Lexington Concord Boston Battle
    of Bunker Hill (war starts)
  • Bunker HillPatriots technically lose due to lack
    of ammunition but great morale victory
  • Second Continental Congress GW heads army

23. Declaration of Independence
  • Thomas Paines Common Sensechanges views about
  • convinces colonists that King George is a tyrant
  • Colonial delegates vote for independence
  • Declaration of Independence Signed on July 4,
    1776 written mostly by Thomas Jefferson
    (inspired by John Locke)
  • All men are created equal
  • Natural rights
  • Social contract
  • Reasons justify rebellion enlist foreign
    allies increase colonial support

24.Tories and Patriots
  • Patriots/Whigs
  • Wanted independence
  • Strong in New England and Virginia
  • About 1/3 (1/3 neutral)
  • Loyalists/Tories
  • Loyal to King
  • Strong in Georgia, Carolinas and New York
  • Not as well organized
  • About 1/3

26. Important Battles
  • Washington knew he couldnt defeat British head
    onsurvival until British grew tired.
  • Battle of Trenton, 1776 First victory! Crosses
    Delaware at night to attack Hessians on
    Christmasboosts colonial morale!
  • Battle of Saratoga, 1777 turning point of
    warFrench will provide men and support for war.
  • Battle of Yorktown, 1781 British surrender

27. Treaty of Paris of 1783
  • Britain recognizes independence
  • U.S. territory from Atlantic to Mississippi
  • Canada to British
  • Florida to Spain
  • Spain controls west of Miss. River

28. Articles of Confederation Fail!
  • 1781-1789Critical period1st government
  • Weaknessesno executive or judicial branch no
    power to tax, no power to regulate interstate
    commerce, or establish single national currency
  • Strengths
  • Land Sales Act --organizes new territory for sale
  • Northwest Ordinance --how state becomes a
  • Shays Rebellion --showed weaknessescalls for
    new stronger government

29. Constitutional Convention 1787
  • George Washington heads-- James Madison,
    Alexander Hamilton, John Jay
  • Va. Planlarge state plan (population)
  • vs.
  • NJ Plansmall state plan (equal per state)
  • Great (Connecticut) Compromisebicameral
    legislature, one based on population (HR) and one
    equal (Senate)
  • Compromise on Slave Tradewould continue for 20
  • 3/5 Compromise 3/5 of slaves would be counted
    for representation and taxes
  • Commerce Compromise no tax on exports

Constitutional Ideas
  • Separation of Powers (Adams, Montesquieu)3
  • LegislativeCongressmakes laws
  • ExecutivePresidentcarries out laws
  • JudicialSupreme Courtinterprets law
  • Checks and Balances
  • Federalism division of power between state and
  • Delegated (federal)interstate commerce
  • Reserved (states)--education
  • Concurrent (both)--courts

30. Example Historical documents
  • We the people of the United States, in order to
    form a more perfect union, establish justice,
    insure domestic tranquility, provide for the
    common defense, promote the general welfare, and
    secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
    our posterity, do ordain and establish this
    constitution for the United States of America.
  • Question The Preamble of the Constitution
    expresses the authors belief that
  • A. Citizens are the source of political power
  • B. Local and national governments should share
  • C. Legislative and executive powers should be
  • D. Government power should be very limited.
  • THE ANSWER IS . . . . .

31. New government begins
  • 1789George Washington 1st president
  • Bill of Rights, 1791added 1st 10 amendments in
    order for states to ratify the constitution.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789created a federal
  • Cabinet Washingtons advisors
  • Secretary of State-foreign affairs-Thomas
  • Secretary of TreasuryAlexander Hamilton
  • 1st Chief JusticeJohn Jay
  • Whiskey RebellionWashington used the militia to
    put down rebellionConstitution is strong enough
  • Political parties develop
  • Jeffersonian Republicanswant small government
  • Hamilton Federalistswant large government

32. New Republic
  • Alien and Sedition ActsFederalists attempt to
    use power of government to stop opposition
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
  • Marbury v. Madison, 1803Midnight judges
    casePower of Judicial Review--Supreme Court will
    decide whether a law is constitutional.

33. Nationalism
  • 1803 Jefferson president, buys from France,
    doubled size of the U.S. Lewis and Clark
    explored! Sacajawea
  • War of 1812 (1812-1814) British and Americans
    Freedom of the seas Pride and nationalism
  • Monroe Doctrine (1823) warned Europe to stay out
    of the Americas.
  • American System- Henry Clay use protective
    tariff, national bank, and transportation to grow

34. Growth
  • Waves of immigration from Europe
  • Irish, Germans
  • Railroads, canals (mostly in North) built to ship
  • Eli Whitney Cotton gin makes cotton King in
    the South, need for slaves increases

35. Reform Movements
  • Temperance Movement against alcohol
  • Education Horace Mann
  • Womens Rights Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady
  • Abolitionists Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd
    Garrison (The Liberator), Harriet Tubman
    (Underground RR)
  • Also-- Mental Health Dorothea Dix out of

36. Political Parties
  • Era of Good FeelingFederalist Party dies
    Democratic-Republicans are only political party
    from 1814-1828.
  • Democratic Party forms, 1828--Andrew Jackson
    breaks off from Republicans.
  • 1832Whig Party forms in opposition
  • Jackson spoils system
  • 1854Republican party forms from antislavery
    groups, Free Soil Party, and Whig Party

37. Manifest Destiny
  • Manifest Destiny Destiny of U.S. to spread
    their ideals across the continent.
  • American Texans rebel against Mexicobrutal
    treatment on both sides--Remember the Alamo! Not
    part of U.S. immediately.
  • Mexican War (1846-1848) Issues of Texas and
    Mexican territory. Easily defeated gained
    southwest territory (Mexican Cession).
  • Gold Rush 1848 49ers headed to California to
    look for gold! Homestead Act gave land!

38-39. Sectionalism
  • States Rightstheory that states had the right
    to decide slavery and whether they wanted to be
    part of the U.S.
  • Missouri Compromise 1820 Free slave states
    36 30 Maine as free state Missouri as slave
  • Tariff of AbominationsSouth Carolina threatens
    to secede over 1828 high tariff compromise
    tariff reached in 1832.
  • Compromise of 1850California as free state
    Fugitive Slave Law.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854Popular
    sovereigntyattempt to solve slavery issue by
    allowing residents to decide. Failureled to
    Bleeding Kansas civil war.

40. Road to Civil War
  • Uncle Toms Cabinbook builds antislavery feeling
    in North banned in South
  • Dred Scott decision, 1857 Supreme Court held
    that slavery could not be abolished anywhere.
    Angers north!
  • Bleeding Kansascivil war in Kansas over slavery
  • John Browns Raid on Harper Ferryfears of slave
  • Most immediate cause--Lincolns Election, 1860SC
    and eventually 10 other states secede from Union.

41. Civil War, 1861-65
  • First shots Fort Sumter, April 1861
  • First big Northern victory Antietam Lincoln
    issues Emancipation Proclamationfrees slaves in
    rebelling states only.
  • Gettysburg Northern most battle
  • South surrenders (Lee) to North (Grant) at
    Appomattox Court House, Virginia in April 1865
  • Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

Effects of Civil War
  • More died than all other U.S. wars
  • 13th Amendment abolished slavery
  • South in ruins

Quick Review
  • 1. Paleo-Indians crossed this land bridge to
    become the first settlers of the Americas.
  • 2. The name of the first English settlement in
    North America.
  • 3. This English law caused the first organized
    protest by Americans against British rule.
  • 4. Thomas Jefferson based the Declaration of
    Independence on the ideas of this Enlightenment
    philosopher (British).
  • 5. The battle that was the turning point in the
    American Revolution, convincing the French to
    support the patriots.
  • 6. Describe two problems with the Articles of
  • 7. The year that the Constitution was ratified.
  • 8. Jeffersons act that doubled the size of the
    United States in 1803.
  • 9. How did the Missouri Compromise attempt to
    resolve the issue over expanding
  • slavery?
  • 12. The doctrine that Southerners used to secede
    from the Union.
  • 13. The northernmost battle of the Civil War.
  • 14. The term for the belief that the U.S. should
    expand across the continent.

  • 6. Which best explains the appearance of
    political parties in the United States shortly
    after the adoption of the Constitution?
  • A. Washington disliked Jefferson.
  • B. The Constitution required the development of a
    multi-party system.
  • C. Great Britain had a two-party system.
  • D. Differences arose over economic and political
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