Title: List Building Techniques
1The Lifeblood of Online MarketingList Building
2The old saying goes...
- The money is in the list
- This is SO True!
- But do you know how to build one?
3What are lists?
- Lists are simply a collection of your subscribers
/ prospects e-mail address and other details,
such as their names etc.
4Creating an e-mail list
- It is, in theory, quite simple
- You just ask people for their details
- In practice thats rarely enough
5Heres some techniques that have proven to work
6Use an auto responder
- You can create e-mail lists without one
- But why do that when todays auto responders
automate the entire process
7Use an Ethical Bribe
- Use a form on your website or blog
- Offer a gift in exchange for contact information
- Gifts such as e-books are often used
- Courses make good bribes as they are delivered
over a longer time period
8Use a Squeeze Page
- A form on a webpage that explains your bribe
- Form has to be completed to access the website
and bribes - In effect the whole website is the bribe
9Use your existing subscribers
- A tell a friend script asks your existing
visitors and subscribers to recommend other
people who may like your site
10Create a community
- Offer a Members area at your site
- Forums can double as a members area
- Registration required to participate
- This becomes your mailing list
11Joint Ventures
- A great way to leverage your efforts
- Form partnerships and agree to recommend each
others lists - Use third party systems and promote offers to
convert into your personal list
12The W.E.S.T List Building Module
- Lightning Fast Creation of Opt in and Lead
Generation Magnets - Positioning Newsletter Forms for Higher
Conversions - Tracking and Optimizing Opt in Conversions
13Learn Advanced but Easy List Building
Techniques... and More!