Title: Book Written By: Kao Kalia Yang
1The Latehomecomer and My Life
Book Written By Kao Kalia Yang Power Point By
Steven Xiong
- Book Written By Kao Kalia Yang
- Power Point By Steven Xiong
2A Walk In The Jungle
Kao Kalia Kao Kalia parents met each other in
the jungle of Laos. Parents got married under
the ages of 20. Father and uncle fought for their
live getting into Thai Land. They ran through
the forest of Laos. Kao Kalias mother was
pregnant with a baby girl. Later they named her
Dawb. (Hmong word for White)
My Side My parents met each other before the
war. They met each other in Laos. My parents
got married under the age of 20 too. My dad and
uncle also did the same to in order to survive.
Fight the communist soldiers in the jungle My
parent ran through the forest with my three older
brother and my sister also with my grandma and
This is a picture of General Vang Pao with the
Hmong before they reach the U.S headquarters.
This is one of my mothers picture.
4Enemy Camp
Her father got separated from the kids, mothers,
and wives. Her mother-in-law and
grandmother-in-law was caught by the Pathet Lao
soldiers. They were placed at a camp and was
being watched. They waited for many months. Then
they were rescued by her father and their
uncles. They made it across the river and yet
Dawb survived the cold water.
My parents was never captured by the Pathet Lao
soldiers. My dad and family all crossed the
Mekong River but my grandpa died due to
drowning. From there on my parents was put on
the same camp in Thailand.
- Kao Kalias parents then
- was transported to a
- different camp in Ban Venai.
- Their they meet some
- Relatives and they all lived
- In the same huts on until
- Further more known.
My parents never went to a different camp. They
were transported directly to the Transition Camp
in Thailand.
6The Second Leaving
The second leave is hard on Kao Kalias
grandma. The left made every family hard and
cried very much. But the one on the bus was
happy because they were looking forward to get to
America. Devastating yet looking forward on
getting a new life.
My parents were all transported directly to the
learning and transition camp to get ready to come
to America.
7Kao Kalia And My Family
This is Kao Kalias Family
This is my Family
8Phanat Nikhom Transition Camp
To America
Kao Kalia and her sister Dawb both were
coming back from school when Kao Kalia dropped
one of her shoe and Dawb jumped in and came
out with Kao Kalias shoe. Kao Kalia well
always get kick out of class and she well tell
her grandma to stand outside the building then
they well go and eat out in the shop of the city.
While my family are in the transition camp, my
brother and my sister did not go to school. My
parents was learning the things they need to know
in order to come to America. My grandma also
watch my brother and sister just like Kao Kalias
9The Care Taker
My Grandma
Kao Kalias Grandma
10A Return To The Clouds
Kao Kalia and their family are in the Airplane
to America. They stopped at an Airport in Tokyo
and Kao Kalia needed to use the bathroom. Kao
Kalia knew that her dad talked to the uniform
lady and there on she knew her dad will take
care of them in America.
When my family got to America they were in
Sacramento California first. They then was
flown over and started our new life in North
Carolina. There they only met a few of our
relatives but yet my dad had to find out a way to
live in America. There they had my brother Chi
11A Return To The Clouds
When they reach America they were in
Sacramento California. Kao Kalia asked how
far do they have left before getting to
Minnesota? Her mom replied that they dont know
and they will have to wait patiently. When they
arrive they saw their uncle who left earlier and
now they live under one roof in America.
Then five years later my family move to
Minnesota. We then live in then were able to
get a house in the projects off of Hwy 55 or
Olsen Highway.
12Before The Babies
In this chapter Dawb and Kao Kalia also their
parent with the the other Hmong family
struggles. The hatred came from the
Americans all over the country. Then Kao Kalia
and Dawb wanted to see their grandma
in California with their parents but in
America you need money to travel.
My brother and my sister didnt start school
until they got to Minnesota. When they got to
America they started out school at Hamilton
Elementary School. My whole family besides my
youngest brother went and graduated from that
elementary school.
13Before The Babies
Dawb and Kao Kalia soon were placed in
schooling. They registered at Battle Creek
Elementary School and the first day they got into
a fight. Then was kicked out of school. Later
tried to go to Ames Elementary but they didnt
have the class for Dawb and Kao Kalia. They then
got accepted by north end elementary.
Later on in schooling Dawb and Kao Kalia got
split up and then Dawb learned English and later
won the spelling bee at their school and took
home 50 dollars. Sooner Kao Kalia didnt speak
much in class and she wrote her first small
novel about a girl and the watermelon.
14Grade School Picture
15Coming Of The Son
They have waited for nearly six to seven years.
Then it came. Kao Kalias family receive a little
boy named Xue. Later when he gets older they
will change his name to Zong Xue. Meaning forest
of knowledge, forest of skill. Like every other
kids Kao Kalia still wanted to be the baby of the
family. Kao didnt believe that her mom had a
baby boy.
There it was in nine years I was the baby boy
with the attention then my little brother
came. Just like Kao Kalia didnt believe it.
Everything change. No more whining, less
attention, just feels like I wasnt there
anymore. Finally got over it and liked babies a
lot now.
16Us And Our Mother
Me With My Mommy
Kao Kalia And Her Mommy
17The Haunted Section 8 House
Many Hmong believe that the house carries the
old spirits. Kao Kalia and the family sees a
little boy but yet it cant be Xue. Yet hes too
young. Everyone sees this beside Kao Kalias
dad. One day he was attacked by the little kid.
Grabbed by the arm and then he yelled for help.
No one hears then he broke free from the
hold. Then they had to call Kao Kalias grandma
to do the spiritual house cleansing. Offering
money of the dead.
There are many Hmong who lives in these hunted
houses. Hmong people usually do the cleansing
before moving in. Making sure cleansing
every open spot. So the spirit cant hide. My
family have seen and have been attack or
became afraid of what they seen. Seeing is
believing in the Hmong tradition. It is
taken very serious. We then did the
traditional burning the money for the dead and
offering many animals. (Chickens, Pigs)
18Our Moldy House
They have found a new house and now they want to
move in. Yet the parents have to agree and yet it
was hard on the family. Kao Kalia and Dawb
then slowly went on graduating from Harding High
School in St. Paul. From there they both dream
of going to the University Of Minnesota. The
Welfare commercial came on saying that it will
end soon. Then everyone panic. Now education is
For me and my family we have move a lot. Within
five years we moved five times. From Minneapolis
to Brooklyn Park, then back to Minneapolis. Went
to four different school. Hamilton Elementary,
Woodland Elementary, Brooklyn Junior High School,
and then Franklin Middle School. Then finally
came to Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis
Minnesota still gaining knowledge to hit the
highest point in life. (Success)
19Our Incredible School
Patrick Henry High School
Harding High School
20When The Tiger Comes
Kao Kalias grandma had a sister who Kao Kalias
dad and the other family members never
seen. Told the death of the sister and the
stories of the evil spirits taking
good spirits. Soon there they talked about how
loneliness can force a person to change. From
person to tiger there are many worries
and concerns from the village. The first natural
death occurs in the family and it is Kao Kalias
There are many stories that I have heard. Many
good and bad stories. I have live in fear of many
of them. The only tiger story that I heard of is
Yer and the Tiger. I have seen many of
my grandmas death. Many from old age and many of
bad luck. It all lies within the good spirits or
the bad spirits.
Kao Kalia talks about how her grandma feels
weak and starts having these dream of going back
to Thailand and Laos. With their grandpa asking
for her to go with him. Kao Kalia tries to
picture Her grandma at her Graduation
ceremonies. Kao Kalia would ask her Grandma if
she is happy And grateful for her success. Kao
Kalias grandma would Always reply your dad
is Proud of you and I am too.
To me I have heard many different death
dreams. the sun setting and also the same one as
Kao Kalia grandma had. To many adult the
elders rarely talks to their kids about the
situation Kao Kalia is in.
22Good-bye To Grandma
Kao Kalia is in college at Carleton University.
She heard about grandma and wanted to come home
right away. Kao Kalias dad Wanted her to stay in
school. Kao Kalia comes home and sees Her
grandma on the bed and she Get nervous. She got
really sick and Then they finally call
9-1-1. Revived by the I.V and was sent Home. On
February 18, 2003 Kao Kalia grandma past away
while she is still at college. Getting the
message she was speechless.
23Walking Back Alone
Kao Kalia and the relative Host the funeral at
Metro Funeral Home. They have slaughtered three
cows and three hundred Chickens for there
grandma. They dressed her up in black, red, and
white Hmong clothes. They served three meals a
day with the fresh meat of the cow and the
chickens. There are plenty of food to be passed
around throughout the whole three days and three
night service of the funeral home. The morning
lights came through The window and Kao Kalias
Grandma Had to get on her way to the
afterlife. Everyone say there last good-bye
and The funeral is over.
I have seen many funeral. but the one that I
most remember are those who are close to me. My
grandma and one great boy scout friend Por
Vue. In Hmong funeral the food is provided by
how wealthy the family is and no matter
the funerals will always last three days and
three nights.
Background Picture Was found on GOOGLE.COM