Title: New Book Site Author Outlet
1Cry Twice on Your Commute to Work This Publisher
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Cry Multiple Times a Week. NEWS PROVIDED
BY Ronald E. Hudkins, Fiction and Nonfiction
author November 4, 2018 San Tan Valley, AZ.,
Short stories boil down to quality storytelling
that can easily fit the transition between
tasks. Lets face it the smartphone and Internet
access allow everyone to find and read short
stories in one bus ride, a train commute, a
waiting room, or on a flight from here to there.
We have less free time, available concentration
spans, busier schedules. Reading completely
through a short story can actually provide the
same satisfaction you feel when finishing a full
novel. Edgar Allen Poe suggested that a short
story should take 30 minutes to two hours to
read. The definition of a short story is a brief
work of fiction, usually written in ordinary
writing running 1,600 to 20,000 words in length.
The literary roots of the short story can be
found in oral storytelling traditions, such as
anecdotes, fables, fairy tales, and
parables. The short theme or subject short story
may range from something as mundane as a daily
errand or as thrilling as a ghost tale. A single,
easily enclosed plot is one of the trademarks of
the short story and helps shape its other
characteristics. Due to the limitations of the
genre, short stories typically focus on just one
or a couple characters. A six word story was
once mentioned by author Arthur C. Clarke in a
letter dated 11 Oct. 1991 where he said My
favorite is Hemingwayshe is supposed to have
won a 10 bet (no small sum in the 20s) from his
fellow writers. They paid up without a word. . .
. Here it is. I still cant think of it without
WORN. Invariably, when I tell people I am an
author the most common question asked is What
do you write? As I think about my portfolio the
only logical answer is to say, I write
everything. Realistically, I write whatever
story is trouncing for release, be it a murder
mystery, a piece of literary fiction, a short
story collection, a Science Fiction. series,
high fantasy, Steam Punk and more. As William
Faulkner said, If a story is in you, it has got
to come out. And then theres this magnitude
and excitement is best reflected not in long,
full novels, but in the short bursts of stories.
I write short and medium stories and
2would tell you If you do not know me, You
Should. Come see me at http//RonaldHudkins.com
. XXX Contact Ronald E. Hudkins
970-799-2974 ronaldhudkins_at_yahoo.com SOURCE
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