Q: What is the definition of an engineer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Q: What is the definition of an engineer


Q: What is the definition of an engineer? A: Someone who solves a problem ... A: When he realizes he doesn't have the charisma to be an undertaker. CSE 502N ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Q: What is the definition of an engineer

  • Q What is the definition of an engineer?
  • A Someone who solves a problem you didn't know
    you had in a way you don't understand.
  • Q When does a person decide to become an
  • A When he realizes he doesn't have the charisma
    to be an undertaker.

CSE 502NFundamentals of Computer Science
  • Fall 2004
  • Lecture 22
  • Introduction to VHDL

Computer-Aided Design
  • CAD tools are essential to the design of complex
  • Logic design
  • schematic capture - interactive creation of logic
  • hardware description languages - textual
    representation of circuit function
  • Design verification
  • logic simulation to check circuit behavior
  • formal verification tools - automated correctness
    proofs and assertion checking
  • timing analysis and simulation
  • Implementation
  • logic synthesis - convert high level spec. to low
    level gates
  • circuit layout - placement of components, routing
    of wires
  • details - clock distribution, power, pads, testing

Hardware Description Languages
  • HDLs allow designers to work at a higher level of
    abstraction than logic gates.
  • As with programming languages, HDL descriptions
    are compiled into a lower level representation.
  • low level form can be simulated for logical
  • and, can be converted to a circuit specification
    using a library of primitive components and
    timing/area constraints
  • But dont confuse hardware design with software.
  • HDL descriptions must reduce to physical hardware
    that can be fit in the physical space available
    and meets timing specs.
  • hardware designs are inherently parallel with
    many things going on at once
  • on the other hand, software can be used to
    implement much more complex functions than
    hardware alone.
  • VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language)
  • VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit)

VHDL Specification of Half Adder
library provides commonly used types and functions
Port declaration defines inputs and outputs.
STD_LOGIC type used for signals.
May have different implementations for a given
CAD software simulates circuit operation.
Signal assignments occur simultaneously.
xor, and are built-in operators
VHDL Specification of Full Adder
  • library IEEE
  • use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL
  • entity fullAdd is
  • Port (
  • a, b, Ci in std_logic
  • S, Co out std_logic )
  • end fullAdd
  • architecture a1 of fullAdd is
  • begin
  • S
  • Co
  • end a1

Compact port declarations
Complex logic expressions.
What Does VHDL Spec Mean?
  • VHDL specifies a circuit, not sequential
    execution. So,
  • architecture arch of fulladd is begin
  • s
  • Co
  • end arch
  • means
  • So, what does this mean?
  • architecture foo of bar is begin
  • a
  • end bar

Signal Assignments for Vectors
  • Example
  • entity foo is
  • port(a in std_logic
  • b in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)
  • c out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0))
  • end foo
  • architecture bar of foo is begin
  • c
  • end bar
  • defines circuit

Conditional Signal Assignment
  • Example
  • c
  • "1101" when a '1' else
  • "0100"
  • means
  • general form
  • x
  • v1 when f1(a1,b1,...) else
  • v2 when f2(a2,b2,...) else
  • v3 when f3(a3,b3,...) else
  • ... else vN
  • x
  • (f1(a1,b1,...) and v1) or
  • (not f1(a1,b1,...) and
  • f2(a2,b2,...) and v2) or
  • (not f1(a1,b1,...) and
  • not f2(a2,b2,...) and
  • f3(a3,b3,...) and v3) or
  • ...

Selected Signal Assignment
  • Example
  • with x select
  • c when 11",
  • 0100" when others
  • means
  • Resulting circuit is more compact and faster than
    circuit produced by conditional assignment.

Important Characteristics of VHDL
  • VHDL developed for circuit modelling
  • allows specification of hardware behavior
    independent of implementation
  • synthesis tools developed later
  • not all VHDL specifications can be synthesized
  • Signals correspond to wires in circuit.
  • language also supports variables - useful in
    behavioral models, testbenches
  • best to avoid variables in synthesizable models
    (except loop variables)
  • Signal assignments define logic circuits.
  • signals on left side of assignment change as
    signals on right side change (exceptions to be
    discussed later)
  • not like sequential program execution
  • Strong typing in VHDL.
  • signal types in expressions must match exactly
  • no automatic type conversions
  • bit and integer are only built-in types
  • extensive support for user-defined types, such as
  • std_logic defines 9 values, including 0, 1 and

Processes and if-then-else
  • Example
  • entity foo is port(
  • a, b in std_logic
  • c, d out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0))
  • end foo
  • architecture foo of bar is begin
  • process (a, b) begin
  • if a / b then
  • c
  • elsif a '1' then
  • c
  • else
  • c
  • end if
  • end process
  • end foo

process block enables use of complex statement
sensitivity list must include all input signals
to process
note that c,d defined under all possible input
conditions - REQUIRED
Avoiding Unintended Storage
  • If value of a signal is not specified for some
    condition, it means that signal is unchanged.
  • Example
  • process(a,b) begin
  • if a '1' then
  • x
  • elsif b '1' then
  • x
  • end if -- x retains value when ab0
  • end process
  • Storage elements are required to implement
    circuit with the specified behavior.
  • if one accidentally omits a condition for a
    signal, unintended storage elements are
  • Easy way to avoid unintended storage is to start
    process with assignment of default values to all
    signals assigned a value inside the process.

Default Values
  • Example
  • entity foo is port(
  • a, b in std_logic
  • c, d out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0))
  • end foo
  • architecture foo of bar is begin
  • process (a, b) begin
  • c
  • if a / b then
  • c
  • elsif a '1' then
  • c
  • end if
  • end process
  • end foo

initial assignments define default values for c
and d
What values are assigned to c, d if we rearrange
so if-then-else comes first?
  • entity adder8 is
  • Port ( Cin in std_logic
  • A, B in std_logic_vector(7 downto
  • S out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
  • Cout out std_logic)
  • end adder8
  • architecture arch1 of adder8 is
  • signal C std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)
  • begin
  • process(A,B,C,Cin) begin
  • C(0)
  • for i in 0 to 7 loop
  • S(i)
  • C(i1)
  • or (B(i) and C(i))
  • end loop
  • end process
  • end arch1

For-loop defines multiple identical (or similar)
sub-circuits. Loop does not imply sequential
ordering of signal assignments.
Note separate carry signal for each stage
cannot re-assign values to one signal as in
sequential programs.
Case Statement
  • Case statement provides convenient way to express
    alternatives that depend only on value of a
    single signal
  • architecture a1 of foo is
  • begin
  • process(c,d,e) begin
  • b
  • case e is
  • when "00" a
  • when "01" a
  • when "10" a
  • when others a
  • end case
  • end process
  • end a1
  • Creates more efficient circuits than equivalent

others alternative is required even when all
logical alternatives are specified
VHDL Spec. for Simple Arithmetic Unit
entity alu is Port ( a, b in
std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) c in
std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) x out
std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) v out
std_logic) end alu architecture a1 of alu
is signal result std_logic_vector(4 downto
0) signal ax, bx std_logic_vector(4 downto
0) begin ax "001" else (not ax)1 when c "010"
else (not bx)1 when c "011"
else axbx when c "100" else axbx when
c "101" else ax-bx when c "110"
else bx-ax x '1 when (c "010" and a "1000") or (c
"011" and b "1000") or (c "100" and
result(4) '1') or (c "101" and a(3) b(3)
and a(3) / result(3)) or (c "110" and
a(3)/b(3) and a(3) / result(3)) or (c
"111" and a(3)/b(3) and b(3) /
result(3)) else '0' end a1
c0 means xa, c1 means xb, c2 means x -a,
c3 means x-b, c4 means xab (unsigned), c5
means xab (signed), c6 means xa-b, c7 means
v bit signalsarithmetic error
VHDL Spec. for ALU with Generics
entity alu is Port ( a, b in
std_logic_vector(wSiz-1 downto 0) c
in std_logic_vector(ctlSiz-1 downto 0)
x out std_logic_vector(wSiz-1 downto 0)
v out std_logic) end alu architecture a1
of alu is signal result std_logic_vector(wSiz
downto 0) signal ax, bx std_logic_vector(wSiz
downto 0) begin ax b with c select result , bx when "001" , (not ax)1 when "010"
, (not bx)1 when "011" , axbx when
"100" , axbx when "101" , ax-bx when
"110" , bx-ax when others x result(wSiz-1 downto 0) v "010" and a "1000") or (c "011" and b
"1000") or (c "100" and result(wSiz)
'1') or (c "101" and a(wSiz-1) b(wSiz-1)
and a(wSiz-1) / result(wSiz-1)) or (c "110"
and a(wSiz-1)/b(wSiz-1) and a(wSiz-1) /
result(wSiz-1)) or (c "111" and
a(wSiz-1)/b(wSiz-1) and b(wSiz-1) /
result(wSiz-1)) else '0' end a1
Alternate Architecture
  • architecture arithuv_arch of arithuv is
  • signal result STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0)
  • signal ax, bx STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0)
  • signal en_a, en_b, neg_a, neg_b STD_LOGIC
  • begin
  • process(a,b,c,en_a,en_b,neg_a,neg_b) begin
  • en_a
  • v
  • case c is
  • when "000" en_b
  • when "001" en_a
  • when "010" en_b
  • if a "1000" then v
  • when "011" en_a
  • if b "1000" then v
  • when "100" v
  • when "101" if a(3) b(3) and result(3) /
    a(3) then
  • v
  • end if

case statement specifies alternatives based on
signal value.
en_a high when a used to generate result. neg_a
high to produce -a or b-a.
others required when not all alternatives listed.
for i in 0 to 3 loop ax(i) neg_a) and en_a bx(i) en_b end loop ax(4) neg_a) bx(4) neg_b) result x arithuv_arch
for-loop modifies a, b
extend a, b to 5 bits with correct sign
  • Original architecture synthesizes redundant
  • Alternative architecture uses single adder and
    disables or negates inputs to implement different
  • circuit uses about half as many circuit
    components as original
  • synthesis report provides detailed description

Structural Spec. for 4 Bit Adder
  • entity adder4 is port(
  • A, B in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) Ci in
    std_logic S out std_logic_vector(3 downto
    0) Co out std_logic)end adder4architecture
    a1 of adder4 iscomponent fullAdder
  • port(A, B, Ci in std_logic S, Co out
    std_logic )end componentsignal C
    std_logic_vector(4 downto 0)begin
  • C(0)
  • b0 fullAdder port map(A(0),B(0),C(0),S(0),C(1))
    b1 fullAdder port map(A(1),B(1),C(1),S(1),C(2))
    b2 fullAdder port map(A(2),B(2),C(2),S(2),C(3)
    ) b3 fullAdder port map(A(3),B(3),C(3),S(3),C(4
  • end a1

Component definitions required in every
architecture using a component.
component statement used to form complex circuits
from simpler parts.
Positional association of signals. Explicit
assignment (AA(0)) also allowed.
Defining Constants
  • To define constants for use by multiple entities,
    use separate package.
  • package commonConstants is
  • constant wordSize integer 8
  • end package commonConstants
  • library IEEE
  • use IEEE...
  • use work.commonConstants.all
  • entity adder is
  • port( A, B in std_logic_vector(wordSize-1
    downto 0)
  • Ci in std_logic
  • S out std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto
  • Co out std_logic )
  • end adder
  • ...
  • Local constants can be declared as part of each
  • HDL bencher does not handle constants in packages
  • use Options ?Map Package Constants/Defines

Structural Specs. using for-generate
  • begin C(0) b fulladder port map(A(i),B(i),C(i),S(i),C(i1)
    ) end generate
  • Co

for-generate makes it easy to generate adder of
any size. Note labels are required.
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