Title: Network Enabled Teaching
1Network Enabled Teaching Learning
Jim MoranOutreach Coordinatorjimmoran_at_merit.edu
2 Merit Network Overview...
- Founded 1966
- The Michigan Education Research Information Triad
(MERIT) formed in 1966 because significant
benefits might be gained from sharing computing
resources via an electronic linkage
- A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation governed by
Michigans state universities
- NSFNET backbone joint project with IBM, and
MCI, 1988-1992 - Expanded beyond governing members, 1990s
- MichNet Statewide Dial-in Network, 1992-2007
- Among the first GigaPOPs, 1999
- Facilities-based network, 2000
Slide 2
3 Merit Network Overview...
- A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation governed by
Michigans state universities
Slide 3
4 Merit Network Overview...
- A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation governed by
Michigans state universities - No state subsidies
Slide 4
5 Merit Network Overview...
- A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation governed by
Michigans state universities - No state subsidies
- No mandate for state educational organizations
to connect through Merit
Slide 5
6 Merit Network Overview...
- A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation governed by
Michigans state universities - No state subsidies
- No mandate for state educational organizations
to connect through Merit - Operate on a for-fee basis compete with
commercial ISPs
Slide 6
7 Merit Network Overview...
- A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation governed by
Michigans state universities - No state subsidies
- No mandate for state educational organizations
to connect through Merit - Operate on a for-fee basis compete with
commercial ISPs eligible E-Rate provider
Slide 7
8 Merit Network Overview...
- A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation governed by
Michigans state universities - No state subsidies
- No mandate for state educational organizations
to connect through Merit - Operate on a for-fee basis compete with
commercial ISPs eligible E-Rate provider - Market share
- 12 0f 13 state universities
- 75 other highered orgs
- 50 K12s
- Libraries, government, health care
Slide 8
9- Merit operates production statewide research
education network (formerly MichNet)
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 9
10- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 10
11- Merit
- National research and development activities
- Multicast
- Cyber-security
- International routing database
- International operators forum
- Network measurement and end-to-end performance
- High-performance applications?video
- IPv6
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 11
12Network Teaching Learning
- Non-Internet DL
- What is this thing, technically?
- The Internet in education, Wave 1
- What is this thing, technically?
- An explosion of resources
- Communication
- The Internet in education, Wave 2
- What is this thing, technically?
- Covergence, the Holy Grail
- Broadened access to authentic resources
- Collaboration
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 12
13Network Teaching Learning
- Non-Internet DL
- Correpondence Courses, mail, then dial-in
- Analogue Digital Video, ISDN other uses of
the PSTN - Presence Walls other extraordinarily-expense
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 13
14Network Teaching Learning
- The Internet in education, Wave 1
- What is this thing, technically?
- democratic/universal/shared
- An explosion of resources
- Communication
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 14
15TCP/IP TransmisionControlProtocol InternetProtocol
17Network Teaching Learning
- The Internet in education, Wave 1
- What is this thing, technically?
- democratic/universal/shared
- An explosion of resources
- Communication
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 17
18Network Teaching Learning
- The Internet in education, Wave 2
- What is this thing, technically?
- Covergence, the Holy Grail
- QoS required, Latency, Scalability
- Broadened access to authentic resources
- Collaboration
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 18
19Network Teaching Learning
- Is It Only Videoconferencing?
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 19
20Network Teaching Learning
- Is It Only Videoconferencing?
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 20
21Network Teaching Learning
- Remote learning
- Virtual field trips
- Video Teleconference
- Low latency
- High-definition
- Live Observation
- Richer educational objects
- Data mining
- High-definition clips
- e.g. United Streaming
- Multi-media tools
- Digital storytelling
- Simulations
- Photos museum quality images
- Shared access to educational objects
- Peer-to-peer technologies
22Network Teaching Learning
- Is It Only Videoconferencing?
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 22
23High Performance Networking Applications
- IP-based videostreaming and videoconferencing is
the killer app at this time - Compared to traditional videoconferencing and
videostreaming systems - No per-minute line charges
- Higher-resolution video
- More flexible IP video can be used anywhere
there is an ethernet jack - Video hardware manufacturers have adopted IP
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 23
24Video Many Forms Available
- Codecs compress and decompress video
- Low to medium-speed compressed digital (Real,
WindowsMedia, QuickTime) many variations! - H.261 and H.263 (for two-way interactive H.323)
- MPEG-1 and MPEG-2
- One-way videostreaming
- Streaming use of one of the above codecs, with
some control to start,stop, perhaps select within
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 24
- Two-way videoconferencing
- Two types
- Point-to-point (desktop to desktop)
- Multipoint (classroom to classroom)
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 25
26Videoconferencing (contd.)
- H.323 is current standard among many
possibilities - Allows small-group video teleconferencing
- Distance education, both individual and large
group - Much of local hardware may be shared with H.320,
or interoperate with it to build video nets with
larger domains - H.323 IP-basedH.320 ISDN (phoneline-based)
- Higher-quality alternatives MPEG2
- Emerging technologies DVTS, MPEG4, H.264
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 26
27Video Field Trips
- Video Field Trips
- Benefits of traditional field trips, Authentic
Learning widely accepted debated - novelty
- logistics
- Benfits of video field trips more than not having
to coordinate buses. - cost
- frequency
- reduced novelty
- geographic novelty, which refers to the students'
familiarity with the field trip site, - psychological novelty, which refers to the extent
to which students have previously considered
field trips to be social rather than learning
activities, and - cognitive novelty, which refers to the skills and
concepts the students encounter and are expected
to master on the field trip - range of opportunities
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 27
28Welcome! The Gerda Weissmann Klein webcast has
concluded. See the Merit website for the archive.
Webcast Made Possible By Merit Network,
Internet2, Battle Creek Public Schools, Lakeview
School District, Calhoun Intermediate School
District, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the
Klein Foundation
29Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Remote Microscopy
- U-M scanning electron microscope can be used from
SEGP classrooms - Start video
- John Mansfield operating the North Campus XL30FEG
from the middle school computer classroom at
Emerson School, Ann Arbor.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 29
30(No Transcript)
31Internet2 Services
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 31
32Todays Commodity Internet-and whats next
- Mission-critical applications seldom pursued on
public Internet - Best effort not good enough when performance is
critical - Often forced to use intranets and extranets
- Before Library of Congress available on
Internet2, best connection was through costly
Intranet (H.323, ISDN) - We cant conceive of potential applications when
unlimited bandwidth available - Were nowhere near done inventing the Internet
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 32
33High-performance Networking Outside Michigan on
- 10 Gigabit backbone
- Leading edge routing practices
- Class of Service Available Intra-Internet2
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 33
34What is Internet2?
- Established by large U.S. research universities
- Grew out of frustration with commercial Internet
- Commercialization of the Internet shifted focus
to financial gain and short-circuited exploration
and invention - High capacity, high speed
- Investment in a NEW research and learning
Internet exclusively for use by education.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 34
35Internet2 Info
- Merit is the only source for Internet2 attachment
in Michigan - Merits participation in SEGP program provides I2
access for no additional fees for
MichNet-attached educational institutions - No Internet2-specific routing protocols or
standards?all traffic flows as IP
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 35
36Abilene (Internet2) Backbone
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 36
37(No Transcript)
38Internet2 GigaPoPs
- Merit is Michigans GigaPop
- Large-capacity Points of Presence
- Very high-speed regional aggregations points
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 38
39GigaPoP Locations
Texas N. Texas GigaPoPs
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 39
40Internet2 Members
- More than 200 universities
- Over 60 corporations
- Over 40 non-profits and govt. labs
- Many K20s via SEGP program
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 40
41Sponsored Educational Group Participation (SEGP)
- Merit can now provide Internet2 access to
additional organizations in Michigan - Public and private universities
- K-12 schools
- Community colleges
- Libraries and Museums
- Hospitals and clinics involved in education
- Non-educational organizations can also
participate, but need to be individually sponsored
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 41
42Sponsored Educational Group Participation (SEGP)
- This is access, not membership in Internet2
- Internet2 membership is not required, though it
is an option for some organizations - There is great benefit in simply being able to do
things that are already there in the commodity
Internet, but do them well.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 42
4334 SEGP States Potential Collaborators
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 43
44Transfer Times for The Matrix on DVD
171 hours
74 hours
25 hours
6.4 hours
56K Modem
DSL / Cable
30 seconds Internet2 / Abilene
Source Internet2, John W. Fleming, Detroit Free
Press, Mike Wendland Technology
45Internet2 K20 Connectivity Survey2002 2004
- K20s have largest number of connections
- More results k20.internet2.edu/
46Internet2 - K12 Applications
- National Science Digital Library
- eSkeleton, interactive skeleton tool
- www.nsdl.org
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 46
47Internet2 - K12 Applications
- K12 University
- Musical Collaboration
- Live and in concert!
- High School Jazz Band students from Port Huron
Northern played with Collegiate Jazz students
from Oakland Univ. - Music Prof. Danny Jordan provided real-time
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 47
48Internet2 - K12 Applications
Music Bridges Manhattan School of Music
- Internet2 used to deliver remote music
instruction to K12 - www.msmnyc.edu/special/video/
- Start Video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 48
49Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Slide Heard Round
- the World!
- Virtual gathering of trombonists through
Internet2. The Slide schedule includes a
variety of performances, master classes, demos,
and lectures from Wheaton College.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 49
50Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Long-Distance
- Performance
- Kinetic Shadows performance occurs
simultaneously with cast members in Cleveland and
LA - Choreographed for I2 by Gary Galbraith, Martha
Graham principal and faculty member at Case
Western Reserve - Start Video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 50
51Internet2 - K12 Applications
Digital Learning Commons
- Washington State School for the Blind
- www.learningcommons.org/
- Start Video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 51
52Internet2 - K12 Applications
- JASON Project
- www.jason.org/
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 52
53Internet2 - K12 Applications
- JASON (contd.)
- Managed by Dr. Robert Ballard
- High-performance networking enables
videoconferencing and remote control of
scientific instrumentation. - Upcoming Expeditions include Disappearing
Wetlands and a Returnto the Titanic - Satellite uplinked data from the Expeditions
teams available only on Internet2. - Play Video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 53
54Internet2 - K12 Applications
- World Tour Language
- Exchange Program
- Videoconferencing allows direct interaction with
foreign language speakers - Increase conversational skills of HS foreign
language students introduce elementary students
to different cultures.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 54
55Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Lewis Clark Then
- and Now -
- Linking the Trail
- to Americas Students
- Access to live videostreaming classroom
interaction as Lewis Clark Expeditionre-enacted
from 2003-2006. - www.apple.com/ lewisandclark/
- Start Video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 55
56Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Lewis Clark
- Across Missouri
- High-performance networking enables use of
interactive map server to explore Lewis and Clark
locations in historical and contemporary
contexts. Students combine early and modern maps
to follow the trail.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 56
57Internet2 - K12 Applications
- ShowMe The World
- Globalization Initiative
- Videoconferencing and web-based
collaborative software makes it possible to pair
U.S. elementary and middle school classrooms with
foreign classrooms for year-long partnerships.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 57
58Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Virtual Marine
- World Investigation
- Immersion into virtual marine environments
for inquiry-based science learning. Currently
two environments on Pacific coast plans to add
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 58
59Internet2 - K12 Applications
- NASA Explores Highest
- Lake on Earth
- Licancabur expedition studying 20,000-foot lake
for conditions that support life in extreme
environments. - Yields info about life on Mars.
- Access to high-resolution images, videostreaming,
stored video of classrooms conducting science
experiments supporting the expedition.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 59
60(No Transcript)
61Internet2 - K12 Applications
- 3,000 km of fiber-optic, power cable spatially
associated with the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate
in the northeast Pacific. - Sensor networks and interactive experiments
easily accessible to researchers, educators, and
students. - Show Video1
- Show Video2
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 61
62Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Visualization
- Exploration of the ocean floor
- www.cev.washington.edu
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 62
63Google Earth
Internet2 - K12 Applications
- 3D interface to the planet
- Based on technology developed by Keyhole
project - Mt. Rainier Flyby
- Tokyo Exploration
- Focus on Kabul
- earth.google.com
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 63
64The Exploratorium
Internet2 - K12 Applications
- www.exploratorium.org/
- Start Video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 64
65Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Earthwatch Teachers
- Teach Live from the Field
- Teachers participate in field projects sponsored
by the Earthwatch Institute. - Teachers in Fla. Manatee Studies and Chimp
Communication Studies - Work with their classrooms via the web, email,
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 65
66Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Virtual Job Shadowing
- Rhode Island high school students took virtual
field trip inside operating room to witness
orthopedic surgery. - Physicians and nurses addressed students and
fielded questions during surgical procedure. - Pre-operative session held, and post-operative
session planned.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 66
67Internet2 - K12 Applications
- The Visible Human
- Virtual anatomy
- 2D high resolution images today, 3D in
development - Database at supercomputer for visualizations
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 67
68Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Brain Morphology
- Biomedical Informatics Research Network
- NIH initiative
- Collaborative environment for biomed health
care research - www.nbirn.net
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 68
69Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Remote Microscopy
- U-M scanning electron microscope can be used from
SEGP classrooms - Start video
- John Mansfield operating the North Campus XL30FEG
from the middle school computer classroom at
Emerson School, Ann Arbor.
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 69
70Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Teachers Domain-WGBH
- Multimedia resources for classroom and prof.
development - Nova Earth video segments
- Images from NASA's Earth Science Enterprise
- Voices, events, images from Civil Rights movement
- Start Video
71Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Research Channel
- Consortium of research universities and corporate
research divisions - The C-SPAN of scientific and medical research
- Conventional TV broadcasts plus on-demand video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 71
72Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Multimedia Papers
- Truman Presidential Library
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 72
73Internet2 - K12 Applications
Remote Instrumentation
Distributed nanoManipulator
Mauna Kea Observatories
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 73
74Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Tele-excavator
- Excavation backhoe operated remotely over
Internet2 - Used in hazardous rescue situations
- Sophisticated two-way feedback using
stereovision - North Carolina State University
- CARL.ce.ncsu.edu
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 74
75Internet2 - K12 Applications
- Looking at Data
- About Us
- Individuals 2000 census data
- Visualization of geodata
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 75
76Internet2 - K12 Applications
Immersive Virtual Spaces
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 76
77MegaConference Jr.
Internet2 - K12 Applications
- www. megaconferencejr.org
- Start Video
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 77
78- Teleconferencing
- A social space of the future
- Available at MITC
79Why High-performance Networking on MichNet and
- Access high-performance applications and the
commodity Internet - Explore new teaching and learning applications
- Collaborate with others in the education,
library, research, and non-profit community - Experience commodity Internet performance
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 79
80For More Information
- http//www.merit.edu/
- http//www.internet2.edu/
- http//k20.internet2.edu/
- jimmoran_at_merit.edu
- Merit Network Connecting People and
Organizations Since 1966 Slide 80
81 Questions...
Slide 81