Enmity part 2 etc - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enmity part 2 etc


... represents the first four beasts (kingdoms) of Daniel 2 ... The dragon, the beast and the false prophet are counterfeiting the three in one of the Godhead. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Enmity part 2 etc

Enmity part 2 etc
  • Russell Williams

Dragon (Paganism)
The Beast (Papalism)
False Prophet (Lamb-like beast)
The Roman Catholic Church
United States
  • The dragon in its raw form represents the first
    four beasts (kingdoms) of Daniel 2
  • In Revelation 173 John refers to each kingdom
    as heads, and in Daniel 73-7 talks about the
    four beast powers to arise and carry out the
    agenda of Rome.
  • The first four kingdoms are in Daniel 2 of the
    image the fifth head is the papacy the sixth
    6th the united States.
  • There are three phases of Rome
  • DRAGON Open alliance (the first four kingdoms)
  • BEAST The Roman Catholic church
  • 3. FALSE PROPHET Lamb-like beast (United States)

  • These three phases are divided or categorized
    into 7 heads...the kingdoms that will be
  • used by Satan to accomplish his agenda.
  • Revelation 177-10 The 7th head is a
    combination of the dragon the beast and the false
    prophet also the 7th head of Revelation 131-5 is
    the papacy, paganism baptized in
    Christianity....the spirit of devils...mystery
  • Isaiah 1412-14 apostate Protestantism (Satan)
    has accomplished his boast now he just has to
    sell it to the world and cause us as SDAs to
    merge See Great Controversy page 49/50
  • We see this in the Catholic church and with the
    US its easier because they are protestants
    lamb-like beast (US) one of its horns...it has
    influenced so much that we now have 9 out of 10
    of their books for example the Alpha course from
  • Rev 1613,14 when it talks about the false
    prophet this is the United States ...the spirits
    of devils...to gather them this is the workings
    of demons...sincere or not they are still being
  • Rev 1616 the third phase is to bring the
    whole world to spiritual Armageddon
  • Satans target is Gods church see Isaiah 1412
    Isaiah 22 and Psalm 48
  • When it is fulfilled, phase three (the false
    prophet0 he will crucify Christ again, what
    Israel did to Christ Great Controversy page 508

  • Early Writings page 259 those who rejected the
    first message could not be benefited by the
    second message. Paul also refers to this as
    receiving strong delusion (2 Thessalonians
  • So NOW is the time to prepare as the Sunday law
    is when we turn in our papers.
  • 3 phases
  • 1st phase Daniel 1130 is taking place from
    Great Controversy page 508 Chittim
    representing the vandals attacking pagan Rome
    from the sea and bringing Western Rome to its
    knees...thats how the papacy was to rise return
    and have indignation
  • 2nd phase Rome is returning now but not as
    pagan Rome but as papal Rome and having
    intelligence with them that forsake the holy
    covenant Bible aligning themselves with the
    papacy, returning with her so that she can gain
    control of the world again through her doctrine
  • Between the two phases the Roman church receives
    her deadly wound again of Revelation 133 in
  • - 3rd phase This phase has now been set aside
    for the next phase which is the lamb-like beast
    of Revelation 1311 the United States. The pagan
    agenda is to pass of the false for the true a
    counterfeit of Christ.
  • So what took place between 508 and 538 is to be
    repeated exactly to counterfeit Christ and it
    worked very well...

  • As we are have now moved into the third phase
    Satan now needs to counterfeit the Holy Spirit
    more closely...the false Pentecost...through
    various means such as the speaking in tongues.
  • Thats why we are Laodicea.
  • The sixth head of Bible prophecy influences the
    whole world we were born into this influence
    Revelation 1312 the false prophet is now doing
    the work to influence the entire world to worship
    the composite beast.
  • Those who are saved EG White says will be few,
    poor and unpopular
  • The history of Adventism is important as Satan
    uses it to set up the third phase and use it to
    oppose the church at the time of the end.
  • This history began in 1798 Napoleon I won the
    war and the papacy was wounded see Revelation
    133, 10
  • The leader of the Jesuits was behind the French
    Revolution set up in 1768 see Great Controversy
    p234 the Jesuit order states that there isno
    disguise to difficult to assume
  • The Mormons, Jehovahs Witness, the League of
    Nations that became the United Nations was
    brought about by the Illuminiti which is
    Jesuitism, which is controlled by Rome.
  • The false prophet the United States is doing the
    work of Rome...the woman riding the beast
    (Revelation 173).
  • Before 1798 Rome was ruling for 1,260 and during
    this time (Revelation 218-20) all the
    characteristics of Jezebel were set up...

  • At the end of the Dark Ages God raised up a
    people up that function like the true church
  • Millerites (true) were raised up and beside them
    people that werent Gods people were raised up
    they represented the false prophets but God gave
    the true people more light.
  • It was prophesied that Christ would come in
    Daniel 925 here are the two classes the Elijah
    of God and the false prophet 1st time Jesus
    time 2nd Millerites and NOW is the 3rd and final
    time...we are at Mount Carmel now...there have
    been two altars set up, even here in the present
  • Moravian is a ministry Just like the people
    went to John the Baptist at Jordan to be taught
    then they went back to the leaders it is the same
  • Matthew 2131-39 The parable of the heir was
    representing Jesus being crucified and prior to
    that John the Baptist (the servant) Christs
    Object Lessons page 293.
  • In 1844 Christ was coming the second time, thus
    representing the fire upon the altar...if the
    fire was received he would have come in your
    heart...if not the false prophets work is so
    effective you werent benefited by it. Satan does
    through the beast (Papalism).
  • How can God dwell in your heart? No many cometh
    to the Father but by me Jesus see John 146
  • The order is important
  • 1. The Dragon...Paganism
  • 2. The Beast...Papalism
  • 3. The false prophet...Lamb-like beast

  • For example, the sacrifice in the Garden of Eden
    told Satan that Christ would come...he knew a
    system would be set up for sacrifices ... So
    Satan created a counterfeit sacrificial system
    sacrifices which then became Christianised
    paganism (the papacy).
  • When Christ removed His sacrificial system
    Pentecost to a new phase, the Holy Spirit, the
    law being written in their hearts Jeremiah 3133
    (see Acts of the Apostles page 44) and in 1798
    Satan did the same thing by changing from
    paganism to Papalism.
  • The Son of God is Christ Satans son is the man
    of perdition the antichrist which is Papalism (2
    Thessalonians 23-7).
  • The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus and Gods
    throne is established in righteousness Gods
    throne is in Christ so that the Father can
    dwell in your heart...Satan wants Gods throne
    Isaiah 1413.
  • In the Garden of Eden by setting up a lie
    Satan got the throne but Jesus will get the
    throne by telling the truth. So why do we need
    the Holy Spirit? To put the truth in our heart
    (mind) so that only God can control your mind and
    He alone will sit on the throne.
  • The false prophet of Revelation 1311, the
    United States is counterfeiting the first beast
    to cause the whole earth to worship the first
    beast papal Rome (see Revelation 1312). 2nd
    beast from 11 introduced to cause the whole earth
    to worship the first beast (papal Rome).
  • Early Writings page 56 Satans counterfeit is
    cause the whole earth to worship the first
    beast...papal Rome the doctrines of the false
    churches are the doctrines of Rome see Great
    Controversy page 50 it is ...false religion.

  • It is the false prophet of the United states its
    horn of Protestantism that Seventh-day Adventists
    will and are accepting the Papal system of
  • Daniel 124 this Increase of knowledge is Christ
    coming into the heart but only the hearts of the
    wise virgins...this is an antitype of the fire
    from Mount Carmel when Elijah made his altar to
    the Lord.
  • TRUTH OR PRESENT TRUTH? Noah true story on the
    flood in the Bible but will this prepare you for
    what is to come? NO ...the flood has come and
    gone, what we now need is the present truth
    application for what the time of trouble ahead
    (see Evangelism page 196)...the work of the false
    prophet is to talk about merely truth and not
    present truth, which is what we see and hear in
    our churches today.
  • Spiritualism was first established in the Garden
    of Eden when the serpent Satan said to Eve ye
    shall not surely die.
  • Spiritualism...the dragon (Paganism)....soul
    does not die...goes to heaven see Great
    Controversy page 588.
  • Apostate Protestantism is the world
  • Satans deception is so strong that all classes
    of people are taken care of either through
    atheism with business men and woman who due to
    intellect wont accept God or through the false
    prophet (apostate Protestantism).

The Image of God
  • In 2 Corinthians 318 - glass converted to mirror
    in Great Controversy page 676 - the glory of
  • the Lord is beheld.
  • 2 Corinthians 46 - in the face of Jesus is the
    reflection of God but it is God we see in the
  • mirror.
  • Hebrews 1 - the express image of God (Jesus) God
    in the image of Jesus is God - God in
  • Christ in Adam - Satan changed the thoughts of
    God in man (in Eve...then Adam) Adam lost the
  • image (sin) Satans thought in man and man was in
    Satan...Satan's thoughts represent the
  • dragon ...ye shall not surely die (spiritualism)
    - paganism
  • Sabbath showed the completion of God's
    word....come unto me...rest unto your
  • of Him the light of His glory...the knowledge of
    God in Christ (A T Jones 1888).
  • The dragon, the beast and the false prophet are
    counterfeiting the three in one of the Godhead.
  • The dragon in the beast is the dragon of the
    beast speaks like the dragon - the image to
  • the beast is set up at the Sunday law...the work
    will be completed in man at the Sunday law...man
    will speak and act like the dragon if we are not
    sealed in Christ.
  • Hebrews 4 - never entered into the rest...God's
    law completed into the heart of man. Entering
    into God's 'rest'- search the rest....
  • His name is the Sabbath... that will be written
    it is the therefore the seal of God is in your

  • The latter rain seals the grain..intellectually
    and spiritually settled into the truth so that
  • you cannot be moved...every position of truth
    that we now hold we will be tested.
  • knowledge patience...in your patience possess
    ye your soul (Luke 2119).
  • What is Gods character? Revelation 18 God is
    the Alpha and Omega....we can be settled in the
    truth because we are established in the truth and
    have assurance that despite everything God is the
    beginning and the ending.
  • The principles of righteousness by faith - David
    was an adulterous, murderer etc.
  • When Nathan told David the story of the lamb (2
    Samuel 12) the Holy Spirit prepared Him for the
    revelation he had righteous indignation (or
    resentment) against the rich man who took the
    poor mans little ewe lamb. There was already an
    enmity in Davids heart against the wrong that
    Satan had put there, which resulted in Psalm 51.
  • Jesus illustrates this in parables and we have
    this righteous indignation when we read parables
    such the parable of two debtors - one with much
    and one with little the prodigal son...the one
    that went out, the one that stayed home - the
    unrighteousness of the brother coming home to be
    restored...we are like that naturally we can see
    the enmity against wrong.

  • So it is not merely teaching righteousness by
    faith but do we see the lamb in the teaching that
    gives us the grace to be changed once we are
    aware of our situation?
  • Righteousness by faith is often taught through
    analyzing the situation but not telling you how
    to get the righteousness...(read it in EG White
    the story on David and Nathan).
  • Nathan was a 'faithful witness' as he showed
    David the grace...the way out of his sin...no
  • It is not merely presenting truth. For example,
    King Saul when he went to the witch of Endor and
    his death was predicted this was truth as he had
    exposed himself (read in EG White).
  • The truth can kill you in the wrong hands....just
    like in King Sauls situation.
  • Jesus said a bruised reed shall he not
    break...the gentleness...the smoking
    flax...Christ's presence will not cause even the
    smoking flax to go out see Matthew 1220..
  • The condition of Laodicea - you are naked,
    wretched, blind we are rich and increased with
  • Laodicea like the Pharisees...we have arrived and
    know it all. God wants us to be like the
    Publican (Luke 189-14).
  • 2 classes of people in the church - the Pharisee
    which represents the seed of Satan...self-exaltati
    on...(the daily). The publican admitted to his
    condition, Mary Madelenge too, admit, see and so
    we need to see the good (the lamb)...the lamb
    which taketh away the sins of the world (John

  • world.Righteousness by faith must lift up the
    Lamb...learn at the feet of the lamb to learn
  • this message. 'Behold the restorer' Christ is the
    restorer...merely desiring it
  • Psalm 51 - 1 to 3 combo...he saw the
    restorer...not merely what it is, what Laodecia
  • Alpha and the Omega - the time is
    fulfilled...urgenance is brought to view...he is
  • establishing belief, faith, fear (respect) and a
    trust at the revelation that He loves
  • us and this leads us to search our own
    heart...the revelation of Christ will cause the
    true repentance.
  • Special resurrection - 7th plague - Rev 1617-19
    ...5th plague the darkness that
  • Rev 1617- the voice of God wakens them up
    (special resurrection) v18 that destroys
  • Babylon into three parts... v19 disunity
  • 5th plague Rev 1610 - wake up 'spiritually'
    realisation that they are lost....Michael
  • has stood up and probation has closed ...for SDA
    Rev 158 same Dan 121
  • Rev 161-9 plagues are for Babylon
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