Scientific Foreknowledge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scientific Foreknowledge


Title: Ontological Argument Author: Yeo Oon Chye Last modified by: Yeo Oon Chye Created Date: 3/15/1999 11:58:24 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Scientific Foreknowledge

  • Scientific Evidences of the Bibles Inspiration
    by Bert Thompson (Apologetics Press)
  • Ready with an Answer by Dr John Ankerberg Dr
    John Weldon

About Cosmology
  • The first verse of the Bible is a scientific
    statement In the beginning God
    created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 11)
  • Five fundamentals of science
  • Beginning - Time
  • God - Cause (or force)
  • Created - Action
  • Heavens - Space
  • Earth - Matter

About Astronomy
  • The size of the universe cannot be measured
    (Jeremiah 3136-37)
  • The stars cannot be counted (Genesis
    155, 2217, Jeremiah 3322)
  • Different variety of stars
  • There is one glory of the sun, another glory
    of the moon, and another glory of the stars for
    one star differs from another star in glory. (1
    Corinthians 1541)

About the Sun
  • Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its
    circuit to the other end And there is nothing
    hidden from its heat. (Psalm 196)
  • Two scientific facts
  • Part 1 does not refer to geo-centricity, but to
    the suns own orbit in space that takes 220
    million years to complete
  • Part 2 reveals that the sun is the source of heat
    and energy

About the Earth
  • The Shape of the Earth
  • It is He who sits above the circle of the earth
    (Isaiah 4022)
  • He drew a circular horizon on the face of the
    waters, (Job 2610)
  • When He prepared the heavens, I was there, When
    He drew a circle on the face of the deep,
    (Proverbs 827)
  • Contrary to popular beliefs that the earth
  • was flat, not spherical - for many centuries

About the Earth
  • He hangs the earth on nothing. (Job 267)
  • The earth is not supported by anything -
    contrary to several popular myths at that
  • A foreknowledge of the presence
    of gravitational force

About the Earth
  • Geologic Formation
  • How mountains and rivers are formed
  • He putteth forth his hand upon the rock he
    overturneth the mountains by the roots. He
    cutteth out rivers among the rocks
    (Job 289-10)
  • Erosion
  • But as a mountain falls and crumbles away, And
    as a rock is moved from its place As water wears
    away stones, And as torrents wash away the soil
    of the earth (Job 1418-19)

About the Earth
  • Oceanic reservoirs
  • He gathers the waters of the sea together as a
    heap He lays up the deep in storehouses.
    (Psalm 337)
  • The atmosphere
  • Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain,
    And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.
    (Isaiah 4022)

About Physics
  • Conservation
  • Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host
    of them, were finished. . . . God ended His work
    which He had done (Genesis 21-2)
  • You alone are the LORD You have made heaven,
    The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The
    earth and everything on it, The seas and all that
    is in them, And You preserve them all.
    (Nehemiah 96)
  • Also affirmed in Hebrews 13, Isaiah 4026,
    Ecclesiastes 314, 2 Peter 37

About Physics
  • The Bible tells us of the cessation
    of the act of Creation
  • Nothing now being created anywhere in this
    universe (Dr Henry M Morris)
  • God preserves His creation - His laws in nature
    dictate that matter and energy may change form,
    but they cannot be created or destroyed
  • Confirmed by the First Law of Thermodynamics -
    energy nor matter cannot be created or destroyed

About Physics
  • Entropy
  • You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation
    of the earth, And the heavens are the work of
    Your hands. They will perish, but You remain And
    they will all grow old like a garment (Hebrews
  • For the heavens will vanish away like smoke, The
    earth will grow old like a garment, And those who
    dwell in it will die in like manner (Isaiah
    516) - also Psalm 10226

About Physics
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics
  • Increasing entropy in the universe -
    going toward disorder,
    unstructured, disorganised -
  • Galaxies dispersing
  • Earths rotation is slowing down
  • Fuel for the Suns energy decreasing
  • Murphys Law, etc
  • Decay (growing old) is everywhere around

About Physics
  • Light
  • Where is the way to the dwelling of light?
  • And darkness, where is its place, (Job 3819)
  • By what way is light diffused? (Job 3824)
  • Facts discovered by Sir Isaac Newton
  • Light is described here as something that has a
    source and transmitted - popular belief was that
    light was instantaneous
  • Light is known to be capable of diffused and
    divided - as in refraction, diffusion

About Physics
  • Atoms
  • But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in
    the night, in which the heavens will pass away
    with a great noise, and the elements will melt
    with fervent heat both the earth and the works
    that are in it will be burned up. (2 Peter
  • A hint of radio communications
  • Can you send out lightnings, that they may go,
    And say to you, Here we are!? (Job 3835)

About Oceanography
  • The birds of the air, And the fish of the
  • sea That pass through the paths of the
  • seas. (Psalm 88)
  • Literally roads, pathways for travellers
    in the seas
  • The wind goes toward the south, And
  • turns around to the north The wind
  • whirls about continually, And comes again
  • on its circuit. (Ecclesiastes 16)
  • Existence of wind patterns (meteorology)

About Oceanography
  • Matthew Maury (1806-1873), a US Navy officer and
    a believer in the Bible, inspired to research
    into Psalm 88 and Ecclesiastes 16
  • Found and plotted wind circuits and
    ocean currents, and is considered
    the founder of oceanography
  • Psalm 88 inscribed on his tombstone

About Oceanography
  • Have you entered the springs of
  • the sea? Or have you walked in
  • search of the depths? (Job 3816)
  • Depth (or recess) a reference to trenches in
    the deep - how would Job know in his days about
  • Discovered as late as 1873 - trench in the
    Pacific Ocean was about 9 km deep - too deep for
    people in Jobs time to know

About Hydrology
  • The Water Cycle
  • All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is
    not full To the place from which the rivers
    come, There they return again. (Ecclesiastes
  • The Mississippi river dumps 6,052,500 gallons of
    water into the sea per second! But Solomon knew
    the sea would not be full, but would return
    again - the water cycle

About Hydrology
  • Concept of the water cycle not understood
  • till the 16th-17th century, but Bible writers
  • like Solomon and Amos knew them long ago
  • For He draws up drops of water, Which distill as
    rain from the mist, Which the clouds drop down
    And pour abundantly on man. (Job 3627-28)
  • Who calls for the waters of the sea, And pours
    them out on the face of the earth (Amos 96)

About Hydrology
  • He binds up the water in His thick clouds, Yet
    the clouds are not broken under it. (Job 268)
  • Also with moisture He saturates the thick
    clouds He scatters His bright clouds. (Job

About Hydrology
  • The Hydrologic Balance
  • If the clouds are full of rain, They empty
    themselves upon the earth (Ecclesiastes 113)
  • For He looks to the ends of the earth,
    And sees under the whole heavens, To establish
    a weight for the wind, And apportion
    the waters by measure. When He made a law for
    the rain, And a path for the thunderbolt,
    (Job 2824-26)

About Biology
  • since He gives to all life, breath, and all
    things. (Acts 1725)
  • Experiments to create life by spontaneous
    generation - the Holy Grail of atheistic
    science - met with constant failure
  • Known to be impossible to Paul
  • Reproduction to be according to its kind
    (Genesis 111, 12, 21, 24, 25)
  • Crossing-breeding of different classes of life
    impossible - only understood in recent times

About Biology
  • All flesh is not the same flesh, but there
  • is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh
  • of animals, another of fish, and another
  • of birds. (1 Corinthians 1539)
  • Bio-chemical make-up is different
  • Fact accepted by even evolutionists
  • How did Paul, a gospel preacher, know such a
    biological fact?

About Medical Science
  • For the life of the flesh is in the blood,
  • (Leviticus 1711 - also Genesis 94)
  • That blood is essential to life not a known
    medical fact till recent centuries
  • Bleeding was a form of medical treatment
    because blood of the sick thought to contain evil
    vapours - hence need to rid the body of the blood
  • George Washington was bled to death

About Medical Science
  • And I will put enmity Between you and
  • the woman, And between your seed and
  • her Seed (Genesis 315)
  • Until recent centuries, common belief was
    that only man possesses the seed of life
  • Women considered to be incubators -
    even suggested that placing mans
    seed in warm mud could do the trick

About Medical Science
  • He who is eight days old among you
  • shall be circumcised, (Genesis 1712)
  • Prothrombin produced by the liver essential for
    blood coagulation to prevent haemorrhaging
  • Triggered by Vitamin K which is produced in a
    newborn between the 5th and 7th day
  • Hence, 8th day is about the earliest for
    circumcision if the newborn were not to risk
    bleeding to death

About Medical Science
  • . . . many hundreds of workers who laboured at
    great expense over a number of years to discover
    that the safest day to perform circumcision is
    the 8th. . . we can almost hear the leaves of the
    Bible rustling. . . to remind us that 4000 years
    ago, God initiated circumcision . . . Abraham
    did not pick the 8th day after many centuries of
    trial-and-error experiments. It was picked by
    the Creator of Vitamin K. (Dr S.I. McMillen,
    None of These Diseases)

About Medical Science
  • Psychotherapy Principles
  • A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a
    broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 1722)
  • Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness
    to the soul and health to the bones. (Proverbs

About Health Science
  • Numerous laws concerning hygiene and good healthy
    practices - many only recently understood by
    medical science
  • Archaeologists have not found any other
    civilisations that could compare with Israel in
    their knowledge of hygiene and health

About Health Science
  • Laws on hygiene (Leviticus 13-14)
  • Complex and comprehensive for a civilisation in
    that age
  • Sanitary disposal of human waste (Deuteronomy
  • The Black Death was a consequence
    of poor waste disposal
    (microorganism from waste to rats
    to humans resulting in the dreaded

About Health Science
  • Classification of clean and unclean food
    (Leviticus 11)
  • Eg pigs are scavengers - more prone to acquire
    and pass on diseases and parasites, especially in
    times past when cooking may not have been very
  • Eg poisonous fishes often do not have scales
  • Eating of blood forbidden (Leviticus 1712-14)
  • Eating of animals that died naturally forbidden
    (Leviticus 1715)

About Shipbuilding
  • And this is how you shall make it The
  • length of the ark shall be three hundred
  • cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height
  • thirty cubits. (Genesis 615)
  • Noahs Ark - the largest water vessel on
    record until 1858
  • Ratio of Noahs Ark 3053 - discovered to be
    the perfect ratio for vessel of sea-worthiness
    (stability) (but not for speed)
  • Ratio used for cargo vessels in WWII
  • Where did Noah get his experience from?
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